Kim Jiwoo, You're Under Arrest!

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Another day had rolled in. Another day in which Hyunjin practically dragged herself off her bed, groggily walking to the bathroom with eyes closed in the clothes she wore to work the day before. Her life had been thrown into disarray by Heejin's death; she barely ate, barely worked, barely spoke, barely slept. She would spend her days standing still, looking at the floor, while her mind wandered, and her nights crying under her covers, still wearing the clothes she wore outside. Hyunjin did not bother to change out of the dirty clothes or shower. She would only force herself in the shower, once she could not bear her own smell and when her hair got so oily she could not hide it anymore. 

However, today was different from all the others. Hyunjin had taken the day off, got up from bed without much struggle when her first alarm rang at six and went straight into the shower. She took her time to soak her body in the warm water, lather herself up with her lavender body soap with eyes closed, imagining it was Heejin that was rubbing her back. She imagined them growing old together, sharing a small apartment with nothing but the basics in, as they spend their mornings taking breakfast in bed, getting up at their own pace and showering together, before going out in town and shopping for the essentials, taking a walk under the sun, and returning home to prepare food together. Not only that, but she imagined them going on dates at museums, art galleries, the beach, hiking, camping, but also spending quiet times inside their apartment during the cold days of the winter; reading books and watching movies over a warm cup of coffee, tea, chocolate. Her imagination was all that she had left, and a tear ran down her face. The realization that she would never be able to experience any of this with Heejin had yet to settle within her, though her absence was clear enough for Hyunjin to feel this gut-wrenching feeling.

Today was different. After a quick breakfast, Hyunjin found herself on the road. The sun was out already, casting it's dangerously hot beams all over. Hyunjin thought such dark days should not be sunny, but gloomy and rainy. The universe must be mourning for the loss of Heejin alongside her, right? It must be. It is not often that the world lets go of such precious people. 

"Alright." Hyunjin mumbled to herself, reaching to press the doorbell. With a bouquet of flowers and a box of freshly baked pastry, she stood outside the door of Heejin's family house in Daejeon. Her hands were trembling and sweating, and she could feel a lump at the back of her throat. 

Hyunjin never imagined herself meeting Heejin's parents in such circumstances. She would usually daydream a large table, full of delicious food, and the two of them seated right in the middle hand in hand, while Heejin's parents happily chatted along, welcoming their second daughter to the family. Nothing prepared her for the state of Heejin's parents, their weak bodies, running noses, and black eye bags. Hyunjin could not believe it when they both fell in her arms, the box of pastry and flowers she was carrying, scattered on the wooden floor. They knew who she was, of course they did. Heejin would never stop talking about her. 

"I-I'm..." Hyunjin staggered, taken aback by the warm embrace. She had yet to introduce herself, yet was met with such way, it almost felt like they knew each other since forever. 

Heejin's mother bawled into her shoulder, gripping at her black button down shirt, while her father reassuringly spoke into her ear. "It's okay, you don't need to say anything. We appreciate you came here." she patted her back and quickly gained his composure, taking his wife's hand and slightly pulling her back, so that they could greet their visitor.

Hyunjin's eyes pooled with tears and her arms remained open, as she looked at the two grieving parents in front of her. Without helping it, a sad smile curled on her lips and she sobbed, being the one to hug the pair now. Something felt right when in their embrace. Maybe that is what Heejin would have wanted.

Nearly two hours away from Daejeon, Haseul was stationed in an undercover car, waiting for backup. The team had managed to find Kim Jiwoo's location late the previous night, and today they would finally begin their arrest operation, as well as the rescue of their co-worker, Ha Sooyoung, who seemed to be held hostage. With a cigarette in hand, Haseul looked outside the car window and down the road. The building the team had marked as Kim's hideaway, was an old orphanage, that had been shut down due to lack of funds fifteen years ago. And it made sense, thought Haseul, with all information Son Hyejoo had provided. Kim trapped Ha in their shared past, within the rotten walls of the orphanage they both grew up in. Kim Jiwoo was a psychopath, who was obsessed with a woman, that never acknowledged her — not when they were kids, nor now as adults. The woman's lust had driven her into doing despicable things, such as murder and abductions, all because she needed Ha to fall for her, even for just a moment.

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