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Clay walked down the street with sweet sounds of nature in his ear and a hop in his step. Today was a good day. He practically leapt out of bed, his pillow was cold all night and he managed to make toast and a coffee perfectly. No burnt, no bitter, no bad vibes in sight. He was in his own little world, walking past bakeries and library's, taking in the little secluded town he currently called home.

Suddenly a feeling slithered up his back, so he stopped abruptly in front of a block of flats, counted five seconds and then stepped two paces to the side. Right on time, a piano smashed into the pavement just next to his feet. He flinched and smiled in amusement as a grumpy black creature flew down to walk next to him.

"Poor Grim, you were so close this time!" He said mockingly, studying the mess of broken piano the sky had vomited on the pavement.

"Ugh! How can you dodge a falling piano?!" Grim replied, slouching their shoulders in defeat.

"I'm not a cartoon Grim," Clay giggled, walking away as townsfolk stared to arrive at the scene.

"Why noootttt??!" Grim groaned, jogging to catch up.

"I mean it's not like I'm just going to let you kill me, imma make it as hard as possible, obviously."

"UGH!! Why can't you just die! Because then I will pass my test and then I can show my dad that I can finally be trusted and then-"

"Yeah yeah, save me the speech," Clay chuckled with a bored expression, turning into the local park.

Clay sat on a swing but Grim stayed outside, flabbergasted by the rudeness they just experienced.

"Hey! If your dad was THE Grim Reaper: King of the underworld, Prince of darkness and not to mention the scariest dude in existence, then I don't think you'd be laughing."

"Wait, how is he the King and the Prince? What are you then?"

Grim gave Clay an exasperated sigh for his lack of care, "currently I'm a turd on the bottom of his shoe. One of the really sticky ones that you can't get rid of but seems to make a mess everywhere."

"Mmmm. Nice metaphor. Really paints a picture," the human shot the demon a sickening smirk.

"I'm done with you," Grim reported but proceeded to follow Clay and sit on the neighbouring swing. The pair sat in content for a while, allowing their thoughts to consume them.

Suddenly, Clay started laughing.

"What?" Grim snapped, still annoyed that they failed their mission again.

"It's just- I just can't believe you tried a- a piano," Clay cackled breathlessly.

"Ha very funny," Grim said dryly, waiting for Clay to stop mocking.

Clay calmed down after a while, sighing deeply as he caught his breath. "I apologise, I know you're trying your best."

"Oh, bog off Clay," Grim jokily pouted. Then they got an idea. "Do you know how awkward it is to go home at the end of a day with you?" They stood up abruptly and made a point of putting their arms into their ebony cloak to resemble a bigger demon back in the afterlife. Mimicking a deep, gruff voice, Grim began their show, "Look! Look! Here comes Reaper's kid! Hey Grim! You still working on that one human? Haha!"

Receiving little feedback from their audience, they stood still and hummed a fanfare, putting on an elderly persona, "Here ye, here ye! The disappointment has arrived! Everyone, please stop and stare and whisper rumours at your neighbour."

Clay sniggered. Grim smirked in subtle triumph.

Then they pulled their arms out and crossed them, changing to a snotty high-pitched voice. "There's that kid what's-their-face. They're so annoying but damn, they're so hot," Grim moaned, sliding their hands down their body; making Clay burst into fits of laughter again.

Grim also wheezed and fell on the floor at their own form of dark comedy but still managed to scold Clay, "Hey! This isn't funny, it's my life bitch!"

Clay looked over at the weird demon who had broken the afterlife's law and spoken to him instead of killing him 2 weeks ago and couldn't help but smile. It's weird. Two people supposed to be killing each other somehow became... friends? While lost in thought, Clay failed to notice that the laughter had stopped and that the friends were now staring at each other. Clay looked down awkwardly and Grim took the hint, turning the other way.

"Well," Grim said, standing. "That was fun, thank you. I best be off."

Clay smiled, "Oh yeah. Try not to let too many girls hit on you, huh."

Grim chuckled weakly, leaving the park.

Clay gulped and let go of a breath he was apparently holding.

"Remember what you're doing Clay. Stop being stupid." 

Heyyyyyyy! Author here! Please feel free to leave as many comments as you would like, I love hearing feedback, positive or negative as well as your thoughts and opinions. If you like this story, give it a vote and follow me to see more!

Sorry I know I sound like a YouTube creator from 2015, I promise only this chapter-author-comment-thing is this formal.

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