They go to the unknown

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They reached a country. They asked the people which country it was then the answer was manglosiya. They did not understand what they were talking about. So they followed the men. The men led them to a house then those men closed and locked the girls inside. Ziana take a candle out of her bag and lighted it the other two girls followed her. Then suddenly a ghost appeared it said "I am the hungry ghost give me all your properties or I will fry your skin, boil your bones and bake your flesh

.ziana just laugh. then the ghost said " why are you laughing ." for that ziana said " when I know myself that I am going to die, the only thing we should do is laugh ." the ghost threw its costume and hugged Ziana. It was Ziana's friend from her school: Nora. Then Ziana asked why she did that she said all about her journey when she was caught by the same pirates. Then they left the house.

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