All the way to wonderland

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t midnight 12:00 there came

The alarm. She woke up to see her sister and father fast asleep. so she opened the door and started waking thought a path then she lives In a forest for few days so in there she made a small mud house .meanwhile Diana and her father were searching her high and low .far and near .but did not get her ." Where must she be" they thought .they waited for many days and then lost hope. But Ziana was enjoying her time in the forest she cared for the animals in the forest by feeding them and even sometimes brushing their teeth with brushes made of sticks. Then she realised it was time to go to wonderland and search where is the wonderland she waved goodbye to the animal friends and went. Ok stop this is a scary part if you are brave enough then continue reading then after walking a long distance from the forest Ziana was tired she drank some water from the bottle .them she set off again. After a couple more distances she realised that she was caught in another deep forest where there was a witch house .that was a bit scary but Ziana was almost too faint she was scared a lot but she wanted to go to the wonderland which made her more courageous she had no choice but to go in.

Ho! No!

Ho! No!

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