Meeting Elena

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Hey everyone here's the next chapter for this story Thank you Descendantsfan03 for letting me use Little Mal in this story, and I hope you enjoy. If you do vote and comment 💖. Oh one more thing this takes place while Mal and Tessa are living with Georgie in Adventures of Living With A Four Year Old. Again hope you enjoy.

Did not proofread

"Come on girls Elena must have stole her mom's phone because she is driving me nuts and most likely won't stop until we get there." Georgie says as she puts on Pumpkin's and Mira's vest. It was another ordinary enough day in their lives. And they were finally use to having Mal and Tessa around, but they usually never went anywhere with them since they been mostly going to work.

That's why they were surprised when Tessa says, "Hey Georgie can Mal and I go with you guys today." Georgie looks at her dogs cocking one of her eyebrows at them. both dogs shrugged in confusion as they didn't know why Tessa wanted to take Mal to the children's hospital, "Tessa do you remember last time Mal went with me to the children's hospital she ran off. And why would you want to bring her anyway." Georgie asks in confusion as the children's hospital wasn't exactly a place for healthy children. She hated taking Mal the first time.

"Because Mal needs to socialize with other kids." Tessa starts but Georgie interrupts her, "Tessa sick kids aren't going to make great ones to socialize with. Why don't you take her to the preschool with us tommorow those kids are her age, and are just as sweet Mal would love it." Georgie says as Tessa shook her head, "Mal refuses to step into a preschool she had a very bad bully and that's why she's not actually going to preschool and Evie is homeschooling her."

Tessa says as Georgie nods in understanding, "I still don't think this is a good idea. There are not many kids she can meet that are completely okay with it as most of the kids don't like visitors other then family and I." Georgie explains. "What about Elena she seems to like kids and you talk about her a lot I bet Mal would enjoy meeting her."

Tessa says as Georgie sighs, but nods, "Elena would be thrilled to meet Mal, but she watches that movie Descendants all the time. Just be ready to explain why Mal is younger than she is." Georgie says making Tessa chuckle, "I'm use to it by now. So I'm guessing you're okay with us going." Tessa says as Georgie nods, "Of course I am. Now we should probably go. Because speaking of Elena she is blowing my phone up." Georgie says as she starts going to her car, "Come on Mal we're going on a ride" Tessa says as Mal nods as Tessa picked her up.


At the Children's hospital Georgie walks in immediately seeing a brown Chihuahua with some kind of vest on, "Hey Shiloh." Georgie says looking at the dog before chuckling at the brown lipstick on the lower face of the dog, "What did Elena do to you pup?" Georgie asks as Shiloh rolls his eyes.

"What did she do to you?" Mira asks her brother who sighs "You know that movie Descendants that Elena keeps talking about well after about the fifteenth time of watching it she got the worst idea ever and decided to make me look like the dog Dude. She even found me this vest. Now I'm trying to hide from her for she doesn't try to make my ears lie flat which isn't physically possible."

Shiloh says shaking his head making both of Georgie's pet's laugh, Almost forgetting Mal was there. "You took Dude's vest." She says as Shiloh quickly shook his head, "No I didn't this was in a costume closet. Elena's friend Emma did some alterations to it, and now I have a vest. Let's start over again, "I'm Shiloh, Mira's brother, and Elena's dog, and apparently her test subject."

Shiloh says to Mal who looks at him confused before hearing a voice call his name, "Dude where did you go?" Elena call out as Shiloh groans, "For the last time my name is Shiloh not Dude!" Shiloh barks out to Georgie who shrugs I warned you." Georgie says with a laugh as Elena came rolling up in her wheelchair heeding to a stop for she wouldn't run over Shiloh. "There you are Dude let's finish your makeover."

Elena says excitedly as Shiloh shook his head directing his gaze to Georgie for Elena would get sidetracked, "You asked for Georgie, you got her now leave me alone." Shiloh tells Elena who looked over to where Georgie Tessa and the purple haired four year old stood. " Miss Georgie you came!" Elena says excitedly as Georgie rolls her eyes.

"Yeah I did, because otherwise you would have kept driving me nuts. Plus I did promise you and Shiloh I would visit soon. Things just got a bit busy." Georgie says as Elena says before looking over to Tessa and Mal, "Who is that." Elena asks as she met Tessa a few times now, but she definitely hadn't seen the purple haired girl before. "Oh right Elena you remember my best friend Tessa, she's Evie sister and this is Mal." Georgie says as Elena looks at her in confusion.

"Your pulling my leg Mal is supposed to sixteen probably older by now! She's not supposed to be younger then I am." Elena says as Mal groans as every kid seemed to think she was older than she was, and she was getting tired of explaining. "Auntie Tessa?" Mal asks as Tessa laughs and explains to Elena why Mal was younger then in the movie.

Elena looks at Tessa in confusion before nodding, "Oh okay. I think I understand now." Elena says after Tessa finished explaining she then positioned her chair to Mal, "Hi Mal I'm Elena and I'm pretty sure you met my dog Shiloh." Elena says to the little girl who was hiding behind Tessa's leg. "Mal say hi." Tessa says as Mal walked in front of Tessa, "Hi I Mal and I'm this many." Mal says to Elena who chuckles. "Nice to meet you." Elena says as Mal eyes her wheelchair.

Elena quickly notices and rolls her chair back a bit, "Oh um... I bet you're not use to wheelch..." Elena started out as she knew lots of young kids who didn't like her wheelchair, but was surprised when Mal's eyes light up. "You have one one of those wheely chairs!" Mal exclaims making Elena look even more confused as she look to Georgie and her pups before looking back at Mal. "Yeah I have a wheelchair..." Elena says uncertainly as again usually young kids did not like  wheelchairs even Pumpkin didn't like it at first.

"Can I wide it I always wanted to wide one they wook so fun!" Mal says excitedly making Elena look to Georgie and Tessa. Tessa quickly looks to Mal and says, "Sorry Mal but you can't. It's a very important piece of equipment and Elena needs to use it." Tessa says quietly as Mal, " But I wanna wide it." Mal says looking like she was about to cry. "Elena quickly gets an idea though, "Miss Tessa can Mal sit on my lap and ride. I wouldn't mind it." Elena says as Tessa thinks for a moment and nods as that was a good compromise.

"Yeah if you don't mind it then it's fine with me." Tessa says before looking to Georgie, "Don't tell Evie I let her do this." She whispers as Georgie nods, "Don't worry I won't." She reassured as Elena went to Mal.

"Hey Mal how would you like to watch a movie in the playroom? I have all kinds of Disney movies around, and you can even ride in my wheelchair with me Mal." Elena says as Mal looks up happily, "Do you have Fwozen?" Mal asks excitedly as Elena laughs and nods, "Yeah we have Frozen now come here and sit on my knee okay." Elena says as Mal nods, "Otay Mal says getting on Elena's knee. "Alright Mal hold on." Elena says starting to go to the playroom where one of the TV's were the two adults and three dogs following behind.

"Well that went better then I expected." Georgie says as Tessa nods, "Yeah Elena is so sweet. I didn't know how they react to one another but it did seem to work out." Tessa says as Georgie nods, "Yeah it did. Now I have to go visit some of the other kids do you think you can handle these two for an hour and forty- nine minutes."

Georgie asks Tessa who nods. "Yeah I can I'll meet you in the waiting room once the movie is over." Tessa says as Georgie nods. "Sounds good. Pumpkin, Mira, come on we got works to do." Georgie says as three dogs follow her as Shiloh says, "I'm coming with you I'm not watching that movie again." Shiloh says making Pumpkin and Mira chuckle as the three follow Georgie.

The two young girls got the movie started as they get comfortable Mal on a chair. Tessa watches them watch the movie. She was glad Mal could make a new friend and was glad Elena was so much like Georgie. Mal needed a friend like that during this hard time.

Elena looks around she loved this movie and that she made a new friend. Even if she was still a bit confused on how Mal was younger then her, but that didn't matter, as long as Mal was happy and she happy which they were as they watched Mal's favorite movie, and Elena's second favorite movie.

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