Who are they?

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Cristiano and Angel are just two college friends who met through mutual friends and hit it off right away. They were the kind of people that can joke around with each other and not take anything to heart. There is something there that their friend Felicity can see but no no no, that's not going to happen anytime soon. You see, Angel had been in a serious relationship for 3 years and Cristiano has never been in a relationship other than crushes on him. He never took one look at any girl to be honest which Felicity thought was probably because he was becoming a church pastor. 

Cristiano is from England and Angel is from Australia. They both study surveying at the University of Otago which they also have in common. Cristiano doesn't really like surveying and Angel is trying her best to finish it so she can go back home. Angel has always thought that finding a boyfriend after her ex would be so easy as she always mocked Felicity about, but turned out, she wasn't so right in her comment. Cristiano has girls on the down-low, not that like that...get your mind out of the gutter! 

They are so funny and dumb at the same time. They sit at the link at the library and study where everyone walks past, there is absolutely no silence there so no one knows if they actually consolidate any information or they just sit there to talk and look at the opposite gender. Felicity would visit them and they would do absolutely nothing but talk and make fun of Felicity's lack of love in her life. Angel couldn't talk though because she also didn't have any love in her life and Cristiano, well he's just another proud loner on the outside because probably he's got someone already. 

Anyway, these two friends have the best friendship and the kind that doesn't have to be tested every day to know if it's true. They could be separated by the ocean as they are from where they're from, and they will still remain the best of friends. They find happiness through their own personal hobbies, making fun of Felicity and now, making fun of Cristiano's new "friend" who everyone knows is more than just a friend. They understand each other and one can wonder if they actually talk about deep topics other than just the fun topics of everyday life like school and crushes. Felicity does wonder if they even know each other's favorite colour or favorite song which should come up once in a while when sitting at the library people-watching. 

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