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mario steps out the shower and drys himself off heading to the room were suprisingly his hot bf markiplier is laying down on his phone whith his shirt off. his pecks glising with sweat "were you working out marki" mario says "yeah babe,and im gessig you took a shower huh" mark says with a smirk in his tone. mario started to blush he forgot he was completly naked under the towel. he felt his member getting hard and started to get all hot mark could feel the tenshion in the room between him and mario. mark sits up and tuns to his now horny bf and starts to walk over to him and noticed his rock hard memeber. mark and mario started to make out and mark starts to trail kisses down marios neck down to his chest. mark gets down on his knees and removes the towle arout his waist that was badly hiding marios hard memeber and starts to suck. just then luigi princess peach and jackseptieye walk in "OH HOLY FUCK WE ARE SO SORRY" they all say in uinion as they leave the room for mario and markiplier to finish 


marioiplier one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now