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high atop his fiery throne.

A BUTTERFLY'S METAMORPHOSIS depicts rebirth, a brilliant renaissance of life from its sheltered prison once called home. Although the lifespan of a butterfly is short, it is defined in its beautiful yet unassuming nature— meant only for the shallow admiration of elegance and allure. The transformation from a lowly caterpillar to a fair butterfly is one of celebration and glory.

Yet, that is all the butterfly stands for.

It's beauty beyond expectations withers and perishes within a few mere weeks. The beauty of one's own appearance doesn't change the fact that their status as insignificant creatures that litter the earth. Pathetic, almost— these fluttering insects spend their short, uneventful life being admired for their appearance but once life of these beings cease, they are forgotten.

Shallow admiration, trivial impressions, insignificant comments— that is all humans are capable of admiring before their attention is stolen away by the next materialistically beautiful thing. It reveals humanity's own shallowness; of vanity and of human worth. If a butterfly's beauty or ability cannot reach the expectations of others, then what good is it?

Worthless, utterly worthless.

FRESH RIPEN-GRAPES and the smell of aged dandelion wine permeated the air near Angel's Share.

You scrunch your nose in distaste at the strong smell, frowning as you enter the empty tavern with one intention and goal in mind— to see Diluc. However, only silence kept you company as you explored the vacant bar with idle thoughts. Your eyes glossed over each and every wine bottle shelved safety behind the bar, admiring the organization of vintage to cheap wine.

I wonder if Diluc will be here tonight. You grimaced, recalling your sister's suggestion to speak to him. 'He would be delighted,' Jean said.

"Looking for someone, Lady?"

You jumped at the sudden voice, pivoting around on your heels to see the bartender, Charles standing by the doorway with a wooden box full of booze in arms. A fleeting instant of disappointment crossed you, having expected it to be Diluc who would've walked through the doors of the bar.

"Oh... Charles, do you need some help?" You greeted him with a slight smile, arms extending out to the middle-aged man in order to aid him.

Immediately, Charles retracted, pulling away from you. He shook his head, laughing heartily. "No, no... Lady, someone like you needn't occupy yourself with something like this. Master Diluc would never allow it."

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