Chapter 3: First day as a knight

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"What! You want to make that hellbent beast my bodyguard?!" Kiyoshi yelled angrily at his father. "Yes, I feel you can keep an eye on him and keep him in control, but that isn't the only issue I'd like to discuss with you. The demon prince has vanished. They believe he left of his own volition, " Hideyoshi says, looking up at Kiyoshi from his spot behind his desk. "So that's why you'd like a demon to serve as my bodyguard. Do you believe I'm too weak to take on one of those infernal beasts? " Kiyoshi gives his father a cold stare. "That's not what i-" Kiyoshi cut his father off. "But it's what you thought, isn't it? You know what? Whatever, if you want that horn head as my knight, great, but know this: when it's time for me to battle, I'll be the one defining myself and this land, not some hellbent demon! " He screamed at his father before storming out, slamming the door behind him. "Like I need a bodyguard," Kiyoshi mutters before making his way to the knight's quarters, walking in and seeing knights resting, some talking, but quickly getting quiet when he walks in. "You, where is Jigoku?" Kiyoshi points to a random knight who looks at him confused. "Who?" He asked, being confused. "The Demon Knight." Kiyoshi clarifies that the knight looks less confused. "Oh yeah, he's getting checked out by the medic in her office," the knight answers. Kiyoshi quickly mutters thanks as he walks away toward the medic's office. Kiyoshi knocks before entering, seeing the medic getting down supplies. "Is Jigoku here?" When Kiyoshi asked, the medic opened their mouth to answer before a voice interrupted. "Who's asking?" the voice asked. Kiyoshi's face became hot, just like in the cell, but he kept his cool."Where are your clothes?" Kiyoshi asks, knowing his face is already slightly red. "Well, prince Kiyoshi, most people don't shower with their clothes on," Jigoku says as he stops leaning on the doorframe and walks toward Kiyoshi, brushing past him and towards the medic. Kiyoshi follows him with his eyes, turning around to look at Jigoku's back, now seeing two open wounds. The medic got to work quickly. "What are those wounds from? I didn't think that knight stabbed you anywhere but your tail," Kiyoshi says, examining them as Jigoku sits on a stool. "He didn't; these are from my wings," Jigoku said before a groan of pain made its way out of him as the medic cleaned the wounds. "That was a waste. You didn't even use your wings, "Kiyoshi says as the medic waves him over. "Will you help me wrap these wounds?" the medic asked, to which the prince nodded and the demon stood. Kiyoshi stood in front of Jigoku, face-to-face with his chest, as the medic and Kiyoshi started to wrap the medical tape around Jigoku's chest. "It's called intimidation, Kiyoshi." As Jigoku towered over Kiyoshi, as the prince was cutting the medical tape, he glanced up at Jigoku, who was staring down at him. Kiyoshi slapped the roll of tape on the demon's chest."I guess you're not very good at that," Kiyoshi says, walking to the door he came in through. Kiyoshi says, "I'll be waiting outside when you are done, and please put some clothes on before stepping out here," leaving Jigoku smirking slightly.

Jigoku emerged from the medic office a few minutes later, fully clothed, to find Kiyoshi waiting for him by the entrance. "So Prince, what do you require of me?" As he closes the door behind him, Jigoku inquires. "Grab whatever you have and follow me," Kiyoshi adds as he looks up at Jigoku, who is nonchalantly putting his hands in his pockets. "Lead the way then," Jigoku asks, and the prince looks perplexed but nevertheless continues to lead the way to his chambers. "So where are you taking me, Prince Kiyoshi?" Jigoku inquires as he follows him."The king has assigned you to your new chambers as my knight." Kiyoshi answers, causing Jigoku to look at him curiously. "So you need-" Kiyoshi interrupted him by coming to a halt and spinning around to face him. "I'm not in need of anything. My father merely asked that I keep a close check on you. " Kiyoshi snapped at Jigoku, to which he looked the prince up and down. "Whatever, so where is my room?" Without missing a beat, Kiyoshi opens the door they were standing in front of. "This is where you will be staying. My room is right across the hall, "Kiyoshi said," to which Jigoku smirked, "So I'm getting special treatment?" Jigoku asked with a cocky tone. You're not getting special treatment; you're still a knight like the rest of them. You're just my knight because you can't be trusted. Now get settled in. There will be guards outside your door and window, so I hope you like the room because you'll be in it until morning, "Kiyoshi said with a petty smile as Jigoku glared at him before slamming the door in his face. "Annoying bastard," Kiyoshi says softly as he walks away.

The tired demon groaned and stirred in his king-sized bed as sunlight shone through the window onto his face. As he sat up, the silk sheets slid off his naked chest. His shaggy hair was ruffled from the previous night's restlessness. As he sat there staring around the strange room, his sleek tail gently patted the bed. The prince arrives through the door, his blonde hair put back into a short ponytail, a well-fitting purple shirt with brown slacks, and his green eyes fixed on the demon still sitting on the bed. "Oh, you're still in bed; you should get out of bed and dress. Here are some new outfits that might be more suitable for you." Before his eyes drifted across the bed, the prince sat with a perfectly folded pile of clothes at the end of the bed. The prince shifted his gaze quickly to somewhere else. "Don't worry about making the bed. The maids will clean the room while we are gone." The prince says before exiting, leaving the demon alone in the room once again. Jigoku's gaze was stuck on where the prince stood before him. He couldn't explain it, but something inside him stirred every time the prince looked at him. He shook his head, clearing his mind again before getting out of bed. Stretching his stiff body, hearing multiple creaks, he scratched at the bandages around his chest as he walked to his bathroom, stopping and looking at himself in the mirror, his gaze tracing over the scars that were scattered over his chest and arms. He stared with a slightly angry expression before turning around, his back now facing the mirror, the scars continuing onto his back, the bandages wrapped around him soaked through with blood. He began to rip the bandages off, revealing two new scars where his wings grew, with dried blood around them. "I need a fucking shower," Jigoku mumbles, throwing the bandages in the trash. Stripping the remaining clothes he had on, he entered the shower, turning the water on and letting the now warm water run down his back, washing away the dried blood while relaxing his tired muscles.

Kiyoshi waits impatiently by the door, "What's taking him so long?" Kiyoshi mumbles, a few seconds later the door opens revealing Jigoku his red-ish brown hair slightly wet, "Finally. I dont know how you're gonna train with your hair in your face. You look like a wet dog." Kiyoshi says beginning to walk down the hall Jigoku shutting his room door and following him. "I beat that knight with my hair down," Jigoku replies with a cocky tone to which Kiyoshi rolled his eyes. " Just grab something to eat and meet me outside, make it quick im tired of waiting for you," Kiyoshi says annoyed at Jigoku's overconfident attitude as he left Jigoku inside, seeing the knights already heading towards the training grounds. "Hey, where's the hell beast?" One yelled out toward the prince. "Getting breakfast now get to training and mind your business." The prince yelled back just as Jigoku walked out finishing the bagel he picked up. "Get out on the field now," Kiyoshi says to which Jigoku listened by following the other knights to the field, where they lined up facing where Kiyoshi stood in front. "Alright we are going to be sparing, so pair up with the person beside you. We are only sparing not fighting, no powers or elements." Kiyoshi said the last part glancing toward Jigoku. The knights faced one another taking their stances. "Begin." The prince commanded them as he walks past most of the pairs that had now started, some already taking down so, of their partners, Kiyoshi glanced over toward Jigoku and his partner, seeing that Jigoku had his opponent pinned and not letting him up. Kiyoshi sighed and made his way toward them. "Let him go." He ordered and the knight was released by Jigoku. "Now try and pin Jigoku," Kiyoshi ordered the knight but the demon quickly pinned him again. "Let him go, you are meant to be learning from each other not showing how you are better than one another," Kiyoshi explains as Jigoku lets him go again, this time facing the prince. "Then put me up against someone that can teach me something," Jigoku said with a cold tone as he stared down at the prince before him, Kiyoshi turns toward the knight. "You go spar with someone else." He ordered the knight before turning back toward the demon. "You come with me," Kiyoshi says grabbing one of Jigoku's horns dragging him to an opposite training field.

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