Chapter 4: Fight for the truth

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As he scowled down at him, Jigoku swatted the prince's hand away from his horn. "What's up with your arrogant demeanor? Do you believe you are superior to us elves?" Kiyoshi inquired, his arms now crossed over his chest. "I've already defeated one of your knights, so yeah, I'm feeling very confident," Jigoku says, crossing his arms. "Beating one elven knight isn't something to brag about." Kiyoshi observes, "Well because I beat him up, your father appointed me as your bodyguard." According to Jigoku, a sneer appeared on his face, and Kiyoshi stared daggers at the overconfident monster in front of him. "I told you I didn't need a bodyguard, especially one with a prince as cowardly as yours. What prince, after all, abandons his realm in the midst of a war and allows one of his "best" knights to flee?" Jigoku's grin faded as Kiyoshi completed his thought. Jigoku spat back at Kiyoshi, who looked astonished. "I- The prince is far from being a coward," Jigoku said. "You ran away from Andawarud and yet here you are defending that cowardly prince's honor, I don't know if you noticed but you are now a knight of Hithlum and a pretty shitty one at that," Kiyoshi says to Jigoku, who is visibly becoming agitated. "Prince Omo is no coward, and he, like me, had a legitimate cause to depart, but that is my business, and you should mind yours." Jigoku's arms were uncrossed his fists clenched by his sides. "Well, I think leaving your kingdom in need is a cowardly move, and I believe your business is now my business seeing as you are my knight and that you still can't be trusted," Kiyoshi said angrily, Jigoku's tail lashing back and forth behind him, his knuckles almost white from how hard he was clenching them. " I AM NOT A COWARD!" Jigoku screamed at Kiyoshi as he realized what he'd just said, and Kiyoshi gazed at him, wide-eyed, as he processed what he'd just said. "What did you say?" Kiyoshi was growing increasingly wary of the guy who stood in front of him watching his fists unclench. "I said he-" the prince interrupted Jigoku. "You said "I" as in you, so who are you?" Kiyoshi inquires, his arms dangling at his sides. "Im Jigoku Tsunagu, that's a dumb question." Jigoku is becoming agitated. "Stop telling lies!" Kiyoshi screams at the demon, seizing his horn and drawing him closer before moving his hair off of his face for the first time, revealing his face. Kiyoshi was taken aback by the stranger in front of him. "You're prince Omo of Andawarud," Kiyoshi says, his surprised expression quickly turning to rage.

Omo reached up, grabbing ahold of Kiyoshi's wrist, "Let go of me." Omo says, his pricey red eyes staring up at the now angered prince, Kiyoshi lets go of his horn before kicking the demon in the middle of his chest, causing him to fall backward onto the ground. Kiyoshi steps on Omo's chest, looking down at him, "All you demons are the same. Lying, thieving, disgusting hell beasts." Kiyoshi spat out like venom as he stepped on the chest of the demon, causing Omo to grab his ankle. "I have reasons for my lies," Omo growled, pushing Kiyoshi's foot off his chest and getting up. ¨I just can't believe I talked my father out of killing your sorry ass, I could have ended this war yesterday, but I won't make the same mistake again.¨ Kiyoshi says, taking a fighting stance, as realization washes over Omo's once-angry features, "Wait, you're telling me, king, Hideyoshi was going to kill me?" Omo inquires, his face befuddled. "What? Did you think he'd just let a demon into Hithlum like that?" Kiyoshi said before stepping forward and kicking at Omo's head, to which he caught Kiyoshi's leg by the ankle and pushed it away as he moved away from the other prince. "I'm not going to fight you," Omo stated However, he obstructed. "However, I'm not going to let you just beat me." He finished before Kiyoshi attacked again. "That's great news, makes it easier to defeat you." Kiyoshi spat, an angry storm brewing within him. He was furious at himself for being duped by a demon he had assisted. All of his training rang in his head as he fought the demon before him. Kyoshi ran toward Omo before sending multiple kicks to Omo's larger frame, one of which hit Omo's knee, causing him to stammer back a little before falling Omo opened his mouth to say something but was quickly shut again from a kick to the jaw by Kyoshi, Omo fell on the ground spitting out blood before flipping over facing Kyoshi. "Will you pause and pay attention?" Omo attempted to reason with the enraged prince. ¨Why should I believe your lies?" Kiyoshi asked looking down at the demon on the ground with one harsh stomp to the ground Kyoshi used his earth elements causing dirt to rise and wrap around Omo's wrists and ankles, holding him down. ¨I want to help.¨ Omo said almost a plead as he tried pulling his arms and legs free with no luck. ¨You can help by letting me kill you.¨ Kyoshi said before vines wrapped around the demon's throat, Omo gasped for air. ¨W-what if w-we combined o-our king-kingdoms.¨ Omo choked out, past his gasps for air. The vines and dirt released his throat and limbs, letting him shoot up, coughing and gasping for air, His face was slightly red from the lack of oxygen.

Kyoshi's expression shifted from rage to surprise. Somehow, a demon desired the same thing he did: to end the war and bring the kingdoms back together.¨Even if I believe you that we can do it, how would we go about doing it?¨Kyoshi inquires, looking down at the demon. Omo was able to sputter out after calming his gasps and coughs.¨I-I'm not sure, but I believe we can.¨ He said this while looking back and up at the prince, his hand on his now-red-lined neck. Kyoshi sighed and approached Omo, offering his hand to help the demon up.¨ You've persuaded me for the second time.¨ Omo grabbed the other prince's hand, and Kyoshi yanked him to his feet. ¨But if this is another lie, I promise you I'll kill you right here where you stand.¨ Kyoshi said, returning to his solemn demeanor, to which Omo simply nodded. ¨You will need to conceal your true identity until the appropriate time comes.¨ As he turns around with his back to Omo, Kyoshi says, "May I tie my hair up in your presets?" Omo inquires, causing a light blush to appear on Kyoshi's face. ¨Go ahead and put it up if you feel compelled to, only when you are alone or allowed in my presents.¨ Kyoshi says while walking away, ¨Go grab something eat before heading to the knight quarters for the portal squads, we will be training again tomorrow so be ready.¨ Kyoshi orders Omo before leaving him on what he now knows as the field where he was beaten by an elf and a cute one at that. Omo thought as he watched the small frame of the prince disappear into the castle.

Omo staggered out of the doctor's office after being bandaged. Damn that short shit can fight, he thought as he walked down the corridor to the knight quarters, where Omo was looking over a list of patrol squads. What exactly is it? Do you think you'll join us on patrol? Looking at Omo, a haughty knight remarked, Well, given that I am a knight here, I believe I am. Omo responded while still looking at the list. We're not looking for hellhounds, so your name won't be on there. The insult causes the entire room to burst out laughing. Oh, no, that's not why am I looking through the list I'm just looking for the name that will go on your gravestone. I'm guessing your name is Okina Atama. Your parents must despise you for having given you that name.¨ Omo gave the knight a devilish grin before leaving the room, leaving the knights stunned and surprised at the demon's arrogance. Omo thought to himself, "I despise them, stuck-up knights," as he walked into his room, locking the door before collapsing on the soft, now-made bed, passing out from the painkillers given to him. The demon awoke with sunlight shining on his lightly tanned skin, just like yesterday morning the demon woke with sunlight shining upon his lightly tanned skin but unlike yesterday he had woken up early this morning, he lazily got up throwing on a new set of clean clothes, fuck mornings the words rang in his head while his body made its way to the kitchen, coffee was needed before he had to deal with the unneeded training today, Omo leaned his back up against the counter coffee already placed on the counter by the maids, he grabs a cup taking a sip of the dark liquid his tail swaying happily from the strong taste, small steps came down the stairs, Omo's gaze shifted to the doorway to the kitchen just in time to see a nappy-headed Kiyoshi walk in, Kiyoshi looked just as surprised as Omo was to see the other person, ¨Well good morning prince nappyhead.¨ Omo said taking another sip of his coffee, ¨Coffee?¨ Omo asked gesturing to the coffee set out. ¨No I prefer tea.¨ the tired elf said as a maid walked in with his premade cup of tea. ¨Hmm classy, anyway what's the training going to be like today.¨ Omo asked almost choking on his coffee at the prince's reply. ¨We'll be training with our Nokoribi, going out on a patrol, practicing departing, rejoining, and formations.¨ Kiyoshi went over the training routines. Did you say Nokoribi, the elven war cats? Omo inquired. Kyoshi raised his head from his tea. Even with the demon's hair covering his eye, Kyoshi could see Omo's eyes sparkle with excitement, causing the elf to smirk. ¨That's ironic because I thought you demons were dog people.¨ The prince's statement made Omo groan. ¨But, yes, I'm referring to the war cats. First, we'll need to get your armor, which has been made, so it appears that I'll need to get ready before we leave. Kyoshi says as he put down his cup before leaving.¨ Would you mind telling me where the Nokoribi are, if possible?¨ Omo inquired, his voice holding the slight twinged of hope only getting a laugh from the prince.

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