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"This nice baby but you sure it was necessary to travel 2 hours?" I said looking at the menu. "Connie said don't ask to bring klover so sure tonight I want it to be a memory"

I nodded at his nice gesture grabbing his hand, "you okay you look nervous boy" "yeah i am nervous..been dating for a while and can't help how beautiful you look every time"

'He better stop for i rio this dress off' I thought smiling

"Stawpp you so cute making me smile"

Klover was supposed to come but the weather was getting bad and I rather not drive far with her in the car. "I was thinking about dyeing my hair black.. who like white hair?"

"Umm me it's unique and soft keep it"

Kashi pov

After the waiter brought her food I watched her eat thinking about her future. "You okay?"

I nodded looking at her worried eyes, "yeah but I asked you how you felt about getting married at a early time"

"I told you kash love have no time.. I know your a great guy" she laughed putting her fork down "why? You gonna propose or some?"

I laughed getting up digging in my back pocket to grab the velvet box. "Kash you serious?" She said covering her mouth.

I laughed getting on my knee, "yeah I didn't want to wait another year to make you mines y/n"

She fanned away her tear to not mess up her make up making me laugh. "Your so amazing and kind, everyday you make me happy to wake up and support you and klover"

I grabbed her hand holding it, "so please let me make you my beautiful fiancé lady... I'll be here til I die"

'Not long huh' I thought

"Yes kashi, yesss" she said hugging me not caring about her makeup.

Was it selfish for me? Who know if I would even make it to her next birthday...yes I'm very selfish.

Y/n pov
"I said im a fiancé bitchhhh" I yelled before hearing Sasha and Claire yell into the phone. "Congrats hoe!"

After I hung up I looked over at kashi before thinking. "Hey who you asked for blessing?"

He smiled shaking his head, "that's a secret lady for a different time" "come onnnnnnn I wanna know for i say no"

I laughed because it wasn't happening.

What Connie was go think about this? Will he even talk to me?

"I know that face your worried" he said pulling up to the house. "Well yeah.. just thinking how I don't have nobody to walk me down"

I noticed kashi eye watered a bit before he got out the car to open the door. "Hey what's wrong?"

"Just yawned let's go celebrate shall we lady?"

Connie pov

"Yeah he asked her tonight" I laughed pouring Jean a shot. Sasha was sleeping in the room with Claire and klov. "So if you didn't want her to marry him why you gave the blessing"

"Kashi been a nice guy to me, brought a place for my future and other shit"

"You tripping if eren are asking for blessings for him to marry miki that's a straight no" he said in his drunk state. "Yeah but kashi last happiness is y/n..he dying"

We heard somebody drop something which was Claire making me say shit in my head. "What the hell you just said?"

"Claire please don't say anything!" "Connie she will be devastated how can y'all keep this away!"

I disagreed with him not telling her soon but why would he? It's just going to worry her how much days she have left waking up to him. "This between them Claire"

"No! If it's about my best friend then it's about me Nigga! She getting married just to find out it's not the perfect life she expect after walking down the aisle!"

Jean nodded at Claire way of putting it, "I agree but then again Claire if she find out now she going to be devastated and kashi wish to leave with a smile on her face"

Kashi was diagnosed ESRD (kidney disease)

"Connie it's not just her your daughter grew quite attach to her as well! She almost 3 Damn idiot"

Claire wasn't somebody who hold her tongue back but she needed to understand when it's about somebody relationship it's their business. "Okay who relationship is this Claire? You her best friend! Be there after but now just let her be happy"

She nodded before grabbing a shot glass.

"I might be some cold hearted bitch but if something was to ever happen to armin I would be devastated"

I nodded understanding where she came from because I can't lose y/n to death. Never seeing that person or talking to them? Yeah that's really painful when your attached.

"So what he tell you?"

"Take care of her when he gone.. he says he wouldn't mind if she come back to me" I said grabbing my chaser. "I said she wasn't but I'm not sure myself and I'm not pushing her to! If she do I'll do everything perfect this time I promise"

"Probably fucking the daylights out her right now dying ass" Claire said making us let out a laugh.

"Cold hearted bitch"

"I really don't rmb shit that happen fuck eren" Jean said throwing up a shot. "To life and kashi"

"Yeah" I said clacking my shot to theirs. "I'll check in on her tomorrow.. keep this to yourself Claire I mean it"

"Yeah pussy boy goodnight I love y'all" she said walking back.

"You and eren bag the baddest/craziest females and armin bag the ones who whoop his ass without hesitation" Jean said before laying on the floor.

"I only bagged one female she fit every category though"

Pretty lady🎀 connie x black readerWhere stories live. Discover now