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Armin pov

I sat in the room packing a bag to sleep by Connie crib until Claire stop tripping.

I turned my head towards the door after hearing it open. "Where you going?"

"Sleep by Connie place until you stop tripping over shit that make no sense"

Claire been having lack of trust in me even though I go out my way to show her she the only girl I put up with. "Don't come back"

"Mean it this time?"

She nodded so I got up bringing my bag with me. "Don't call my phone"

"But when she call your phone why you answer so quick!? You friendly as hell but fuck you bitch!"

"Son y/n!!! Your bestfriend!? That girl a sister to me"

After the first big fight she had with y/n about her constantly going back to Connie I told Claire it wasn't her responsibility to tell y/n how her lifestyle go.

Of course that took many turns in both relationships.

That day was also our first fight also, "you need to chill!"

She said hurtful words and I shared a couple with her that made her cry. I felt bad and cuddled her to sleep the whole night but it didn't get better.

Y/n never flirted with me or done anything out of line for me to agree and stop talking to her. Yes I hid my phone while texting because she asked me to not tell nobody certain things she texted me.

That led to Claire going through our messages and found out secrets y/n didn't tell her.

"I don't get how you expect us to stop being friends if she invite us both to places!"

"Okay but i be telling her I work and you still sneak to ass over there but whatever get out!"

"Man girl fuck you"

I slammed the door walking to the car, "I fucking hate you!!"

I laughed flicking her off before leaving.

Who could blame her for having suspicion about y/n? I did like her before Claire but it faded away because I couldn't like my friend girlfriend.

No matter who I'm texting at least have trust in your best friend instead of thinking she want me.

Y/n pov

"I'm in a club yeah- uh how it go?" Sasha said taking a shot.

"Wipe me downnn"

"Uh uh yall skipping and fucking it up! Please don't do that"

Eren was rubbing my stomach while we had movie night with the kids. "Sah can I have some"

Sasha looked at klover crazy and sipped her drink again, "go get ya a caprison...this go have you jumping around yo mom house"

"Go give her one please I'm comfortable"

Jean huffed because I was sitting on his stomach and eren on his legs. "You wanna lotion my belly"

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