Little Rabbit

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My lungs burn in my chest, while my heart thumps against my rib cage. I pant heavily, my legs weak from the chase. My legs run faster than before, the adrenaline rushing through my veins. I look behind for the attacker, constantly insisting that I stop sprinting. But I can't, the anticipation is too high. Run faster, they'll make you bleed for sure, make you feel every cut, bruise, and whip. I gulp, trying to catch my breath, but it seems to be dashing away from my grasp. I can't stop running... I can't.

"Little rabbit, don't worry, I won't hurt you again..." a rough voice pleads. My eyes widen, my heart beating twice every half of a second. I start to stumble, my legs won't last long... Panic and anxiety rise in my chest, making my throat close. I scream loudly, not caring about if they find me, if they torture me, or if they kill me right here and now. I stop, crawling into a corner, just waiting for my fate to appear. I hug my knees to my chest, not wanting this world anymore. This world is a cruel place, filled with people who are superior to other people. People who aren't more than just human, that kill off other humans as if they weren't human. If humanity continues, we'll be the cause of our own destruction. We will kill off all of ourselves, we will no longer rise to the superior. I perk my head up at heavy footsteps coming closer. My breath shallow now, my hand clasped against my mouth to stop from giving myself away. My heart keeps pounding against my chest, pounding louder than ever. The footsteps stop, shuffling around. My eyes close, listening to every little sound around me, the darkness engulfing my vision. I flinch at gravel crushing against the earth. I open my eyes, my attacker's face staring into mine. Shock runs down my spine, distributing from head to feet, fingertips to toes.

"I knew I'd find you," He says, his hand grabbing my chin. I whimper softly, tears rolling down my pale pink cheeks.

"P-please..." I squeak out. His thumbs wipe the tears from falling. I sniffle, hope still lingering around, even though there is none. He reaches back to his pocket and grabs something, his right hand still on my cheeks. His jaw illuminates in the little light, gritting his teeth and clenching his jaw. A swift movement put me to sleep. A deep, calming, needed, permanent, sleep...

I open my eyes slowly, my body curled into a fetus position. My legs sore from running, my mind scattered. Broken glass paints the floor, making it impossible for me to walk across with bare feet. Footsteps again. I lie back down quickly and pretend to sleep. He'll punish me for sure... The door opens abruptly, chains on the other side clinking together. His boots crush the glass, making me shut my eyes even tighter. I let out a small whimper on accident, causing him to look over. A depression in the bed means he's sat down next to me. Rough hands run through my tossed hair, my tossed, grimy, black hair. His finger runs down my cheeks, to my neck, skimming my shoulder, to my hips. I shiver, another tear rolling down my cheek.

"I know you're awake," His voice says, "I've changed, I won't hurt you anymore..."

"A-anymore?" I manage to pronounce. I sniffle, my lip quivering out of fear of this man.

"You'll be safe with me, I promise," He says. Lies. He said this last time, when he beat me until I couldn't feel my skin anymore. Until my wits were all out of line.

"Let me go.." I say softly.

"I'm afraid I can't do that," He sighs, his hands touching my body. I flinch at his touch, the same touch I wasn't hoping to feel ever again.

"D-do you love m-me?" I ask.

"Yes, very much indeed," He replies.

"I'm not happy, do you want me to be happy?"


"Let me leave," I say, gaining courage back into my voice.

"I told you, no!" His voice booms. I curl up tighter, bracing myself for a hit. My breath shaky, squeezing my eyes shut, but to my surprise, he doesn't touch me. Maybe he has changed. No. This man can't change, not after what he's done, not what after he's seen. Making a run for it won't change a thing. It'll just be a cycle.

"Kill me then," I murmur. "If you want to make me happy, kill me."

"I'm not going to kill you," He replies through gritted teeth.

"Why not?" I raise my voice, sitting up, and placing my hands on his face. His hand reaches up to my wrist, holding it there.

"Because you're my rabbit, my only daughter," He says.

"Rabbits were created for prey," I snap. I can't be related to this monster. Anything but this man to be my father. My father killed my mother and himself. He's dead. I step off the bed, my feet bleeding from the shards piercing into the soles.

"Stop," He says. I continue walking, my feet leaving a trail of crimson red. I take the handle of the door in my hand and run. His boot crunch the glass loudly, he's coming. I learned from my mistakes, taking the left turn instead of the right. The sharp, transparent solid jabbing into the gashes. Shit. My footprints.

"My flower! Stop running, it'll all be fine... This will all work out if you just cooperate!" He snarls. I run faster towards the next turn. A door appears at the end of the hall. My feet long for a salvation. My breath shaky again, it draw in and out, my lungs burning and my legs burned out. The doorknob turns and open to a kitchen. I rush to look for something to defend myself with. My fingers grip something sharp, slightly cutting the inside of my knuckles. A knife. I hold it tightly waiting for the door to burst open. A bang on the door makes me jolt, the first one followed by others, until he opened it. I positioned it toward my chest, readying myself.

"No... please," He pleads with sad eyes. I bite my lip as tears roll down my cheeks again.

"The pain you have caused me," my small voice cracks, "Has broken me, how can you think of me as your flower, when all you do is pick its petals?! Or your little rabbit, your prey?!" I scream at him.

"Don't do this!" He yells.

"Let me go," I demand, my voice trembling.

"I can't," He replies.

"Why?" I start to cry, I can't feel my fingers or my body anymore, all gone fuzzy, like a broken T.V. screen.

"Because I promised your mother, to keep you safe," His eyes frantic, his body tense. My mother...? I sniffle, not wanting this anymore. If I leave, this will all go away... Everything, the scars, the flashbacks, the blood, the pain, the burden. He moves closer to me, suddenly and quickly, causing me to squeak. Now. I jab the knife into my side, making me crumple to the ground.

"No!" He snarls, running to my side. I softly close my eyes, the pain slowly dulling everything around me. He takes out the knife and applies pressure, his hands then touching my face, smearing blood over my cheeks.

"I'm free," I say weakly, before closing my eyes for eternity.

Or so I thought...

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