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A/N~ this is based off of chapter 3 4 and part of 5. Hope you like and really trying to make this a slow burn.

1634 words

Dream's POV

Schlatt told me his license plate number and the type of car he had. Pulling into an older looking diner, hungry from the long plane ride, whose car do I see. None other than my target.

Yes, this will be a perfect opportunity to get closer to him. Pulling into a spot up to the front, I hop out and walk inside. I walk to the very back and see him with his head down, his back heaving.

Is he crying or something? What a baby, whatever. I sit down in front of him and his head jerks up.

"H-hello?" I forget sometimes I have a mask on. "Hey, um are you okay?" Ah yes my amazing acting skills. I cringe at myself.

"Um yes?..well not really" I try not to groan at the tale he's about to tell me. "Do you want to talk about it?" I ask him as smoothly as possible. "Are you sure that's alright for me to do that?".

"Yeah go ahead, I've got nowhere to go" hearing it come out it sounded passive aggressive. "Okay, uh well last night I was hanging out with a guy..r-romantically. My family doesn't know anything about me being gay and whatever, so this morning I went over there, and one of my dads friend sent a picture of me kissing the guy to my dad. I had like a panic attack and my dad kept pushing me and shit and actually pushed my mom"

"I guess I'm finally calming down now". I nod and take in the story. He looked rough, his lips puffy and eyes red. "Well it's over now, maybe it's better to get him out of your life. He seemed toxic" I wasn't good with words.

"M-maybe it just hurts that he practically disowned me" I nod again, staring at his face as tears begin to swell up in his eyes.

Oh god, crying people aren't my kind of people. I stand up as he hides his face in his hands. Shuffling to his side of the booth, I place a hand on his back and rub as soothingly as possible.

Goodness, I hate people crying. My actions are a way I show my emotions or feelings. My words are not my strong suit, so I pull him closer and rub up and down his arm feeling him hiccup as his tears continued to flow.

Sighing, I decided to ask him if he wanted to hang out. "Hey do you want to go to mine or your place? It's kinda of awkward sitting in a diner crying" I laugh a little nervously as multiple gazes are seen from around the area.

"Uh- sure, we can go to my place" I knew where he lived, he was actually my neighbor. We stand up and head out to our cars, with him telling me to follow him.

"This is also my building" I laugh trying not to seem weird. "Really, what apartment are you?". "I'm XX" I tell him, already knowing his. "Really, so you were the one who moved into the apartment beside me!" He giggles pushing the 2 floor button on the elevator.

"Well, it's nice to meet you neighbor". "Oh yeah my name is George" he finally introduced himself. "I'm Dream".

He pulls out his key and unlocks his door inviting me in. I hear little thumps on the ground. Popping up from the corner, a little brown puppy comes with a pink collar. "Awe" I bend down and pet her.

"Sadie, don't go jumping all over people" she licks my mask as I sit crisscross on the floor of his apartment. Oh no, when I kill him, who will take in his dog? Well cross that bridge when we get there I guess.

Standing up and following him to his couch, I plop down and stretch. The plane really took a toll on my body. Sitting there for like 12 hours or something, really hurts your back.

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