Ms. Perfect & Mr. TroubleMaker | Chapter 2

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After 4 Months. "Y/n, don't you want to take the UA Entrance Exam now? It was supposed to be four months ago." Akami said in front of Y/n's Room. Leo looked at Y/n, who had a none expression face, "I'm going to take it tomorrow. I'm going to hang out with Leo for today." She said, and her siblings looked worried for her. They headed to the living room and sighed.

[The Next Day: 6:30 AM] {Y/n Point Of View}

I woke up by my alarm as I rubbed my eyes and yawned, "I should get to UA by 8:00. I have an hour and a half." I said and headed to my bathroom and took a shower. After taking a shower, I changed into this.

 After taking a shower, I changed into this

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I grabbed my backpack with extra clothes, shoes, phone, and charger. I kissed Leo on the head and left my room. I headed downstairs and saw my siblings in the living room scrolling on their phones, "Morning Y/n, you going to UA?" Keisho asked, "Yeah, I'm taking the Entrance Exam. How about you and Akami? Aren't you heading to your agency?" I asked, "Before patrol starts, we want to drop you off at UA." Akami said, "Well, I'm going to meet up with someone." Ryuota said, "K, it probably not be a girl." Keisho said as Ryuota flinched and left.

"Should we go now? I'm running late." As we head inside the car, we arrive at UA; as I bid goodbye to them, I head inside and meet up with the Principal. "HI Y/n Intelli!" Principal Nezu said with a cheerful tone. "Good Morning Principal Nezu." I said and bowed, "So, your Exam will start by 9:00. You can wait at my office." He said, "Uhm, Principal. Can I ask who I'll be fighting on my Exam?" I said, "It depends on your HomeRoom Teacher. You'll meet him in my office by 8:50." He said as I nodded, we headed to his office, and he told me to sit at the chair in front of his desk.

I sat there quietly, hoping that I would pass. Fifty minutes passed, and someone knocked on the door, "Come in." Principal Nezu said as a tall guy with long black hair, whole black clothes, and sleepy eyes. "Good Morning, Principal." He said and bowed, "Y/n Intelli, this is your HomeRoom Teacher, Eraserhead." Principal Nezu told me as I bent to Eraserhead, "Good Morning Eraserhead Sensei." I said, "Call me Mr. Aizawa, anyways. Should we start your Exam now?" He said as I nodded. We headed outside the school and arrived at a place with broken buildings.

"This place is called Ground Beta. This is where the Hero Course Students have their Hero Class." He said as we started to walk. I was looking around, I was about to speak, but he disappeared in front of me. "Aizawa Sensei?" I called his name, but silence answered me instead. I was looking around when I heard an Explosion. I quickly ran to where it came from, but nothing was there. I continued to walk when someone pushed me hard as I tripped. I stood up and looked behind me. I only saw a robot who looked like a human.

"Target found." The robot said, 'Target Found?!' I thought, and robots started appearing out of nowhere. They pointed their hands at me and started to shoot. I turned my body into a water but still in my human form. The bullets went through my body. They continued to hit me as they ran out of ammunition, 'Man, this is too easy.' I thought, and while they were refilling, I attacked the robots on my right side. They were buzzing because of my water.

I attacked the ones on the top of the building and shot the others on the ground. All robots were buzzing as I smirked and tied my hair, "You're not yet done, Intelli." I heard a voice behind me. I looked behind and saw All Might. I got shocked, and I turned my body into a regular form, 'Am I fighting him? Is this included in the Exam?!' I thought, and he looked at me, he formed a fist and was about to punch me, but I jumped backward and landed on my feet.

He kept on attacking me, but I kept on dodging, 'I have to think or else I'll fail.'I thought and looked at All Might. I opened my palms and pointed it straight at him, "Your Quirk won't work on me." He said as I smiled, "I know, I'm just testing you." I said, and he looked at me confused, I splashed some water on him, and he rubbed his eyes. I turned myself into an water and stayed on the ground. "Damn it! I lost her." He said and started to look for me. 'Maybe I should wait for a while.' I thought, and I waited for 30 seconds. I turned myself into my human form. I was about to punch All Might, but he dodged it, and I was in front of him. "Hiding from me, huh." He said and formed his fist again.

I just stood in front of him, and he punched me, "What?" He said and kept on hitting me. His fist passed through my face as I punched him, and he was about to grab my wrist. I dodged it and punched him, 'My punches aren't strong for him.' I thought, and I heard a few applause behind me. I stopped attacking All Might and turned around. I saw all the UA Teachers. "That's so beautiful!!" Midnight said, and I blushed. "Well, your Exam is finished. You can go home and take a rest. We'll send you your score soon." Mr. Aizawa said, "Thank you!" I said and bowed to them.

[After 2 hours] {End of Y/n Point Of View}

"So, All Might, what do you think about Intelli?" Mr. Aizawa asked All Might as the Teachers scanned Y/n's Personal Info. "She's great. She has skills. She was nervous at first; I could see it on her face, but she continued to fight." All Might said, "And took down all the human-like robots. She's the 2nd one to do that." Midnight said, "So accepted or not?" Principal Nezu said.

[After two weeks: Saturday 6:30 PM] {End of Y/n Point Of View}

"Y/n, are you ok?" Akami asked Y/n, who had been in her room ever since she took her entrance exam. "I'm fine Nii-chan, you should go and have your patrol now," Y/n said as Leo walked to Y/n and jumped on her lap. "If you say so, I'm calling Keigo to watch over you," Keisho said as Y/n didn't care.

'Did I even pass the Exam? My actions... They are not for heroes.' Y/n thought as a tear streamed down from her eyes. She quickly wiped it when someone rang the doorbell. She left her room and headed downstairs. She opened the door, and she heard. "Hey yow!!" It was Hawks on the door.

"Your brother Keisho called me. Something wrong?" He asked Y/n, "Nothing's wrong. I'm just nervous about the results I will have." Y/n said and sat on the couch. Leo walked around Hawks' legs as he chuckled. "Don't be Y/n. Everyone would be so nervous, including you and me." He said as Y/n sighed.

"Wanna go and have chicken nuggets? Kinda hungry." Y/n said, "Hell Yeah! Let's go!" Hawks said as Y/n grabbed her hoodie and left the house. They were walking in the street when Y/n received a message from Ryuota. "Don't leave the house." The text from Ryuota said. "Hey, Ryu said that I can't leave the house. Wanna order instead?" Y/n said as Hawks agreed.

When Y/n turned around, she bumped into a blonde boy with red eyes.

"Gomen!!" Y/n said and bowed.

"Tsk. Blind extra."

Ms. Perfect & Mr. TroubleMaker | End of Chapter 2

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