chapter 1

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Skipping class again? Yup. This is just something I did when everything became too much for me to handle. I would often skip class, the teachers ignore me and the girls are just a bunch of bitches. Like, yeah, I used to be friends with one of them. But then the others would always push me out of the way and hog up all of her attention. And despite the fact that I thought we were close friends, she just left me every time, not even looking back to apologize. It's like I just turned invisible. Just like for everyone else. Usually, whenever I skipped class, I would always go to this other school. I wish that I could go here instead of over there.

"Hey olive."

At the moment I was sitting in Raizen's school yard drawing while listening to music. There's this artist I've started listening to, the songs are a few years old and the singer sounds pretty young, but even so there are only a few albums out. But holy shit I love each and every one of them.


I was doing some character designs. The one I was working on was called Zayra and had a fluffy tail, black eye and relatively comfortable feminine pastel-coloured clothing.


Her hair was white with purple tips. Her eyes were a beautiful shade of turquoise, and has a heart tattoo on her left cheek.


Zayra had a pretty big under bite because of her two tusk like teeth.


I decided to give her a familiar that was a cat-

"Hey Olivia!!!" Ai snapped her fingers in front of my face, breaking me out of the hyperfixation. "Oh, hey girls. Sorry." I gave a soft smile. "Honestly, what gave you the idea of sitting out here in this heat drawing?" Mai asked. "That's so lame..." Mii added. A small chuckle erupted from my throat at the three. "I didn't notice, and I didn't have an eye on the time. I'm sorry." I apologized again. Ai simply shook her head, "it's fine. Just, like, make sure you don't boil to death while waiting for us next time. Alright?" I nodded and gave her my word, even though I would probably break it. "Anyways, you ready to head to the pool? I know the three of us are!" Mai asked and I nodded. "Yeah, I am so ready. I've been waiting all day for this." I got up and packed my art book in my bag. "... Olive, please don't tell me you skipped school." Ai said, well more like asked, sternly.

"So, when are we leaving?" I tried to change the subject.

"Olive.." Ai warned

"It's really warm today isn't it? Maybe we should get going?"

"Olivia... did you seriously skip an entire day of school just to sit her and draw while waiting for us?" Mai put a hand on her hip.

"That's so lame..." Mii sighed.

"Hey, it was only half-a-day! Okay?" I pouted. "You know, for being the most responsible out of us all, you sure do skip a lot of school." Ai stated. The other two agreed. "That's... kinda lame..." Mii said awkwardly about the tree of them. Noticing that this vibe wasn't good with the girls, I tried to change the subject. "So! You three are going on a school trip soon, right? How long where you girls gonna stay over there?"

"I think.. a week?" Ai said as she placed her index finger on her chin whilst her other hand was resting on her hip. "Yeah. About a week!" Mai confirmed. "Oh, okay! Just be sure to take care of yourselves." I said and held a thumbs up. "Yeah, you too. We're sad you can't come with tho." Ai said, only for Mii to yet again say her signature line, "That's so lame." Which caused me to giggle. "I know. I'll miss you girls. Anyways, let's get going!" Excided for the pool party, I started heading off. The three following after.

Pool party here we come!


"Hah, that was so fun!" I said as we walked out of the swimming hall, I had let out a small 'Nyeh' sound while stretching. "I agree, that was a lot of fun!" Ai agreed, carrying her bag behind her head. Mai and Mii just nodded. "Not gonna lie, kinda lame that we don't go to the same school.." Mii said. Well that's rare. "What god placed their blessing on us on a day like this? Mii actually said something other than 'That's so lame'!" The tree of us said in unison. Mii just blinked at us. "... no need to make it weird..." she looked away, blushing in embarrassment as we stared at her. "But it's so rare to hear you speak normally, even though we are your best friends." Ai commented. "Yeah, plus the fact that when you do decide to speak normally, you always use a different tone, almost makes you sound low-key attractive~" Mai teased. I only smiled and rolled my eyes as they girls teased Mii. "Okay, that's enough teasing, Mii might never speak normally again if you two continue pestering her about it." Ai and Mai both let out sad awe's as they stopped bugging Mii about it. "Thanks, Olive." She said with a sigh. "No problem, cutie~" I giggled. The three of them stopped in their tracks. "Oh wow, has someone placed a curse on you two or something? First Mii speaks normally, then Olivia flirts? What is going on today?" Ai asked Mai, who just shrugged in return. "Oh come on, Ai, it's not that big of a deal. Plus, Mii isn't really my type. I prefer tall blonds~" I winked at Ai and started walking again. As I did so, I heard how the other two started giggling before catching up to me. "Come on, Ai~ wouldn't wanna get left here riiiiight~" Mai teased as she walked backwards next to me. I only heard fast footsteps behind us before Ai had decided to come join us on our way home. "That's not fair, you can't just tease me out of the blue like that!" She blushed. "Aw, I'm sorry, but your reaction makes it irresistible to tease you!" I said in an apologetic voice and soft chuckles.

Soon we found ourselves by the station. "Well, I better get on heading home. You girls take care okay? And be careful on your way back!" I said as I jumped onto my train. They all agreed and told me the same.


"Well you are late. It's way past curfew. You know we aren't allowed to stay out past 10pm." I rolled my eyes at the voice. "No, we aren't allowed to go out after ten. There isn't any rule saying we can't stay out longer than ten. Miku." I turned around to face her. She seemed unpleased with my answer. Then again, when was she ever pleased with something I did. "Listen here, my dearest Oli-vi-a~" She spelled out my name. I hated it when she did that. Especially with that voice. "The rules are that you can not stay out past ten. Nor can you leave after ten. If you do, you will be-"

"Be what? Suspended? Hated? So what? Also, since when did you care about what I did or what I thought? Last time I checked, you hated me." I said back in a snappy tone. My reply seemed to annoy her as she gritted her teeth. "How come you still care for me then? Hm? How come you are the first one to rush to my side as soon I get hurt?"

"Simple, it's called human decency." I replied and left it at that. Then left to go to my dorm room to retire for the night.
First chapter of my new miku x reader done. I hope this turns out better than the last one. After some people's comment I felt really unmotivated to continue that's story so instead of making a half assed work that I didn't even like anymore, I wanted to try again, this time changing some things so it could hopefully be liked by many more. I will however continue making more Y/N date a live stories. Just not for Miku. Since I'm going to be spending a lot of my time working this fic in particular, I'll try posting more often. While with the others I might post every now and again while I'm planning to atleast be writing much more for this one. I can't promise that I'll post weekly or monthly but there definitely won't be like a one year break between chapters, the most might be 5 months before I post again. But that's at most.


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