2: Speed of light.

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_*Wally's P.O.V*_

       It's been a few weeks and Dick is still tutoring me. My grades have gone up a lot, and teachers aren't constantly up my ass about every little thing. Basically, in a gist, everything has gotten easier. But for some reason, something is still nagging at the back of my brain.
       It's Thursday, the 12th of November. I was sitting in the middle of math, 7th period, and stared blankly at the board. I was too busy thinking. Not generally about anything, or anyone. Just random thoughts. As I stared blankly at the board, my brain kept wandering back to Dick.

School is so boring. I thought, There's no point in it. I mean I'm usually always failing and need a tutor. My tutor; Dick. He's cute, funny, easy to get along with, and is-- wait! Back up there! I didn't realize it, but I fixed my posture. Did I just call him cute? I-I mean he is, don't get me wrong, but-- do I like him? Like, like - like him? I d--

       "MR.WEST!" I hear my math teacher yell from the front of the class. My head snaps up and I see his cold, dark gray eyes watching me intensely. "Hmm?" I humm.
       "What is the answer to the problem on the board?" He pointed a short, stubby finger at the board, and cocked his eyebrow.

       I stared at it for a second, thinking the problem out in my head. "Well?" He almost yelled it, and he sounded pissed.
       "Zero." I say confidently.
       "What?" He asked, shocked that I got it right.
       "Zero. See, because it cancels out." I got up and did the math problem up on the board for everyone to see. I was quick when I did it, too. Like lightning.
       The chalk hit the metal with a loud 'Click!' As I turned around to face the class. Everyone stared in amazement at how I could work so fast, and get it right, too! Everyone's probably suprised, because I'm usually that one kid who's failing.
       "Hmph." Mr.Wargh crossed his arms, "Probably looked it up on your phone. Sit!" I walked back to my seat with a smug look on my face.

       "Well, c--" the bell rang and everyone got up, getting ready to leave. "Homework is page 62 of the workbook!" Mr.Wargh yelled to the students leaving the classroom. As I left the classroom, I swear I could hear Mr.Wargh mumble something about me being a smartass. I went to my locker and took my sweet ass time getting my stuff.
       I hated next period. Gym. I had gym every other day (A Days) and I hated every second of it, well, besides the fact that Dick is there. Dick is nice, probably the nicest person I've met. All my other friends were kind of-- well dicks. Pun intended.

       I heard the warning bell slowly ding, and started walking a bit quicker as an instinct. I pushed the boys locker room door open, and saw that there were only a few guys there, most of them talking. I popped open my locker when I heard the gym teacher, Mr.O, yell "Let's go ladies! We haven't got all day!"
I sighed heavily as he passed by me. "C'mon West, let's go!" He barked.

       Again, only thing I like about this class is that Dick is here. I also have science, history, and music with him, but we sit far away from each other with each seating arrangement. Pulling my shirt over my torso, I began to walk out. When I pushed open the door, I quickly ran over to my spot and started doing my stretches.

       "Late, again Mr.West.." My gym teacher sneered at me as he walked by. "Alright!" The other gym teacher, Ms.Schneider yelled into the gym. "Sit! Today, we are all gonna do the pacer test!" The whole class whined, and protested, but one quick glance from Ms.S and they all shut up instantly without a second to waste. Kind of terrifying.
"Get to your starting points." Mr.O said.
       We walked over to the thin white line that went across the back of the gym, near the girl's locker room, and some of us sat down to wait for the others to finish. I stood at the line with Dick on my right, and Meghan to my left. The buzzer went off and everyone started jogging, or running.

       I kind of spaced out when I started jogging. My mind just went into oblivion. I heard the machine say after a while '82'. What?!! I thought. I looked around and everyone, except me and Dick, were watching in awe, either sitting or standing. I looked over at Dick and saw that he was sweating a ton, meanwhile I had just started to sweat, my breath barely even heavy.
       I continued on until I saw Dick leave. My score was 153, and everyone clapped, and some cheered when I finished. I bowed lazily and walked back over to Dick and Meghan.
       "How the Hell did you do that, dude?" Dick jumped up and down excitedly.
       "You're like a super hero with super-human speed!" Meghan squealed.
       Mr.O walked over "Bravo, West." He said, finally not looking like he wants to kill me and barbecue me for his family reunion picnic. I grinned and he walked away.

_ * Dick's P.O.V * _
       Meghan was right, it was like he had super-human speed. Crap! That reminds me, I have to go to gymnastics after-school! "Hey, Dick. Wanna hang out today?" Wally said, turning to face me.
       "No, can't. Sorry. I have gymnastics today. Maybe another time this week!" I smiled and ran off to the locker room, and Wally followed along with all the boys.

       I quickly got changed and packed my stuff. I texted my dad to come pick me up, and waited for about 5 minutes until he called me and said he was here.
       "Yo, Dick!" I turned to see Wally, running towards me.
       "Yeah?" I asked, giving him a confused look.
       "Can you possibly give me a ride home? My mom can't drive me today, and she doesn't want me taking the bus." He scratched the back of his neck awkwardly.
       "Yeah, sure but we need to go now or I'll be late for gymnastics, and I will blame it on you." I sassed as I started to walk in the direction of the exit.
       He nodded and we quickly ran through the halls to the exit, ignoring the teachers yelling to tell us to stop. I slid into the back seat of my dad's jet-black sports car with Wally following. "Hey, uh dad? Can you drive Wally home after you drop me off at gymnastics?" "Sure, I'll just need his adress." He said before driving off.

       He dropped me off at the gymnasium, All Star Athletics, and drove off to go drop Wally off. While I was practicing, all I could think about was Wally and his dopey smile and all of his cute freckles. Oh god I've got it bad.

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