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School was a drag yet again, I had texted Lauren saying I wanted to break up which ended in her having a bitch fit. I tried shrugging it off because she was the one who cheated on me and I shouldn’t feel bad for making her upset, but I still did. I knew it was best to cut her out of my life though.


I walked down the hallway to my next class when Justin caught up with me and slung his arm around my shoulder.


“What happened to you yesterday? Nobody saw you after you left the lunchroom.” He asked. I shrugged, not wanting to go into detail about spending time with Vic. Not that I was embarrassed by hanging out with the only gay kid in our school, it’s just that him and the other guys would be mad that I ditched them. I also kind of didn’t want to tell them that I had cried.


“Hey um, I gotta get to class.” I said and turned down a different hallway. I did like Justin, I just wasn’t in the mood to talk.




After school I had my first group therapy session since I left the hospital. Everyone who’s discharged from the hospital has to come to group therapy twice a week so a therapist can check on your progress. My Mom dropped me off at the hospital and I went inside, navigating my way to the meeting room. Right as I turned the corner I saw someone I thought I would never see here; Vic. I turned back around and pressed myself against the wall, hoping he hadn’t seen me.


“I might be a little late picking you up today, okay? I have to stop by Tony’s and pick up those cd’s, but it’ll only be a few minutes.” His voice carried through the hallway, allowing me to hear him pretty clearly. He was obviously not here for himself, so who?


“That’s fine.” I heard another voice, who I wasn’t familiar with, answer. It was a guys voice, maybe a boyfriend? I hope not. Wait, it’s not like I care if he has a boyfriend or anything! I barely know the guy, plus it shouldn’t matter to me anyway!


My thoughts had distracted me and when I heard footsteps nearing me, I panicked. My plan of hiding from Vic was not that well thought out. He rounded the corner and I kept my head down, praying he wouldn’t see me.


“Hi Kellin.” He said and I looked up at him.


“Um, hi.” I replied. Maybe he won’t ask why I’m at the hospital? If he does I can always just say that I was visiting my sick… aunt? I don’t know, anything is better than the real reason.


“How’s it going?” Vic asked and smiled. I just had to be blunt and tell him I was busy, it’s not like he would get offended or anything. But what if he did?


“It’s fine, uh, but I’m kind of in a rush. Sorry.” I apologized.


“That’s alright, I’ll see you around.” He smiled once again and strolled down the hallway. I raced over to the meeting room in hope that I wasn’t late. I opened the door and slid in, trying to go unnoticed. I took a seat in the circle of chairs set up, a few people glanced at me, but otherwise no one said anything about my arrival. I could tell I wasn’t the only one in the group who didn’t want to be attending this meeting, most of the others were sitting with their arms crossed and slumped in their chairs.


I recognized the therapist as the woman who I talked to right before I left the hospital, Dr.Nelson. The room was silent, I think she was waiting for someone to start a conversation but she was quickly realizing that no one was going to speak up.


“Ah Mike, why don’t you introduce yourself to get the meeting started? We have some newcomers that don’t know anyone here.” Dr.Nelson called on some boy I didn’t recognize. It was easy to tell who it was she called on because one boy at the other end of the circle straightened up and cleared his throat.


“I’m Mike, I got out of the hospital for the eighth time three weeks ago for depression. I think I’m doing better than before.” He sighed. The way he said everything sounded rehearsed, almost like he’d been saying it for his entire life. It just reminded me that everyone in this room is just another sad story, including me.


“Kellin? Would you like to go next? You’re one of the newest in the group.” I didn’t want to share why I was there, it was none of these people’s business. I took a deep breath, preparing myself to say the words out loud. I don’t even think there’s something wrong with me, doctors do,

“I’m Kellin, I’ve been out of the hospital for less than a week. It was my third time staying due to anorexia.”


So I've decided to try and update more frequently but shorter chapters because that's easier for me. I updated yesterday but I'm on spring break right now and I have free time so here's another chapter :)

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