coffee shop

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a week has passed since marios first started working at his new school. 

he was sitting in a somewhat quiet cafe. it was so quiet you could hear the coffee beans being mixed in a paper bag, you could hear the delicate clicking sounds of the keyboard. the whole place had a good vibe. 

the bell rang meaning that someone has entered the cafe. 

and there he saw her again, a beautiful woman with long, silky, blonde hair. he knew it was her by the way she walked, it was different. 

irini made her order and sat next to the window.

 "she looks so beautiful in that beige sweater," he thought. 

marios finally decided to walk up to her and maybe even exchange numbers with her. he was so nervous but just decided to brush off that feeling and act confident as he usually does when he's nervous. 

"hey, you're the teacher I bumped into last week right? I'm marios" he smiled brightly at her.

"I'm irini, nice to meet you marios" she sat a bit closer to him showing that she is interested in him. "oh, by the way, I'm sorry if I seemed rude last week, I was a bit pissed off because of some stuff" irini scratched the back of her head feeling guilty about last week 

"it's ok, everyone has bad days' he smiled at her once again. 


                                                                       somewhere in the cafe 

"ugh look at him trynna get with irini" laughed a girl with her friends. 

"does he even know that she has 4 children AND a husband," the girl asked, staring at the two lovebirds. "well clearly not, I mean come on, look at him" the other girl stated. 

the group sipped on their drinks and continued talking about the teachers.


                                                                         at mario's house 

marios opened the door, the keys made a clinking sound while he was locking the door (safety reasons) he made his way to the living room where his son was playing video games. 

"all right son, you have to go to sleep now, it's way past your bedtime," said marios as he took his son's controller away.

"ugh DAD !!!!" screamed the son. "you ruined my game omg, I was on the last kill" he scoffed.

"stop acting like a brat, this is not how I disciplined you" marios tried to stay as calm as possible. "and go to sleep already," said marios walking away.

"fine" the son was about to go back to his room when he realized something. "dad ?" he asked looking at his dad suspiciously

"yeah, what is it ??" marios stopped in his tracks and looked back at his son.

"where were you this whole time ?" the son raised his eyebrow waiting for an answer from his dad.


alrighty kids, the next chapter will be very spicy *wink* , for now I'll let y'all imagine what happens next.

also don't mind me calling mario's son "the son" or "son" I have literally no idea what his son's name is so like yeah-

anyways have a nice day y'all

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 21, 2021 ⏰

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