Chapter 3

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Elisa came to the castle that day after getting called in by Xanatos about Brooklyn's sudden new sickness that worried her. She sat in the living room with them to wait for the clan to wake up, which felt rather slow pacing.

The sun finally went down and she ran out to meet Goliath.

"Goliath, I heard about Brooklyn. Where is he? Is he alright?"

"He's in the medic room with Hudson, Elisa. We're going to see if the stone sleep had cured him."

"But what happened?"

Goliath growled a little. "Quarrymen ambushed Hudson and Brooklyn, and they struck him with some sort of needle. It may have been the cause but we're not so sure."

Elisa turned to go. "Then let's see him," she said and the others followed inside.

Meanwhile, both Hudson and Brooklyn awoke. Hudson stretched out then glanced at the young one, who also yawned. He looked at Hudson, but for some reason, Brooklyn felt no different than he felt yesterday. His stomach still twinged with nausea and his head was so hot and dizzy that he fell back. Why hadn't it helped cure him?

Hudson took his hand in worry. "Brooklyn? Are you any better?" He asked. The red one shook his head weakly. "No... not..." he said hoarsely. This now worried Hudson to a great extent that the stone sleep didn't cure him like it did most poison. He stroked Brooklyn's hand.

"We will get ye feelin' well, lad. I promise ye that," Hudson said in a soft voice that relaxed Brooklyn, who was feeling scared about being this badly sick, maybe even dying.

The door knocked and Sato entered in. "How is he doing?" Sato asked. Hudson just shook his head, and Sato then saw he was still pale looking, breathing hoarsely.

"This isn't good if your stone sleep didn't fix this disease. It is probably something pretty deadly if I don't know the name," Sato said after hooking up Brooklyn to his hydration iv and checked his temperature, which was above normal.

"Goliath and the others are wanting to see you. I'll let them in just for a few minutes," Sato said, getting up to open the door. Goliath and Elisa entered first with Lex and Broadway. Angela followed last, all looking concerned for Brooklyn, who gave them a sad smile.

"Hi, guys," he said croakily. Lex grinned back.

"How are you feeling?" Lex asked. Brooklyn let loose a cough that answered it.

"Lousy, but I want to get better. I don't want this sickness to get the better of me," Brooklyn whispered. Goliath smiled at his Second's bravery to battle this new disease. Broadway came up.

"Maybe you'd like to try a little something easy for your stomach? How about a little soup?" He asked. Sato nodded. "Yes, he needs to keep eating as healthy as he can to get rid of this illness," he said. Brooklyn looked at Hudson.

"I will get better... won't I?" He asked in fear. Hudson comforted him.

"I'm sure you will, Lad. We jus' gotta make sure ye stay healthy," Hudson told him gently, which sent some small comfort into the sick gargoyle. Broadway then returned with a tray of soup with some crackers. Hudson placed it on Brooklyn's lap, who was looking rather nervous about eating since he threw up before.

"Jus' don' rush it, now." Hudson said encouragingly. Brooklyn nodded, swallowing as he attempted to take a sip of soup. He gasped when it hit his stomach that had erupted in pain, causing him to drop the spoon.

"Oh, I-I can't! M-my stomach!" sobbed Brooklyn in pain and sadness, curling up. Hudson took the tray before it hit the floor. Broadway didn't like how Brooklyn reacted to try swallowing. If he couldn't eat, this wasn't good news.

Sato ran out to at least find some kind of medicine that could help Brooklyn eat even if it didn't get rid of his sickness. After a while, he came back with some pain relievers, having Brooklyn to take them.

"Here, try swallowing this. It will help," Sato said, along with giving him water. Brooklyn weakly took it, having Hudson help him. It was challenging to swallow the pills and the water, but after a while, he could feel the pain settling. His fever still hurt him, though.

Brooklyn then tried again with the soup after the medicine and fortunately didn't have pain. The soup was good, and the crackers. He had as much as he could muster and eventually couldn't eat anymore when his stomach panged again. Broadway took the tray out, Hudson smiling at Brooklyn for being able to eat.

"Brooklyn, do you think that being poisoned may have been the result of that Quarryman getting you with that needle earlier?" Goliath asked in a gentle voice. Brooklyn flinched, he didn't want to think about that. Hudson then spoke.

"One thing I remember is that those thugs held me down and one of them that had poisoned Brooklyn said I was the one they wanted, possibly for some nutjob Quarryman experiment. But then Brooklyn intercepted and stopped them from poisoning me," Hudson told them. "The lad saved my life."

Brooklyn grinned halfheartedly when coughing again. Lex looked pretty mad that someone had wanted to poison one of them. "We gotta get some answers, and if they have a cure!" He growled.

Goliath nodded. "We'll do just that. Brooklyn, we're going to ask them about the poison and possibly a cure for you," he said in an encouraging tone. The young Second's heart fluttered in hope, for he didn't want this poison to kill him. He wasn't ready to die yet.

Elisa looked worried for them when the clan left but had Bronx stay with Brooklyn. Brooklyn was happy to have him for company. Goliath hugged her and told her they'll be careful, then took off into the night.


Goliath and the rest of the clan made their way to the Quarrymen's headquarters. They weren't prepared for a break in entrance as the clan attacked them after getting in the front door. Once the guards were taken care of, Goliath went in to find John Castaway, who was sitting in his office. He had learned of Brooklyn getting the poison instead and was pretty mad about that, but also pleased to see how it can affect a younger gargoyle.

The lavender leader of the gargoyles broke his door down, eyes glowing and growling. John smirked, turning around.

"Well, how nice to see you gargoyles here," he sneered. Goliath didn't have time for games.

"You know why we're here, Castaway. Why did you try to poison one of us?" Goliath demanded. John just kept up his sneering tone.

"Aw, so sorry to hear that one of you is sick. I heard it is your devil spawn who was the one who got it, am I right?" mocked John.

Hudson growled at John. "The lad is no devil. And you were the monster for trying to get at me first!" Hudson hissed, gripping his sword. John waved his hand. "Whatever," he huffed, making Lex angry.

"Give us a cure right now!" He screamed. Broadway held the small gargoyle back, not wanting him to get hurt. John however merely laughed, rolling his eyes.

"Oh, you mindless creatures, why would I invent a cure for something that could rid Manhattan of you pests? I'm helping the city. They would claim me a hero. And this poison only kills gargoyles. Your little devil pet will be dead in another few months or so. He is finished."

Angela was shaking in anger, Lex was crying, eyes glowing bright. "MURDERER!" He sobbed. Goliath grabbed his throat, growling quite loudly.

"I could kill you now for harming my Second. But that would make me just like you," he said dangerously, then throwing John against the wall, knocking him out.

Lex was still crying in Broadway's arms, not wanting to accept the fact that he could lose Brooklyn forever. There had to be a way to fix him. Hudson gave a sigh.

"Come on, lads. Let's go home. Brooklyn needs us..." he said in a quiet tone. Goliath nodded and the clan all left to return home to their sick member to help him as much as they could.

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