part one- public

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Andy was on her way back to Elias-Clark building. Her hands were full, she had four cups of coffee in her right hand and in her left hand she had all the bags. Emily was supposed to go for all this things but Andy wanted go. She said that Emily should stay and help Miranda if she needed.
Miranda's waited for too long and she wanted her coffee. „Andrea.." she walked to the door. „is there some reason that my coffee.. where's Andrea?" She said when she saw Emily. „she went for all those things" „have I told her to go?" She crossed her arms. „no, but I can explain it" Emily tried to defeat. „yeah?" „Andrea told me that i will be better if you would need help and I told her that I'll go but she was already on way" „okay, when she's back send her to me" she went to her office. Emily just nooded.
Miranda closed office door and instantly called Andrea. „hi" Andrea picked up. „hello darling, is there any reason that you're not here?" „have you talked to Emily?" „yeah, i was searching for you"
„I think you wanted your coffee" „yeah.. well that's not the point, where are you?" „almost there, my love, metro is kinda slow" Andrea instanly regred her words. „metro?! Andrea" „Miranda calm down, Roy was somewhere so I went by metro, it was faster" Andrea interrupted „darling.." „Mira I have to go, I'll be there in 10 minutes, love you" Andrea hung up. „Andr.. okay" Miranda put her phone down and opened her office door.
Exactly in 10 minutes Andrea was walking by Runway floor. Her hands were so full, she needed to open door by her hips. „Oh my god" Emily opened the door a took coffee from her hands. „hey Emi.." Andrea felt on ground. She wanted to be back quick so she forget to drink anything. „ANDREA WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" Emily yelled. „what's going on?" Miranda stormed in. „Andrea!" Miranda quickly kneeled next to Andrea. „hey.." she cupped her cheek with one hand. „Andrea, wake up" Miranda was trying to wake her. „mhmm" Andrea started to wake up. Miranda stroked her hand in Andrea's hair. „w-what? What happend?" Andrea asked when she looked around her. „you fainted" Miranda smiled on her Andrea. „oh" Andrea tried to sit but she fell back. „hey, hey easy" Miranda put her hand on Andrea's back a helped her to sit. „I'm gonna just drink something and it's gonna be okay" Andrea wanted to stay up. „stay where you are" Miranda pushed her back. „Emily bring Andrea some water" Miranda turned to Emily.
Emily was froze since the moment Miranda stormed in. She went to the little kitchen a brought Andrea some water. „thanks" Andrea smiled on Emily. „Emily can you leave us?" „what? I mean.. yeah, I'll go somewhere" she left room. „come on, you'll lie on couch in my office" Miranda helped Andy stand up. „love, I'm okay, I know you're scared but it's okay and don't forget that we want to keep our secret" Andrea cupped Miranda's cheek by one hand. „yeah, but I want you to lay down and relax. You've just fainted, please do it for me" Miranda pleased. „I can relax at home, now I'm in work" „Andrea" Miranda looked seriously. „what about our secret? If I lay down on your couch and you won't let me do anything it'll be weird for everyone" Andrea leaned on her desk. „please" Miranda put her hand on Andrea's „okay. Anything for you, but really what about our secret?" Andrea started slowly walking into Miranda's office. „well.." Miranda took Andy's hand as they walked into office. „If you will agree I would like to make us public, but only if you want I'm not pushing you" Miranda sat down next to Andrea. „lay down, darling" Miranda gently pushed Andrea down. Andrea layed down on couch. „so?" „um.. I don't know" Andrea kept her eyes away from Miranda's. „it's okay" Miranda said calmly. „you sure?" „I told you that I'm not pushing, I just wanted to ask you" „give me some time to think, I don't want you to think that I don't want to but" Andy looked on Miranda and then away. „what is it?" Miranda took Andrea's hand. „nothing.." Andrea faked smile. „darling we're together for some time, I know it's not nothing. So tell me" Miranda was scared. „What will people think about us?" Andrea looked back at Miranda with watery eyes. „oh darling come here" Miranda opened her arms for hug.
Andrea got up and hugged Miranda. Miranda gently squeezed Andrea. „it's okay" Miranda said so calmly. „I.." Andrea stayed in Miranda hands and looked to her eyes. „I'm scared of what will people think. Page Six, Miranda's new partner, a girl, much younger. GOD! They have no right to write anything about you" Andrea was kinda overthinking. „listen" Miranda rubbed Andrea's cheek.
„I don't care about what press will write, I don't care about Page Six. You're my Andrea and people can think whatever they want to" Miranda looked into Andrea's eyes. „you're so kind, so sweet, so caring. I love you so much" Andrea pecked Miranda's lips. „I love you too, so much" Miranda leaned their foreheads together. They just smiled at eachother.
„okay" Andy smiled again. „what?" Miranda looked at Andrea. „We'll make us public" Andrea looked into Miranda's eyes. „really?" Miranda was shocked. „yeah, you're right" Andrea kissed Miranda's cheek. Miranda pressed her lips against Andrea's.
It was long kiss until they heard gasp. „WHAT THE-?!" They heard british accent. „Emily I told to leave us alone" Miranda turned to her assitant. „Miranda.. y-you and.." „and Andrea" Miranda said in her typical dragon voice. Andy laughed. „what's so funny?" Emily was still confused. „nothing Em" Andrea smiled. „h-how long?" „Andrea is working here for almost two years and together we're for a year" Miranda explained. „Paris.." Emily groaned. „exactly, now will you leave us?" Miranda looked at her assitant. Emily just left.
„well now rest of the world" Andy laughed. „indeed" Miranda looked at Andrea. „I think we've talked about laying down" Miranda slowly pushed her girlfriend down on couch. „so I will be just laying here for how long?" Andrea looked at Miranda walking to her desk. „Until we go home" Miranda sat down. „oh come on! What am I supposed to do?" Andrea acted like a child. Miranda laughed. „just relax, my darling and you can think how we will go public" Miranda opened the book. „great" Andrea started to think.
In two hours Miranda was done with her work. „Andrea.." Miranda stroked her fingers in Andrea's hair. „what?" Andrea said in sleepy voice. „darling you can sleep at home" Miranda smiled. „oh god" Andrea woke up so fast. „I fell asleep, sorry Miranda" Andrea rubbed her eyes „it's okay, you don't have to say sorry" Miranda put her hand on Andrea's back. „let's go" Miranda took Andrea's hand to make her stand up a started walking to the door. „bag, coat" Miranda said as always in dragon voice. Andrea let her hand and wanted to go for Miranda's coat. „Andrea" Miranda took Andrea's hand back. „can I get my coat?" Andrea looked at her. „ofcourse" Miranda let Andrea's hand. Emily handed coat and bag to Miranda while Andrea's put her coat on. „bye Em" Andrea waved do Emily.
Everybody at the ground floor were shocked when they saw Miranda with someone in elevator. Miranda knew exactly what to do. She took Andrea's hand, put her glasses on a started walking towards door. Andrea just smiled, Miranda didn't care about press she just really wanted to be with Andrea. Just them and nobody else. They got in to the car and Roy started driving to the townhouse. Privacy screen was on so Andrea threw herself at Miranda and kissed her. „wow" Miranda smiled. „I had to" Andrea blushed. „we agreed to make us public. You can now  go home with me like a normal pair, finally" „yeah.. wait! What about the book?" Andrea rembered that she's the one who's supposed to take the book to Miranda's house. „Emily will bring it today, you don't have to stress about anything, my darling" Miranda put her hand at Andrea's lap. „you're amazing" Andrea leaned back. „I know" Miranda smiled. „but for me you're the most amazing person" Miranda looked at Andrea. Andrea didn't said anything. She was about to cry. Andrea leaned for a kiss. „I love you" she said between the kiss. „I love you too" Miranda said once they've broke their kiss. Rest of the way home was silent. They didn't have to say anything, they just enjoyed that they were next eachother, finally public.. everything was perfect at the moment.

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