The moon

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"I remember asking  you to take a beauty sleep" Mian mian sighed. They both know that it's impossible to fall asleep in this situation.

Lan zhan clearly remember  the day he became a scapegoat for his family.
" We need this alliance after the stunt your brother pulled!" His uncle said to the silent room, eyes boring into lan zhan eyes who just simply nod his head. Just like how he was brought up.

Always accept Elder decision they mean good for you. Never question their decision.

Xichen broke down in tears and he rushes to his uncle side " Wangji is only 25 years old. You can't sell him to stranger."

" We're going to be bankrupt if he didn't agree! Our old Family legacy will turned into dust!!"

" Fuck about Legacy!! It's about his LIFE!!" Xichen scream at his uncle who was thunderstruck.

" Ho..How  can you talk to me like that?!! I was the one who begged other investors to not kick you out from the job after you elope to get Married with kindergarten Teacher!! When you were already engaged with Elder son of JIANG! If you care about him that much then you wouldn't elope with that loser!" Lan Qiren slam his hand on the table.

" Cause I thought that you care about us more than business and you don't get to talk to my husband like that"!

Soon their arguments got louder and words were harsher. Lan zhan was busy playing with thread rope coming out from his shirt. He was kinda use these toxic situation, more so he grew up with it.

Eventually they both have to stop when Qiren Secretary has to enter because they were getting late for business meeting. When his uncle left his side, Qiren grab his hand. " You are not going to get Marry next week. Come with me, and we will run away from it."

" Gege, you know that I can't. And I'm totally up for it. Have you even saw my husband? He's so handsome and he even told me I can continue studying. We are going to try this marriage to work but if it didn't then we both agree to go separate way."

Truth to be told, Lan zhan didn't even he didn't saw his husband. He only know his name and age. The Great business typhoon Wei Wuxian. He  even try to look  up in internet but found nothing in this guy only some bio data and no photo of this guy. So he came  in conclusion.

1) This guy must be ugly.
2) He's a MAFIA!!!

But there's two thing they know about Wei Wuxian
1) He's adopted onto Jiang family when he was 10 years old.
2) At the age 20 he built a Wei Business with a help from his friend in the garage and know they are number number 1 in business both domestic and internationally.

Since from childhood it was his wish that when he get married it must be out of love not Arranged. He saw the result of arrange  marriage in his own house with his parents. From them on he's totally against it.

Thought like  Running away from this chaos, crossed his minds several time which seem so tempting but he can't bring himself to do it. He can't be selfish not after his elder brother who run away and married his love of the life against his uncle wish. After the news spread the stock value of the LAN Business Dropped drastically.  That's how Wei wuixian entered in his life by buying the share of the company and asking Lan zhan hand in marriage. Literally he bought Lan zhan life.

Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? The question Lan zhan wanted  to ask that certain person."WHY ME???"  He growled and almost pulled out all his hair.

" Why don't you go to your soon  to be husband room and peek at him. There's no harm in that. I mean you're uncle is busy making business deal outside, talkings fully advantage of the event. I bet he doesn't even know which room you're in. That fucking old man care for no one except then the company and fucking money. How  can he sell you like that? You're his fucking Nephew!! That OLD MAN!! I wish he die in the gutter surrounded by fucking Pirhana!!!"  She scoffed at put her arm against her chest.

Lan zhan know that his best friend is not a fan of his uncle. He also know that if he don't calm her down now there might be certain circumstances which is not new to them. He grabbed her hand and squeeze it gently, his way of Calming her down. He really don't want his best friend behind  the bar again after the disrupt with his uncle.

" Pirhana in gutter?? Seriously!!!" Lan zhan chuckled lightly followed by mianmian eye roll. " whatever! the only reason that old man is saved from my wrath is because of you!!"

He chuckled at her and shake his head. Then he got the crazy idea. " Can you help me with something?"

The venue was surrounded by rich people, wine in their hands, expensive clothes and fake plastics Smile  plaster on their face. He hates it!!! The whole environment suffocate him to the point that he need to go outside and breathe fresh air.

Thankfully no one notice him in the crowds and he successfully made it to outside. After few minutes strolling he found a small garden with water fountain. Outside was very quiet contrast what was happening inside. He finally feel like breathing. He loosened his tie and sit on the bench looking upwards to the moon, shining brightly and looking so calm and beautiful with no worries about anything.

But Peace was never option! His peaceful moment was disturb by someone. " Sorry to bother you but are you okay?"

Offended?! Nope more than that. He just want to have this 5 minutes of Peace! Only 5 minutes. " I was fine like a minute away before your arrival." Didn't even bother to look at his peace intruder instead kept his gaze on moon.

" I just wanted to talk to you. Sorry if it was wrong timing!"

There's tons of things Lan zhan hate in rich  people one of them are those who don't value about time and place.

He bow down respectfully even though he was annoyed with this stranger. Years of practice from his Uncle. " I'm afraid I can't. As you see my Wedding  is starting soon."

" I need only a minute."

" And I need a poison to drink so that I can end my misery!" This time his gaze fall on stranger. Even though it's dark outside and he can't see clear but he's sure that the stranger is very handsome. The man is bit taller than him and gives off nobility aura.

The stranger sit on the empty spot on bench. " Can't have you die on your wedding day!"

" True, can't have that. My poor soon to be husband will have heart attack. !"

" I heard that your soon to be husband is very husband." The stranger swirl the wine glasses and took a sip.

" Don't care about how he looks or not. At the end I'm stuck with him all of my life. I just pray that he's decent enough to understand my wishes."  His  gaze back on moon.

" I know he will and if he doesn't then I'll kick his ass for you." The stranger said with determination laced in his voice.

Lan zhan  turned his head to look at stranger and smile at him. He feel much better after having conversations with stranger. " I am glad I have someone beside my friend and brother on my side."

" I'm on your side Lan Wangji in the past, present and in the future."

" How do you know my birth name?"

" How can I not know your name?."

" Have we met before?" Before the stranger can answer he heard Mainmain calling his name.

Mainmain had known Lan zhan since from middle school. She know him like the back of her hand. She has expected Lan zhan alone not with stranger conversing comfortably.

" I'm sorry but he has  to leave now before the monster find him here!" Lan zhan immediately understands who she's referring to.

" I'm afraid it's the end of our conversation." Before the stranger can say anything Mainmain dragged him with her. They soon disappeared inside the building.

" I have miss you dearly lan zhan." He spoke but this time he was alone and was accompanied by moon.

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