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Lan zhan woke up from the clattering sound from the kitchen. He tried to ignore the sound but got up once he heard a louder sound this time.

" Is everything okay?" He asked his husband that made a huge mess in kitchen and miserably failed in making breakfast.

" I'm sorry! Just wanted to make some breakfast for us before we start our day!" Wei Ying pick up the pan on the floor which make a loud noise enough for him to wake up.  Wei ying looked at him apologetically and pout which was reason for his husband heart fluttering.

" Let me help you! It'll be quicker!"

" No! You can't!" Wie Ying scream which startle lan zhan to take a step back. He quickly explain after seeing his husband reaction.

" It's a tradition in my family that whoever wake up first after wedding is supposed to make a breakfast for their spouse."

Lan zhan chuckled and his husband can't stop himself to look at him. Lan zhan chucking was a music to his ears. " Well, it looks like that's not possible cause we both have to leave house by 9 and it's already 8:10am. How about we order and you pay?"

" Oh my you're so smart!"

Lan zhan looked at the mirror to check his outfit twice  and decided to go with his final look. When he reach the dinning room his husband was setting the table and food was yet to be delivered.

" Let me help you!" Lan zhan asked after he noticed that his husband is still not ready for work. Wei Ying  rejected his request but Lan zhan being stubborn didn't hold back and try to grab the end of spoon from his husband hand.

" We both need to leave in half an minutes. I'm ready and you're not. You get ready and I'll finished it!"

His husband bring more stubborn. " I'm almost done! Let me finished" he tried to pull the spoon towards himself but Lan zhan pulled it back.

They keep tugging the spoon.  Wei ying pulled a little harder. Lan zhan didn't expect that and he fall on top of his husband chest who's lying on the floor holding Lan zhan back to secure him. The touch on his back send a warmth on his body and he really likes it. It feels like his husband hand belongs there.

They're so close to each other that they can smell their toothpaste on each other. And Lan zhan's swear that his husband looks better from near. Right now he can see a small faded scare on his husband cheeks that he didn't notice in their wedding and the mole on his nose is to die for. It add a extra charm on his handsomeness.

And Wei Ying is happy that his husband is looking at him like he's ready to eat him just like his own intentions. He tighten his hold on his husband back. With which his husband respond what bringing their face closer. But Wei ying respond faster by kissing his husband expecting him to return the kiss.

He pulled himself from the kiss when Lan zhan didn't respond to it. Lan zhan quickly got up from their position and quickly ran to outside towards his university.

Wei Ying got up and sighed. Disappointed at himself and situation. Disappointed vanished for a sec when he heard a doorbell thinking his husband is back but replaced with more disappointments when it's was delivery guy with their breakfast that they're supposed to eat together. Wei ying cursed at himself for losing the opportunity to share their first meal together as a couple.

So it was understatement that he was sulking whole day in office and decided to work till late night so Lan zhan can eat something comfortably in their house without any awkwardness between them. Not knowing that his husband is waiting for him.

Wei ying didn't expect Lan zhan to find sleeping on the couch. He wants to wake up his husband by calculating PRO and CONS in his situation.
PRO: His husband won't have a neck pain in sleeping on the couch.
CONS: He's worries that lan zhan will not like his touching and things will become more awkward between them.

At the end he decided to wake up his husband by aging his shoulder gently and quietly call his name. Lan zhan stir awake and his eyes comically went wide when he saw Wei ying.

" I am sorry, I just don't want you to get neck pain when you wake up tomorrow morning." Wei Ying  explain after he saw how Lan zhan looked at him startled.

" Thank you." Lan zhan replied.

" I'm going to sleep in my room. I hope you ate! Good night"  He turned and went towards his room which is next to lan zhan's.

" Can we talk about our Morning incident!" Lan zhan said and his husband turned back to looked at him who was looking straight in his eyes.

" I'm sorry. It was my mistake that I force on you!"

" You didn't force on me! I want it!!!" Lan zhan scream try to put his words in his husband thick head.

" Then why did you run away?" Wei Ying  walk towards his husband.

"  I was scared."

" Because I was impatient?"

Lan zhan shake his head. " Because it's my first time." There it goes his secret that he wasn't looking forward to share with his husband a week ago but now he really don't mind.

Wei ying gently grabbed his hand and pulled him for hug. " I was worried that you didn't like it and that I force you!"

" Well I was very looking forward and panicked when I realized I don't know how to?"

Wei Ying was staring at him with so much intensity that made his heart leaped. They were both getting g closer to each other minimizing their distances.Wei Ying  put his hand on Lan zhan waist and Lan zhan put it on his head and brought his face to Wei ying

Their lips met with tender kiss. Lan zhan didn't care if he get humiliated from his husband from being inexperienced the sole reason for his morning behavior. Right now the only thing he care is the way his mouth move against his husband. His husband who's very patient to pull up to his sloppy kiss.

When his marriage was announced he didn't thought in his right mind that he and his husband will share intimacy time. Boy here he is hungry to eat his husband with only after a day of his wedding.

Lan zhan feels good kissing him. It was exciting and thrilling for him and he's sure he can say some about his husband the way he was responding the kiss. They both pulled out after needing a oxygen but a thin string of saliva connecting their mouth. Lan zhan feel tight in his pants and look at his husband who had same problem.


Who's ready for next chapter?? 


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