Chapter 1: My wish

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Frieza POV

You know many people said you aren't born evil well they aren't wrong you see my hands were never cover I'm blood instead they were clean.

I once knew love but things change when my life was turn around it all started when I was born were my name was izuku yagi.


Five years early

Young izuku life was great then it suddenly went down Hill when he was determine quirkless as for his sister got their mother quirk but more powerful. Soon his parents focus on his sister more than him lead neglecting him so he decided to take care of himself but that wasn't the worst of it his sister and friends turn on him after they found out he was quirkless.

Of course a few friends didn't turn their back on him but they couldn't help him for the fear of his sister and her friends. But he didn't blame them for it so he was isolated from everyone and wanting to escape this hell hole he called home but he saw hope.

That when all might told him he can't be a hero without a quirk so he decided to take bakugo advice and took a swan down off a roof and it went dark.

"It didn't work.."


Izuku was in his room watching some videos when his door open revealing his mother holding a box.

"Hey.. son how are you." Izuku didn't replied back so she place the box on his desk before walking in getting a plate of uunaten food and replacing it with some breakfast. "I hope you like the gift." She said before closing the door behind her as izuku turn looking towards the box hooking up an opening to find a weird orb in it.

" She said before closing the door behind her as izuku turn looking towards the box hooking up an opening to find a weird orb in it

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Izuku was confuse by the look of it before grabbing it to get a better look at it when it suddenly to glow before stopping. "Neat" izuku put the orb back in the box placing it in the closet before going back to watching a video.

Half a hour later a knocking came from the door so he decided to open it to find his father standing their smiling. "Hello son." Izuku scoffs "what do you want." His father was taken back by this but answer "remember that gift your mother gave you.. well it was a mistake she was supposed to give you this *all might merch* so can you give me the box back."

Izuku sighs before closing the door then opening it with the box in hand giving him the box as he handed the merch. "Thank you so-" izuku slam the door close in his face leaving him saddened. "I see you at dinner." He walks away leaving izuku in his room with the orb in hand before it started to glow again when he look outside to se his father along with his uncles nezu and aizawa waiting while being nervous.

Izuku decided to see what they are talking about so he snuck out of his room and went outside hiding behind a wall listen to them.

"Did you get it toshi the dragon ball is very important." Ask aizawa.

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