A Ordinary Day?

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I'm Alex, I've just turned 23 last week. I'm just getting ready to start my life. I was getting ready to head to my shitty-ass job like anyone. Taking the bus instead of driving. I could drive. I have a license, a nice car, I've got everything but I like the bus it's nice. My parents are... Lovely but... Morons... They're into all these alien conspiracies or zombies or this or that and have built a bunker and packed it full of enough stuff to survive anything for years. I like to take the bus because it's normal I guess.

Ayways I'm riding to my job, I work at a place called Sender a little computer business. We're small but the pay is pretty good, I mostly sell electronics and help fix them. It's pretty crappy though. My boss is a complete asshole. I rarely get to eat lunch because of how much stuff I have to do. I don't know how this tiny little company has all this stuff to do, and honestly, I think my boss just hates me and makes the stuff up, but I do it and don't complain. So I get to my job at 8:10, it opens at 8:20 so I open up since I have a key and relax until 8:20. 8:20 rolls around and I do my work, the days are slow for the most part, a elderly couple came in and needed help, some kids came in with parents buying stuff, slow day as usual.

Fast forward to 11:47. A few hours into my day I hear my coworkers in the break room fucking screaming their heads off, so I go in and see what the hell is causing all this ruckus. Then I hear the radio. In my area where I work there are no windows so, I can't see outside but the radio says "the sky is turning a crimson blood red and people all over are starting to act weirdly. They are starting to- Hello can I help you? Hey stop getting so close- stop- STOP! AHHHH-" silence. It goes to static.

Then a car slams through the wall. A big black SUV. And my parents step out, grab me, and without me being able to say anything rush me into the SUV. I'm yelling at them calling them all sorts of names because I am so fired after that. Then I look outside and see fires and everything else. Oh my fucking god. My parents were right- there are zombies- what. The. Hell. We sped home as fast as possible towards the bunker in our house. I'm not going to give many specifics but I made it to the bunker... My parents? Not so much... The zombies got them. And then I hear a single tapping against the hatch. The groans of a single zombie. It knows I'm in here. It cant get in I'm safe but I can't get out either.

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