Losing Face

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Hello! This chapter will include topics such as:
-vomiting/throwing up
Please let me know if I miss anything!!

Third Person POV:

There he is. Sat in his room against the wall, head in hands, knees tucked into his chest. Fists are covered in a dried crimson liquid, bottles thrown around the room. The scent of alcohol and cigarette smoke is strong. Wilbur, sat there half asleep. Drunk and high off his ass. He knows this is dangerous, but it's not like it happens quite often so it's okay, right? He's just spent an hour sobbing violently into his hands, drinking, smoking, cutting himself. Why? Well our brunette friend here, usually in a bright fun attitude, has just had a break up. And he doesn't take lightly to it at all.

Groans can be heard often, full of pain, mentally and physically. Multiple times he slumps his way to the bathroom and throws up. Sobbing and crying while vomiting. Currently he sits in the bathroom, holding a blade while sitting by the toilet. He mindlessly drags it across his arm, blood dripping onto the tiles like rain drops on a gloomy day. Then a "ding!" Rings through his ears as his eyes lock onto his lit phone screen. Putting the blade down and standing up with a crimson colored arm. He grabs it with a bloody hand, not caring. He unlocks his phone and checks his notifications. "Huh?" He says, as he stares at the text from the person who had just ended their relationship. It reads, "hello wilbur, I'm sorry I didn't want to hurt you but this wasn't working out and I couldn't take the pressure. I still love you, so just wait it out." Strange. It's okay he'll wait.. he'll wait.

~time skip 3 weeks~

Three weeks pass and still no message from them. Wilbur seemed to realize that they are not coming back. He needs to move on as well, he needs to pick himself up from the dirt and stop getting stone dead drunk every night. A hungover brunette groans in his bed. Head pounding and the feeling of vomit coming up his throat every five minutes. He gets up hesitantly, rushes to the bathroom and stays there until he is well enough to get up. An hour and a half later he takes a shower, cleans up and changes into a nice outfit. A bright warm yellow jumper, greyish jeans and a black beanie. He also takes some ibuprofen on his bedside for his hangover, but he has to go out for a walk. He hasn't been outside in days.. wilbur is sure his life will go up hill from here as long as he keeps this up. He's thrown all of his alcohol and cigarettes away, along with all the razors he has. This is his new beginning.
482 words

helloooo :] Sorry for a shorter chapter I ran out of motivation :/ And I apologize for the lack of updates. Since I have motivation I will try to work on the next part for this series! I hope you all are doing well and to the people who do read these, thank you I really appreciate it :) Please drink some water! I Love you all <3

Wilbur Angst Oneshots (YCGMA)Where stories live. Discover now