Saline Solution Pt. 2

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Trigger warning !! This chapter contains the following:



Tommy's POV:

As I'm walking out of the kitchen with Wilbur's guitar pick, I notice an object lying on the dining table. That's odd.. wasn't here just a bit ago. I move closer to observe it, a note? Who.. wait. Phil didn't leave this, techno didn't, and I didn't. Obviously. Smacking my forehead in stupidity, well there's Only one person.. Wilbur.

Why would he leave a note? Wait, where is wil? Quickly I Sprint up the stairs, and burst into his room. Nothing, no signs. Is that.. is that a razor blade? No fucking way, what would he be doing with a- IS THAT BLOOD? Is- what could be be doing with a razor.. with blood on it.. that just sounds uh weird. I- I need to tell Phil right now. At observing the object I bolt downstairs shouting Phil's name.

"PHIL! PHIL! PHIL!" I cry out, my throat running dry. Not even having the chance to have read the note yet.

"Tommy-" Phil's raises his voice, but quickly lowers it. "Relax, what is it?" He says in a calm tone.

"W-wilbur! H-he- he-" I paused to wipe the tears off my face, and to take a breath. "He's not h-here." Letting out a shaky breath.

"What do you mean he's not here toms..?" Phil says, concern growing in his voice.

"He left this n-note on the table- I haven't read it yet." My voice quivers as I speak. My trembling hands handing the note to him.

His expression quicky lost all emotion, his solemn eyes started to fill with a glistening substance.

"I h-hope this isn't what I think it is.." He says unfolding the note and scanning his eyes over the written letters.

I stare at him with confusion in my eyes, what did he mean? Where is Wilbur? Rubbing my eyes once more.

A hand pulls me closer and into a hug. The note floats to the ground, getting a glimpse of it. Wait what does that say.. what did he read? Reaching down I picked up the note and glazed over most of it, but one word felt like a stab to the heart; sucide.

Is this an awful prank? I clench the guitar pick tightly to my chest.

"P-phil.. is wil gone..?" My eyes sink to the floor, this isn't real. It's just a dream, I'll wake up soon..!

He only stayed quiet, and his grasp on me grew tighter. That's when I felt Techno standing near.

"Phil. Where did Wilbur go?" Techno says in a deep monotone voice.

Phil gestures for everyone to go sit on the couch, techno just raises a brow. He usually knows it's serious when Phil tells us to sit on the couch.

"Wil left this note on the table tech.." His hand rests the note in the other's grasp.

As techno reads it his expression fades. How can he be gone? This can't be it. Why didn't he say anything.. we all would've been there for him..!

"Is.. is he gone..?" Is all he could spit out. I wrap my arms around my older brother for some kind of comfort.

"P-phil?" My voice trembles whilst I talk. "There was something in Wilbur's room with b-blood on it.." my voice cracking.

I watch as both Phil and techno's eyes widen. They slowly get up from the sofa and into Wilbur's room.

I awkwardly follow behind them, there's such a depressing feeling left in this room. He's not actually gone, right? Like he can't have actually killed himself.. why would he do it? Why would he leave us?

It's all just a sick fucking joke! Wilbur would never do this.. my brave older brother! Right? Will wouldn't just go and do that..

I couldn't lose my best friend, my brother just like that.. right? Silent tears roll down my face, then my sadness turns to sorrow and anger.

I'm not mad at Wilbur I'm mad at everything. I'm mad he's gone, I'm fucking angry we let him down. That he felt scared he couldn't say anything..

I rush back down the stairs and swing the front door open, Phil was behind me and sees me sprint out the door. "Tom-" He shouts but as I get farther away I can't hear him.

I sprint to the bridge not looking back and I don't stop, I run into roads with oncoming cars but I don't care! Maybe he's still there, maybe he didn't do it yet. Maybe there's still a chance.

My legs want to give out but I need to keep running, hell he could already be dead! Tears run down my face as I sprint and I can feel people in their cars watching but I don't have time to care. All I care about right now is Wilbur.

The bridge is in my view, wait what's that? Wait someone is sitting on the edge of the brid- IT'S WILBUR. I run faster than I ever have.

"WILL! WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING??" I shout, I was almost there. He looks at me, waves and falls back into the water.

I get to the bridge just as he falls, I try to grab onto him but he was too far. All I saw was him falling and then smack. He hit the water. I watched him sink and... die. I just watched my brother die.

He left his shoes, lighter, cigarettes and his beanie. I grab them all and hug them tightly. My hands and legs are shaking uncontrollably, so I climb onto the ledge of the bridge; gripping all of Will's belongings.

Once Phil and techno get here they call 999 to get the situation assessed. It hurts to watch them, tears fill their eyes and their voices waver every time they speak. It hurts. I grip Wilbur's things tighter, and I refuse to leave this bridge.

No matter what Phil does I don't budge, I just swing my legs in the wind over the edge, I look down into the water. One day we'll be connected again will.. I love you.
1,032 words

hey guys haven't updated this in forever but this oneshot book is now completed! :D thank you so much for all of he support i can't express how much i appreciate but :) take care <33

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