Chapter 12: Invincible

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(In a barren wasteland, Invincible and Chat Noir are seen standing among many slain warriors.)

Invincible: We should stay together. The Union knows you betrayed them, and will not hesitate to kill you.

Chat Noir: I need to honor my deceased friend's memories.

Invincible: Let's proceed then, Adrien.

Chat Noir: We must separate. Our teammates will eventually find out about our absence.

Invincible: If only the Guardians of the Globe had found more details of Michael Howard's demise... We will find that excuse of a general, and he will tell us all he knows.

Chat Noir: If he ordered those pricks to kill Spider-Man, he will die! (turns to Invincible) Be stealthy as the night...

(Both place a hand over their hearts)

Invincible: ... and deadly as the dawn.

(As Chat Noir walks away, Invincible hears a female voice.)

Ruby: Ozpin was wise to send me here. The Guardians of the Globe walk uninvited to this planet.

Invincible: As wise as he might be, Ozpin was foolish to send a rookie to interfere with my duty.

Ruby: I am Ruby Rose, leader of Team RWBY, Beacon Huntress. And I deal harshly with sharply tongued intruders.

(Ruby tries to shoot Invincible, but he didn't need to do anything to block the shots as they don't even make a scratch.)

Invincible: This was supposed to hurt?

(Ruby gets angry, and then turns her Crescent Rose into a scythe before rushing towards Invincible, who manages to catch her weapon, and then shoves it off.)

Invincible: Your little toys are useless!

(Then Invincible starts beating Ruby Rose.)

Invincible: I was bred as a warrior. (slams Ruby's face down) I trained my entire life to master my senses. (lifts her up) Where did you train? In a farm?

(Then Invincible throws her down, knocking her out.)

Invincible: You know what they say, where there's smoke, there's fire. (checks on Ruby, and sees she's out cold) Goodnight!

(Invincible walks away, leaving Ruby unconscious. Unbeknownst to him, his father Omni-Man is watching over him. Invincible walks to Emerald Forest, where he spots James Ironwood and Jarek testing out a pair of RPG launchers.)

Jarek: With a whole army totin' these, no one in Remnant or Earthrealm could stand up to you

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Jarek: With a whole army totin' these, no one in Remnant or Earthrealm could stand up to you.

(He shoots off an RPG into the distance while Ironwood examines another launcher.)

Ironwood: Well done. You may tell your fellow Black Dragon that I am very interested in your merchandise.

(As Jarek shoots off another RPG, Invincible walks into the clearing.)

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