Chapter 10: Unexpected Attack

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(Two weeks after the tournament, at night, still at the Special Forces Base, Jacqui is having a kiss with Takeda while contemplating recent events with Raiden.)

Raiden: I do not understand why my amulet is further damaged. "He must win". If not Ryo Shimizu, then who?

Takeda: Ya got us. Not sure anybody coulda done what he did. Made All Might look like more of a chump than a number one hero.

(While they're talking, James Ironwood and Winter Schnee walk up to them seemingly unnoticed.)

Raiden: (Not looking at Ironwood) Here to congratulate us on our victory, general?

(Jacqui and Takeda turn round.)

Jacqui: What?

Takeda: James Ironwood?!

Raiden: I didn't realise your master was in the habit of rewarding failure.

Raiden: I didn't realise your master was in the habit of rewarding failure

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Winter: Very funny, sparky!

Ironwood: (hits Winter's arm) Silence, Winter! (to Raiden) Ahem! Ozpin has an offer, Raiden. A new tournament.

Raiden: Heh. I see no reason to participate in any plan of yours.

Ironwood: Ozpin proposes a single tournament, to replace the current system of ten. It will be held in Remnant. If Earthrealm does not win, Union will absorb it. But if Earthrealm wins, Ozpin will abandon his claim to it forever.

Raiden: Give Ozpin my regards.

(Ironwood smirks and looks at Winter.)

Winter: (commlink) Winter to the Ace Operatives. You have permission to attack!

(Then a large portal is generated across the courtyard. Out of it emerge hundreds of Atlesian soldiers. The Ace Operatives are among them. Furiously, Raiden and Takeda begins fighting with Ironwood and Winter while Jacqui jumps into the rampaging army. He clotheslines Clover Ebi down, headbutts Vine Zeki, punches and knees yet Marrow Amin, throws him down and defeats him with a head stomp. Elm Ederne hammers her down, Harriet Bree hits her and Elm then kicks her in the face, sending her sprawling. As he lies on the ground, Elm brings her Timber down hard on her face, knocking her unconscious.)

(Takeda and Winter have a sword clash, and Winter shoves Takeda's sword down. Takeda then decides to fight with his bare hands, but Winter blocks each one of his attacks, and then headbutts him, knocking him out.)

Winter: I got one of them!

Ironwood: We'll take him. (commlink) Ace Operatives. Retreat.

(Then Ironwood and his army escape)

(Some moments later, Jacqui starts hearing Raiden's voice as she comes to, and spots Cassie Cage kneeling over her. The Base has been devastated by the Atlas Soldiers, but the Kamen Riders and Sonya Blade as well as Cassie are uninjured.)

Raiden: Ironwood gained a momentary advantage during our kombat and escaped. I now realise what we must do.

Jacqui: Uggh... Anybody get the number o' that--? Wait. Where's Takeda?

Raiden: Ironwood has taken him.

Jacqui: We've gotta find him!

Blade: We must follow them!

Raiden: Ironwood has made it clear that Earthrealm will be under constant threat unless I agree to a new tournament.

(Raiden then receives another vision; one of Kamen Rider Ichigo punching a hole through Ozpin's chest.)

Jacqui: Another vision?

Raiden: Yes. I saw Ryo Shimizu win the proposed tournament. I believe we must attend. But my earlier vision, of your victory over Shang Tsung, was not the solution I sought. Therefore this premonition must show an event I need to change. Perhaps "He must win" refers to another.

(Ryo Shimizu looks a bit downcast at this.)

Raiden: Hear me, Elder Gods! I accept the terms proposed by Ozpin!

(A light from the heavens briefly absorbs Raiden, which is presumably their acknowledgement of this.)

Raiden: We go to Remnant.

(The Kombat Continues)

(Season 1 End)

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