✦.⁺ cordial.

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═ ☆. WHEN YOU WOKE UP, it felt as though your head was trying to split in half and boil itself.

You closed your eyes again and counted to thirty before reaching for your phone. It wasn't in your pocket.

You panicked slightly before realizing the boys had left it on your nightstand, probably so you wouldn't crush it in your sleep. It felt like you had been out for only a few minutes, but a glance at your phone said it was already the next day. You'd been unconscious for over twenty-four hours.



Hope you're feeling better. Let me know when you wake up.

Narancia's tearing his hair out worrying about you.


What happened last night? You missed our meeting.


Ciao, it's Trish. Did everything go okay with the lighter? Text me back xoxo

You ignored the texts from Giorno and Trish and told Fugo you were up. He replied immediately, texting back that he and Narancia would be there in five minutes. They knocked at the door in three, and you dragged yourself out of bed to open the door. You knew you must have looked as terrible as you felt.

Narancia burst into the room. "Are you okay? Do you remember who we are? What's my name? What's your name?"

"Narancia," Fugo sighed, grabbing his arm. "Would you shut up? They just woke up."

"Right. Sorry." Narancia nervously took a seat at your desk as Fugo guided you back into your bed.

"Did you come straight from the café?" you asked, noticing Fugo's waist apron.

"I'm technically on break," Fugo said, rearranging your pillows. "It'll be fine, though."

Fugo handed you a bottle of aspirin and water from a plastic bag, and you choked them down.

"Are you sure there isn't anything else we can do?" Narancia swung around in your desk chair, unable to keep still. It looked like the arrow hadn't given him headaches or fevers.

"We just have to wait the fever out," Fugo replied. He rummaged around in his bag and gave you a bun from the café, still warm. "Eat. I know you're not hungry, but you need the energy."

"That lighter test," Narancia said. "It was from Giorno and Trish, right? That means they know about the Grim-Reaper-looking thing? They practically sent that thing after you!"

Fugo pursed his lips. "Yes. That's why I was warning you. Even though dozens of people have done the test, they never say anything about that... humanoid. I don't know why."

"You could have told us," Narancia said pointedly.

"They make it very clear doing so would have consequences," Fugo said, and he sounded like he believed it.

"Caprese," you said around your bun. The boys looked at you, confused.

"At the bonfire. Some guy barged in and started yelling at Giorno and Trish. The humanoid must've stabbed him with the arrow."

At the time, you had been as confused as everyone else at the bonfire. But if Caprese had also been chased by that thing from the lighter? You didn't blame him for snapping like that.

Why did they give me the lighter? To hurt me? To humiliate me?

Did they even want to get to know me at all?

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