Chapter 1

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(Your POV)

"Please, just gimmie some time to save up a littel more. Please!" I begged.

My mom shook her head. "I'm tired of dealing with you. Go get you own place and get out of my house. Now. Don't make me get the police involved." She threatened.

I didn't understand. We never saw eye to eye, but nothing like this has ever happened. I just lost my job since the place shut down. I have been job hunting for two weeks now. That's all I have been doing. I was trying, Why didn't she see that.

"Mom, I don't have a job right now and absolutely no one is hiring. I have been so so many interveiws. Why are you kicking me out?" I asked devestated.

She crossed her arms and sighed. "You want the truth? Fine. I don't want you around. My boyfriend doesn't like kids. If he saw you then is would be over. Why can't you let me be happy?" She asked looking at me.

I was speechless. "I'm nothing now? Is that what you are saying? Your new boyfriend is more important than your own relationship with your own child?" I asked my eyes watering.

"I never wanted you, but your dad wanted you so bad. So we had you. I didn't have a choice."

"You did have a choice! You chose to have me! You chose to be with dad and have family! What did you mean you didn't have a choice!" I scream. My heart and my chest was hurting so bad. How could someone say this to their own child?

"I did it because your dad would of left me if I didn't! I never wanted you. I always hated you! Why can't you see that! Sure you were good when income tax came in but that was it!" She screamed back more with anger than sadness.

"You are a horrible person! I am the only thing dad left! I am literally part of him and you!" tears were falling down my face. People were stepping out of their houses to watch us. I didn't care though.

"Yeah, someone left that is dead and I can't love anymore. I only loved you when he was around. He was the one I loved, not you. Now go. I don't want to see you again." she said calmly, but still inraged.

I grabbed my two suitcases and my bookbag. I hiccuped and sniffled, just completely hearbroken. "I can't believe you are doing this. I loved you. I don't know why you can't just love me back. I guess I will never know what goes on inside your head. Enjoy your life mom." I said through sobs as I walked away.

She kicked me out. Barely any money, no job, barely any friends. What did I do that that made my own mother hate me. I just graduated high school two weeks ago. turned 18 a week ago. Now I am faced to the world, on my own. No mom. No dad. No one.

My name is (Y/N) and, I just got kicked out of my home. Life was great until my dad passed away. Just a year ago, we were a happy family. I had good grades, mom and dad both worked very good jobs. Life was great. That was until my dad died in a car accident. Drunk driver hit him head on at 90 mph. He died from impacted. Nothing could be done to save him. Everything in my life fell after that day. Mom was hanging out with bad people. My grades were slipping. I even was told I might not have been able to graduate. I did it though.

I walked the streets of the tiny town named Spring Valley. Tiny town, but very much alive. By the end of the day, I found a very cheap apartment I coud stay in. I had enough for the first rent, but I needed a job soon. Otherwise, I'll be kicked out. I sat there, my things still packed. I sat there and cried for what seemed like hours. Why did dad have to leave? Why did mom not love me? I wanted anwsers, but I wasn't getting any. My heart hurt so bad.

I wanted my dad. He knew how to fix everything. He left me alone. I can't do it. I'm going to be kicked out and thrown on the street for anyone. Life wasn't fair. I took a huge breath and calmed myself down. I need to show her that I am going to make it through life better than she ever did. I wiped my tears and sat their for a second. I just wanted to sit here and never get up. Never do anything again.

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