• Chapter 5 🚨

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    Dewey brought Sheriff Burke over to the cop car he was driving, the flashing lights on. "You won't believe this" Dewey picked up the costume in which the killer had been wearing. "We found the cloak of it wrapped around y/n by the pool. Creepy huh" Dewey got into the car as the Sheriff inspected the costume, shaking his head.

    Gales camera van pulled up and she jumped out as fast as she could, almost breaking a heel. What that woman wouldn't do for a story is beyond me. "Jesus get the camera" she ran over to the car trying to get a look in "Sidney, Y/n is that you in there?" The car pulled off and Tatum began on her way to her own car, catching gales attention.

     "Excuse me is that Sidney Prescott and Y/n Y/l/n they took away?" Tatum having absolutely none of it continued walking

"I'm not talking to you"

"What happened to her?"

"None of your damn business"

     "I heard something about a costume. Is that true?" Tatum got into her car and started the engine as Gale knocked on the window "can you tell me anything"

     "Yeah your a real pain in the ass. Leave Them alone" and with that Tatum took off down the road. The sight of Stu's car caught her attention as She pulled over and got out. Stu hopped out of his car looking around at all the cop cars that surrounded Sidney's house. The call of his name made him pivot on the spot turning to face Tatum.

    "Tatum what the hell is going on?" He asked looking down at the shorter girl.

     "Y/n and Sidney were just attacked by the killer, Y/n was almost hypothermic . They've just been brought down to the station, I'm going there now. You better Follow me down, Y/n wanted me to call you."

    Stu nodded his head getting back into his car taking off down the road after Tatum. Passing the small wall his car had been parked behind after he left y/n's house. The same place he got back into his car after leaving Y/n by the pool, cutting the circulation off to her arm. I guess having doctors for parents was a good thing.

     He picked up on little things from having to stay in the hospital after school, waiting on his parents. When he was younger his parents thought him a few things one being, how to stop someone from bleeding out in the case of any emergency, and with the amount of blood coming from Y/n's arm he put his learning to use. Luckily for her it wasn't enough for her to have to get sent to the hospital but enough to make her pass out

    He hadn't meant to cut her. He didn't even want her to be there tonight. He wanted to cancel the plan when Y/n brought it up at the table that she would be going over to Sidney's, but with how stubborn billy was there was no way he would be able to cancel it. That's why he didn't bring it up. So when his knife came into contact with her arm instead of Sidney, he panicked pulling the knife out as quick as he could.

    When she took off running to the stairs Stu couldn't let her get caught in the crossfire anymore so he pulled her back down so she wouldn't get more hurt. His heart stopped when he came back downstairs to find her in a small pool of her blood. Her eyes closed and her breaths slow. When she grabbed his mask he thought it was over. Billy would kill him and her if she ever found out it was him under the mask

     The concern in Billy's voice was genuine when he heard y/ns name mentioned and saw her blood on the ground. As far as he knew, Y/n was staying home tonight. I mean sure. He rang her earlier to give mess with her, but that was it. It wouldn't have mattered anyway. This plan had to go ahead for everything to be perfect. But the small twinge in his heart when he heard Y/n was missing was undeniable.

𝙱𝙻𝙾𝙾𝙳 𝙲𝚄𝚁𝙳𝙻𝙸𝙽𝙶 𝚂𝙲𝚁𝙴𝙰𝙼𝚂 (𝚂𝚌𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚖𝟷𝟿𝟿𝟼)Where stories live. Discover now