• Chapter 10 🍻

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    Once I had gotten back to Tatum's, I put on a pair of shorts she had and a top Sidney owned. I could have easily went to my own house and got clothes from there but I didn't feel safe going back.....and I was too lazy.

     I put one of Tatum's long shirts over it, I fucking love shirts incase you haven't noticed. If you saw it from the back it would look like I only had the shirt on but fuck it.

It was now dark out as Dewey pulled up to Stu's house . Tatum grabbed the bags from the back as Dewey came to a stop "all right you girls have fun" Tatum smiled at Dewey "not too much or I'll have to bust ya" like a light switch Tatum's smile dropped and she rolled her eyes.

Once she got out she pulled the front seat forward so Sid and i could climb out. I got out first turning to take some bags off Sidney while she hopped out.

     Tatum ran ahead of us into the house while Sid and I jogged up behind her. The house was packed. There were people drinking on the front porch and everywhere you turned there was someone sticking their tongue down someone else's throat.

      Tatum walked through the living room that led its way into the kitchen holding up the bags, a proud smirk on her face "caterers here" this got cheers out of randy as Sid and I laughed following Her into the kitchen.

   Turning the corner a laugh left my mouth as i looked to Stu holding up a beer bong as Ryan, who got in trouble with Troy earlier, was drinking from the bottom of it. Tatum placed her bags onto the island in the middle of all the discarded red solo cups and bottles of boos before looking to her side shaking her head

      "Well that's mature" without taking any notice, or glance in our direction, Stu continued to pour the drink down to Ryan.

      "You guys were tardy to the party so we had to start without you" I pulled the drinks from the bag as sidney propped her bag up beside mine taking one glance at the two by Tatum and I.

      I smiled at her letting out a defeated sigh picking up an empty bag of Stu's favourite bag of chips "This is what I have to compete with tonight" sidney laughed as Tatum took the bag from my hand holding it and inspecting it

     "Well maybe if you let Stu eat you out like he does these chips there wouldn't be any competition" she said smirking. Stu's head snapped to us, Ryan began choking on he drink, eyes wide as I let out a sarcastic laugh shoving Tatum who has an innocent smiled on her face

    "Oh you think?" She nodded to me as the two boys watched the interaction "I'm a virgin, Tatum, not inexperienced. And when's the last time you got it on?" She smirked at me shaking her head

"Your such a bitch" I smiled at her, attacking her in a hug, both boys letting out visible breaths they were holding, happy it hadn't turned into a fight. Although they probably would've enjoyed that

    "But ye love me" she let out a giggle, wrapping her arms around me.

     "Obviously" she placed a kiss on my cheek as we pulled apart.

    Ryan appeared by the two of us smirking at Tatum. "id be happy to help you out with your little problem" i looked to tatum, my face holding an expression that said 'why the fuck not'. With that she grabbed him pulling him into her

     "well at least get me a drink first" he looked to stu, a happy smile spread across his face as he went to get more beer from the garage. I hopped up onto the counter grabbing an unopened bottle of beer about to to open it

     "Where's the bottle opener?" Stu came to stand infront of me wrapping his hand around the neck of the bottle taking it from my hand

    "No drink tonight for you I'm afraid" my eyebrows furrowed as i cocked my head back

𝙱𝙻𝙾𝙾𝙳 𝙲𝚄𝚁𝙳𝙻𝙸𝙽𝙶 𝚂𝙲𝚁𝙴𝙰𝙼𝚂 (𝚂𝚌𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚖𝟷𝟿𝟿𝟼)Where stories live. Discover now