Chapter 15

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Elena was sitting on the floor of the bathroom she knew that her pregnancy was going to be a bitch. But she couldn't wait Kol had went to go do something with his siblings and Elena hadn't wanted to go with.


Rebekah walked downstairs she knew that this was now or never she had to fix it. She would not let them get away with what they were doing. She knew that the first step was breaking up with Stefan. She had to make herself look brave she could not let him know why she was doing it.

She seen that Stefan was waiting for her. Carmen who had come with Kol and was standing with him talking to Freya was glaring at him. Which Rebekah saw. She went over to him. "What are you doing here?" She made her voice sound innocent she couldn't sound angry or disgusted by him right now she had to do this right.

"I wanted to talk to you. You were distant yesterday." Stefan had noticed a change in Rebekah, but he knew that Carmen would not say anything out of fear of what he knew getting out.

"Were not working i have to think of myself and I'm not happy." She had to do this right, or he was going to be onto her. And he did not need her to know that he knew what he was hiding or that he was just using her. "My best friend and my brother finally found love and i need to sorry you can go."

"Rebekah what is this about?" This was out of the blew now he knew that something was wrong this was not the Rebekah that he knew.

"This is about me being done with you. You can see yourself out." She walked away tears clouding her eyes as she pulled out her phone dialing Elena's number. She had done it she had broken up with him and she just wanted to hurt him how he had hurt her. "I did it."

"What? Huh?" Elena was a little confused right now she had just finished throwing up.

"Are you ok?" Rebekah could hear that she sounded sick and wanted to make sure that nothing was wrong.

"I've been throwing up for 20 minutes. What did you do?" She was trying to figure out what was wrong Rebekah sounded a little sad.

"I broke up with Stefan." She knew that it was what she had to do. He didn't love her he was just using her and she hated it.

"Are you ok?" Elena knew that it must have been hard for her. She had actually loved him and finding out what he had did.

"Not really but i had to do it. For my family for you. For me i wouldn't let him continue to use anyone. He deserves anything that he gets." Rebekah hoped that her parents had something planned for him ad she hoped that it would hurt.

Elena knew that this was hard for her but he knew that whoever was worthy of Rebekah would get her. And that they would deserve her. "Thanks Bekah."

"No problem." Rebekah had to do it. 

"Have you talked to Caroline?" Elena knew that Caroline had went to talk to Mikael and Esther.

"No she had to go to her apartment she has a present for Hope." She was happy that Caroline had recorded everything. She was happy that she had heard everything.

"Ok. Can you do me a favor?" Elena wanted to make sure that Stefan was not going to get away with blackmailing them.

"Depends what is it?" She was open to anything she knew that Elena had a plan.

Elena knew the plan was risky but she had to do it."Kol told me you guys have a person that can forge documents would you mind giving me their number."

"Why?" Rebekah wanted to know what Elena was planning to do.

"I'll tell you if it works." She didn't want to jinx it if it went sideways.

"Do you just want me to send him to the house." Rebekah hoped that whatever she was planning worked.

"Sure." Elena was happy to get to talk to him she wanted this to happen for her family.

"Ok i'll give him a call."


Elena was sitting on the couch watching tv with Layla when their was a knock at the door. She got up and went and answered it. "Are you Elena Mikaelson."

"I am, are you, their forger." She really hoped that he was good at what he did.

"You can call me Ethan that can i come in." He wondered what it was she needed.

She opened the door and let him in. "Do you ever get caught?" She needed to make sure before she had him do this.


"Good keep it that way." She closed the door after him and walked over to Layla."I'll be in the kitchen alright."


She walked in the kitchen and sat at the table he sat across from her."So what do you need me for."

"You ever forged an arranged marriage contract." She knew that if a contract drawn up and it looked real no one would believe Stefan over them.


"Was it good." She had to make sure.

"It was dating before the couple was even born fake signatures and all." 

"I need you to do one for me and Kol." She had to do this she would not let Stefan ruin her family.

"Why would you need that if you two are already married."

"Do you know how we got married?" Elena knew not a lot of people did.

"I know that a friend of mine planned the premeditated fake-car accident his former fiance was in."

"We dated before they got together, and his mother wanted revenge for Davina killing her grandchild. I was pregnant and Davina made me miscarry." She knew that they wanted to make Davina pay. But she wanted to make Stefan pay to just in case anything did get out.

"I need the date you want this to have been made. I need old signatures of your parents i need you to make out the rules you want it to say. I can see you put some thought in this i need everything that you want in this contract and i can make it a reality."

"How much?" She knew that no one did it for free.

"I'll tell you when i finish Mikaelson's get a discount."

"They have something on you too?" She knew that they had something on nearly everyone.

"They have something on everyone that works for them thats how they get away with it."


Kol and Carmen walked into the house Layla was asleep in her room and Elena was sitting at the table finishing the terms and the rules of the contract.

Kol walked over to her. "What are you doing?"

She looked over to him setting down the pen. She was writing the rules per his request everything that she wanted to be in it. "I talk to the contract forger today."

"Still never told me your plan." He wondered what she was doing.

"A press conference where part of the truth comes out. Including Davina Stefan is not getting away with this. So, the contract would be an arranged marriage between me, and you it had to happen before you turned 35 that's why we got married New Year's Eve before your birthday." She knew that if she said the Mikaelson's had drawn up the contract no one would doubt it.

"You sure about this?" He wanted to make sure that she was sure before they did this.

"It has to be done. Its better than everyone finding out the truth this way even if it does get out we have an allibi it will work and if when your parents decide to take care of him. If he gets out and tries to say anything it won't work because we already released our statement about this." She didn't care what others wanted she had to do it.

"Your right." He knew that she was right they had to do it. If anyone tried to say anything they wouldn't be able to with the contract.

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