Chapter 50 (half way thru)

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** Katrina's P.O.V **

"Katrina...? A..are you awake...?" I hear a familiar voice ask

"Mmmmphhhhhhhh..." I mumble as I turn over

"K..Katrina..!" The person exclaims

"Janet...? What is it...?" I ask as I sit up and yawn

"T..that..." Janet shivers as she gets closer to me

"What?" I ask as I wrap my arms around Janet's waist and pull her closer to me

"T..that...!" Janet exclaims as she glances to her side of the bed

I glance over to where Janet had glanced to see Carol, she had a kanif covered in blood. She was smiling, craziness lingered in her eyes. She looked insane

"What the- Carol..?" I ask

"Hello Katrina!!" Carol twitches

"Katrina I'm scared..." Janet admits as she burries her head into my chest and nuzzles up against me

"W..what're you doing...?" I ask as I hold Janet in my arms

"What I always do silly! Watching you and Janet sleep!" Carol smiles madly

"Da and that's not creepy at all" I answer sarcastically

"Just go back to sleep... I'll protect you..." Carol smiles madly

"Who's blood is that...?" I ask nervously

"Oh it's yours! And Janet's of course!" Carol exclaims happily

"How did you get our blood-?" I ask

"Simple! I drugged you and took it!" Carol smiles madly

"Uhm... okay..? Go clean up and lay down with us" I smile

"No can do! I have to protect you and Janet!" Carol exclaims

"Carol we'll be fine it's the middle of the night" I answer

"NO! Now... go back to sleep, or I'll make you go to sleep" Carol growls, trying to stay calm.

"Did you just threaten me..?" I ask

"Yes, I did." Carol answers

"Katrina just go back to sleep with me..." Janet begs

"Okay..." I sigh as I pull Janet closer to my body before I start stroking her back gently

"Goodnight Janet..." I smile as I kiss her head

"Goodnight... love..." Janet smiles as she burries her head deeper into my chest and nuzzles up against me

I smile slightly at Janet's jester, I don't know what I'd do without her... and Carol of course! But the real question is... did I... still love Zasha...?

** Marie's P.O.V **

Marie's dream/memory

"Hey Marie! We're going to a party! It'll have so much booze! Come on!" My friend, Darla exclaims

"Nope, I gotta study" I answer

"Come on! Have a night with all your buddies! It's totally a Saturday so come with everybody! All the alcohol you want and every guy there is a hottie!" Darla exclaims

"Alright" I smile

Not long after we arrived at the party I was drinking and puffing on bongs, I was almost unconscious.

Don't play with me, Book 3 - When He ReturnsWhere stories live. Discover now