Going Crazy

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Apollo felt Alfredo leave, finally. He whimpered and pulled his legs to his chest. He felt dirty, like he should've been able to fight back. He was weak for a hybrid.

His body ached, it was sore and tired from constant beatings and not enough food. This had not helped it. Tears leaked from his cloudy eyes, he wanted to be able to see. He wanted his crew.

He felt around the floor for his suit, unable to find it anywhere near him. He forced himself to feel around the cell, suddenly thankful it was so small. But his suit wasn't there.

He shivered, it was cold here. He curled up into himself again. He was cold and he didn't like it. It was too cold. He wanted warmth, he wanted Steve. His Steve back.

The cartoon dog whimpered a little as he closed his eyes. He was exhausted, would sleeping even help?

And he did sleep, but sometimes he couldn't tell if he was awake or asleep. Everything was dark in both realms, and he wondered if this would be the rest of his life

His mind sunk deep down, as if it was trying to hide from the real world, from the prison cell he was currently trapped in. He looked around, a mirror stood in front of him.

So he was dreaming. He walked over to it and stared, seeing his reflection. But it was different from what he was used to. His hair was slightly longer, his eyes cloudy and blank. And his body had scars and bruises littering it. He flinched back, whimpering again.

He would rather be awake than have to see this. Then the image flipped, it was him in the cell with Alfredo on him. He stepped back and the empty white room became full of mirrors, all playing the same thing over and over.

He screamed and cried out before he jerked off the cold wall with a Yelp. He tried to breath, but the air felt thick in his lungs, like smoke was in his nose and he tried to slow his breathing

He didn't like that memory, he didn't like that at all. He felt like the hands were on him again, the touch not seeming to actually leave his body. Once again he felt dirty and useless

"I want to go home," he said out loud, sobbing. He hated the darkness that surrounded him, unable to figure out where he was in the cell. "Why did he do this to me?"

Steve had been the one to do this. Not Cib. Not Alfredo. Not James. But Steve. Steve had taken away his vision. Steve had let Alfredo rape him like that. Steve was the reason he was trapped here, feeling alone and like a failure

He heard footsteps, ones that didn't sound like SP7, they seemed to barely be there. He must've been imagining it. Right? He was already going insane and the beating and the touch earlier hadn't helped his fear and jumpiness

And then he heard the cell door open

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