Opinions, Confessions, & Questions

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Helloo, in this part, I will be typing down what I truly think about Zayn leaving the band. Now, now, it is my opinion, you have your own opinion as well and I will respect it, even if you won't respect mine. But, I know, you're not that kind of people.

Let's talk about Spaces. Yes, their song. The first time I listened to it, I was quite stunned with how they used the words and that made me curious. Did they really know that Zayn's slowly slipping away? Did they really know that Zayn's slowly giving up with this band career? I know the boys would accept if Zayn did, but they would be devastated. But Harry, Niall, Louis and Liam are understanding people, they would respect and accept Zayn's desicion even if it's so hard to.

"Who's gonna be the first to say goodbye?" Zayn did.

"Who's gonna be the first one to start the fight?"Louis did. 

I kind of hate Zayn from what he did. FIRSTLY, he left the tour, with no explanation but just a simple "I'm stressed." Rumors spread everywhere, some of the fans believed them but why believe them if it isn't confirmed by the boys? My friends didn't believe that he left the band officially, that it was just a rumor, but I showed them that the official One Direction page really posted Zayn's desicion of leaving. They said they wouldn't believe until those words slip out of Zayn's mouth.

The Sun interview came. It was an article about Zayn quitting the band. And now, the fans are left confused. Did he really QUIT? Or was he FIRED? Many people believe that he was fired because of the things he's done. Especially smoking weed and it was posted all around the world. Management thought that he was the problem in the group. Maybe that's why they fired Zayn?

I wouldn't believe it if Zayn just quitted like that. Zayn love being in this band, Zayn love being with his four brothers. Then why would he quit? Why would he quit without an explanation.

SECONDLY, he said that he wants a simple, normal life of a 22-year-old. If he wants that, then he could've stayed home, with Perrie or his family. He could've rested and thought all of this. But, I guess he didn't do that. He didn't want a normal 22-year-old's life. He wanted to be a solo artist.

Ha, so now, having a normal life is being a solo artist? I thought having a normal life is being home with your family, eating breakfast, lunch, and dinner with them every day, spending your time with your girlfriend/boyfriend/fiance/husband/wife and your kids, going to school, hanging out with friends, no paparazzis following around you. But I guess that's what Zayn meant of having a normal life - being a solo artist.

You see, I liked Naughty Boy, maybe because of the song "La La La", or maybe it's because of Sam Smith but yeah I did like it. And now, I realized, Naughty Boy is only using Zayn for money and fame. Zayn's from a boyband for Pete's sake. The world's famous, well-known boyband One Direction.

Of course, when they release a song, when they make an album, Directioners would check it out because Zayn is in it. Get what I mean? Then, the fans will buy the album just to listen to Zayn's amazing voice. So, Naughty Boy would get tons of money and probably be on top of the charts.

Directioners do their best just make the boys on top of the charts, make them win tons of awards just to make the boys happy and proud of them. That's how we show our love, right?

THIRDLY, Zayn hasn't said anything about this whole thing. No tweets, no announcements, no explanation. He does have a few explanations, but that's not enough. We need more. He only said he was stressed, he needed to fix things with Perrie.

I am an acceptable person. For example, if you wouldn't be able to hang out with me today then I'd accept it and just do something else. I accepted the fact that Zayn left while they're on tour, because I thought, Zayn's tired, stressed and needs time to himself. I was worried about him too.

But, leaving in the middle of the tour, no, please. I thought it's just a one concert break. After that, he didn't go to Jakarta anymore. So many fans put their effort just to see them then he'll just leave all of a sudden?


"I know that all of us, the fans, are kept in the dark about what really goes on in this industry, but no matter what, regardless of my view point as a fan, Zayn should have followed through with his commitment to us and the boys. I understand, as he said, he wasn't happy with being in the band, but blindsiding everyone by leaving and not finishing what he started isn't right." Opinion of harrys tattoos on Vine.

"Leaving the band or being a solo artist is probably not his decisions. Maybe management is making him do something different since they thought that Zayn is ruining One Direction's image. I don't act precisely because the fans knows Zayn a lot and I'm sure he is not behind this situation." Opinion of Patricia.

"It's hard for me (us). Of course, he quit. But for me, maybe I'll just accept his decision. 4/4 are working hard for us, so I should continue to support them as much as I can." Opinion of Irish.

"To be honest, I'm feeling upset knowing that he's going to leave the band in the middle of the tour with no valid reason. There are so many so many reasons spreading of why Zayn left the band, but we're not even sure if one of them is true and now there's a freaking burrito called Naughty Boy who has came and everything becomes worse than ever. Also, when we found out that Zayn is recording with that guy. Honestly, I don't know what I am going to believe now. I feel betrayed and disappointed from what Zayn did to us. He didn't even tweet something just to clear things up for us, fans. I hate him. I feel so disappointed and hurt." Opinion of Kim.

"For the first time, I stopped believing what Zayn said to us. Liam, Niall, Louis, and Harry are four brothers he's never had. I'm pretty sure Zayn is happy whenever his around these people. But, the problem is, why did he let go? Why did he give up on us? The boys, the Directioners. The Zayn that is right now isn't familiar to me, he's a different person. That is not the Zayn I know. The Zayn I know is the one who'd stick with us, with all of us no matter what the hell happens. Not be selfish, leave the tour without a proper reason why he needs to leave, say that he wants a normal 22-year-old's life yet he's recording with the so-called Naughty Boy. I thought Zayn's just going to talk things out with Perrie because of those rumors, not completely leave his brothers while the tour is on-going. I'm hurt, disappointed, sad, confused, angry and most of all betrayed. I love Zayn, I truly do. But this decision that he picked isn't the best for him." Opinion of -fragile

Thank you for reading. Comment your opinion down below. We do not hate Zayn. We still love him, we just think he's not being the Zayn we truly know.

Louis once again slayed. He defended us and I'm just so thankful that he's always going to be there for us.

Anyways, a lot of people had probably asked you why you're defending Zayn or crying over him and have told that he doesn't know you exist. Don't you ever listen to them. They're a waste of time. Just walk away from them or maybe kill them with kindness like what Harry would do.

Stay strong. x

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