Charter 6 Acid lake and she's starting to sing

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(Author note: Play it when i tell you all right) :)

"Scarlett you don't have enogh time. Copy that? We do not think you have enogh time!!"

On the way to Ruth house to get Rachel kids it was difficult to see with all this Ash "how did they made it." I mumble. It was Dark and thundering
"God, what were they thinking? How are they going to get through this?" Says Rachel

I look ahead my eyes widened "Dad! Landslide!!" "Harry!" "I got it" Dad race through the landslide.

Third person POV

As the Landslide of rock tumble down on Harry's pick-up a tree too falls righ on their path "Harry!!!" "I got it. It's okay" he drive over. Scarlett look back at the road "" Another big tree blocking and multiple Rock and branches. "The road's gone..." Rachel look too and it was true what Scarlett said "It's gone..."

They made it to Ruth's cabin Rachel is the first one to dashes off "Lauren!! Graham!! Lauren!!" Harry and Scarlett follow her also calling their name's "Graham!" Call Harry "Lauren!!" Call Scarlett "Lauren!!" Rachel call

"We're over here!" "We're here!" Both Graham and Lauren call with Ruth behind them. Rachel ran to them and hug them "Am sorry mom" "Roughy ran away. It wasn't just Graham's fault. It was my idea too." "I'm so mad at you." Said Rachael.

"Children, inside. Out of the ash. Ruth it's okay. It's okay. Scarlett come on Darling." Harry pull her Daughter close to him they all enter the cabin the only light was Harry's and Scarlett flashlights.

"Stop looking at me lile it's my fault. Just take the kids, gwt back in your truck and go home." Says Ruth Rachel walk up to her "We would if we could, but a landslide has wiped out the entire road behind us." "What....?"

Paul it's Harry. Is anyine there?

Harry we hear you.where are you?

We're up at Mirror lake, at the lodge. The road's down, but we're okay.

This is really catastrophic. I'll send a helicopter when the ash clouds clear.

Listen paul get out of there before it's too late, okay?

Harry radio was Dying he was breaking up

In the Motel

"Harry, you're breaking up. Say again." "Paul, do...n't" "Harry, are you there?" Says Paul "Maybe his battery's dead." Said Greg "I've decided I'll stay as long as i can, but i want you guys to leave right now." "No way paul, we're not walking out on God's big show, right?" "Not a chance."


Scarlett sense was telling her something she felt something was wrong "Dad i want to go. Something feels off i don't know what is it." "It's okay we go we just have to wait a bit longer." He begin to rub circles on he Back "I'll protect you. All right dear? I will don't let anytime hurt you." He hug her and kiss her head "I'll protect you too" Harry smile "I'll check on Ruth and Rachel you Wait here with Graham and Lauren." She nodded she was now In deep thinking "She has to go soon right? is she singing already." On the corned of her eye she saw something glowing red and orange outside.........

"Rachel, Ruth, come on. We've got to go. Have you got everything? Okay, children, let's go."

Ruth and Rachel came down the stair with Harry too. The wood wall creak
She gasp eyes widened oh how she hate to be right. ",no,no. DAD!!!!" She yell. She was right within seconds the wood wall glow red and starter to burn lava pour in the lodge like a waterfall "Come on!! Go! Move!" Says Harry every dash outside where the tree were on flames.

"Mommy!" "The boats" "In the water!" "In the boat!" "Go, children. Go!"

Harry pushing boat as well for Scarlett. The adrenaline was running thru her blood she started her boat but when she realise what she was doing she stop she boat. Her boat was a little in front her Dad "Scarlett Go we are right behind you." She hesitated nodded and started her boat too. She was infront of her.

Taking a look at the in burning lodge she catch something in the water Dead fish alot of them she hear a little sound like Sizzing she look Down and saw little smoke coming from the boat "Oh......Shit.......can i please get a break...."

Look like her father too found the same thing happen to their boat "Graham! Don't touch the water. Lauren, come sit over here, sweetie. That's it, sweetheart. Everybody, put your feet up. Scarlett put you feet up!!"

"Yeah you don't have to tell me twice Dad!!." She yell back "Ruth, put your feet up, please. Volcanic activity has turned the lake into acid." Bubbling and smoke came thru the hole "Acid eats metal...." Says Rachel "Mmm-hmmm" she look at Harry worried written on her face

"Is the boat going to sink?" Says Lauren "No no, sugar. No it's not going to sink." Says Harry. Graham look at her scared sister and takes out his Crystal "Hey, if you're scared, you can have my Crystal." "I can have it?" "Yeah." "Thank you."

Harry starts to sing "Row, row, row your boat gently down the stream merrily, merrily, merrily life is a dream. Row, row, row your boat gently down the stream merrily, merrily, merrily life is a dream." Everyone on Harry's boat started to sing Scarlett to but a different one. One the her mother used to sing to her to sleep

(Play it now :))

Hush now my baby,
be still love don't cry.
Sleep when your rocked by the stream.
Sleep and remember my last lullaby,
so I'll be with you when you dream.
Drift on a river that flows through my arms.
Drift as I'm singing to you.
I see you smiling so peaceful and calm,
and holding you I'm smiling too.
Here in my arms, safe from all harm.
Holding you, I'm Smiling too.
Hush now my baby, be still love don't cry
sleep like you're rocked by the stream.
Sleep and remember this river lullaby,
and I'll be with you when you dream.
Here in my arms, safe from all harm,
holding you I'm smiling too.
sleep and remember this river lullaby
and I'll be with you when you dream.
sleep and remember this river lullaby
and I'll be with you when you dream.
And I'll be with you when you dream.

Harry was listen too he was surprised he hadn't hear that song in a long time, he didn't know her Daughter could sing and beautiful too she sounded like a angle so gently. But something had to ruined the moment the motor begin to sound weird the boat stop. Scarlett's was still going.

Harry check the motor only to find out the blades had being eated away by the acid lake "Oh, shit."

Scarlett stop her boat and pull the motor out of the water only to found out the her's too was getting eated away "Oh, shit" She look back at her Father boat to find them not move "Dad What Happen" She yell to them

"We've lost the prop" he yell back to her "No..." She mumble "Scarlett is your prop still there?" Harry yell "Yeah it is a bit." "Then what areyou waiting for used the bit of prop you have and get to the Dock." He yell "But...i can't. "Just go we will be okay."

She sigh and stated her boat "Come on you can do it. You can do it.

Scarlett POV

I almost made it to the Dock it was a but my boat stop i check and as Dad's Boat the prop was gone "Damn it. Now what?" I look at the Dock it wasn't far "Hmm it not the far...if i jump far enough i can make it....and if don't I'll fall in the Acid water and Burn to Dead...50/50."

"Fuck it...." Getting her Bagpack on and kissing her Crystal necklace

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