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When I went down stairs my mother questioned what was wrong with me, I ignored her and told her we needed to go home for dinner.

That night I found it incredibly hard to sleep, what were Mr Styles intentions with me? Will he ever bother me again?

The next day my mam came into my room to inform me we were still having lunch with the Hemmings who I found out was the lady Liz and her son Luke. She said I needed to dress nice because she thinks Luke would be interested in me.

I decided to wear a baggy white long sleeved top, tucked into my favourite navy skirt. Wearing my usual low white cons with them. I decided to accessories with it and added a necklace and a brown hand bag.

I quickly put my hair in a side braid and applied a bit of foundation mascara and a tint of red lipstick,

My mam yelled up to tell me that we're leaving. I put on some perfume and rushed downstairs.

"Darling you look beautiful " my mam complimented, I shyly smiled and said a quiet "thanks". We started to make our way over.

As I was walking I felt someone staring at me, I looked up at the black house and seen the curtains quickly close. It had been Mr Styles.

We knocked on the hemmings door and Luke answered again, this time wearing a red flannel and black jeans. "hey come in" he shyly said and opened the door wide for us to enter.

He showed us to the dining room and told us to take a seat "Luke honey why don't you sit next to eva" mrs hemmings said walking into the room.

"Umm ok-okay mam" Luke stuttered shyly, he got up from his seat across from me and sat in the one to my left.

"Hey" I said quietly, he turned me saying a "hello" back. We turned back to our mothers with smirks on their faces, making us both blush.

"Oh by the way I would like to apologise that my husband and my other two sons will not be able to join us today, they are away on a fishing trip" mrs hemmings smiled.

"Oh that's okay liz, how come Luke didn't join them?" My mam asked.
"School" Luke quickly answered.

"Yes Luke is very dedicated to school and refuses to miss a day" mrs hemmings said rolling her eyes, making my mam laugh and Luke scoff.

Mrs hemmings excused herself to get our lunch, my mam went in and offered to help, leaving Luke and I in the room alone.

"So what school are you planing on going to?" Luke said making me turn to him. "Blue bay" I replied smiling. "that's were I go" Luke said a little excited making me giggle.

"What year are you in?" I questioned
"It's my last year" he told me "what about you" he added "I will be doing my last year too" I smiled.

Both our mothers came in with chicken wraps. "liz you and Luke our welcomed to come to dinner tonight, Mr Styles will be coming also" my mother announced, making me freeze.

"Mr Styles?" Liz questioned, "Yes the lovely man who lives in the black house next to mine. "oh the crazy one" Luke muttered smiling at me, making me stiffle a laugh.

"Oh right well I do-" "yes of coarse we will go mrs Rose" Luke cut his mother off.

"Great well we must be going, thankyou for a wonderful lunch liz. Dinner will be served at seven so come around 6:30?" My mam asked "yes 6:30 is fine" liz said.

We quickly made our way home. When we got in I was desperate to put my pyjamas on because I was freezing, as I was on my way up the stairs my mam called for me "please go next door and tell me Styles to come here at 6:30" she said.

"Why didn't you tell him last night? " I moaned " I was planning to ask liz and wanted to see what time suited her, now go.

I slowly walked out the door and made my way to Mr Styles house. I knocked once and the door opened straight away to a shirtless Mr Styles.

"Eva darling do come in" he said smirking looking at me up and down. I entered with my head down.

"So why are you here" he asked sweetly. "we-well my mam ju-just wanted to let you know tha-that dinner is at 6:30" I stuttered.

"Do I make you nervous he smirked again at me, I quickly shook my head making him chuckle.

"How about now" he said pushing me against the wall making me squeak. He placed his hands on my thighs and wrapped my legs around his waist, then places his hands on my bum.

"Hmm daddy likes this" he said pulling me closer to him. As we were so close I could feel his hard member right above my core making me shutter.

"Da-daddy?" I questioned making him groan " yes I'm your daddy and your my baby girl" he said with a deep breathe.

"I'm sorry Mr Styles I need to go" I said quickly, he placed me back on my feet and gave my bum a quick pat.

"Daddy will see his baby girl at dinner tonight"

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