Movng day

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It feels like this is the millionth time we have moved since my dad got his new job. He's a manager for a business company I don't even know about.

This time the move is a bit more hectic because we're moving from the US to london. It would usually be going somewhere an hour away from our old house.

We were on our way to the new house now, we have just left the airport from that long ass flight.London is cold I arrived in shorts and a tank top, not very wise of me.

"Eva are you excited to make new friends" my mam asks from the front seat of the car "not really I'll just be taken away from them soon anyway" I said sadly "not this time kiddo, were gonna stay here permanently" my dad announced.

"Really?" I asked surprised, making them both nod. We quickly emerged a street with very large houses, all were beautiful except one.

There was a black house smaller than the others that had broken windows that were covered up and a littered garden, the house itself looked creepy.

My dad stopped the car infront of the house beside the black creepy one "here we are" he said happily looking at our new house.

"It's huge" I gasped looking at our new house which I think was the biggest on the street "go inside and take a look me and your dad will bring in your bags" my mam offered.

I quickly ran inside to see the house was beautifully furnished. I went upstairs and looked in all the rooms, I seen a door with my name painted on it on purple, I opened the door and seen a huge bedroom decorated to my style.

I looked out the window and seen my room was straight across from the creepy house, I could see in one of the windows I hope whoever lives there can't see through mine.

"Eva!" I heard my mam call me, I ran down to see what she wanted "yes?" I asked "your coming with me to introduce us to the neighbourhood" she said.

I followed her out the door, we began at the end of the street at a blue house. My mam knocked on the door and a boy about my age answered in just his underwear.

When he seen me his eyes widened "your not the pizza guy" he said with red cheeks, my mam laughed and asked if his mother was home.

"Um yeah come in" he said awkwardly, we followed him into his living room. He told us he was just going to get dressed and that his mam will be right down.

"Hi how can I help you?" a woman with blonde hair said walking down the stairs "hey we just moved in down the street and we wanted to introduce our selfs" my mam said smiling friendly.

"Oh you moved into the house beside the black one I was wondering when you guys were moving in, I'm liz" she said shaking my mams hand.

"I'm Lisa and this my only daughter Eva" she said introducing us "oh Eva aren't you lovely" she said making me blush "thanks" I mumbled "how old are you" she asked "17" my mam answered.

"Same age as my luke" she smiled "well I guess we better go now it was lovely meeting you" my mam smiled "it was you should come over for lunch tomorrow and we can get to know each other" liz said.

"That would be lovely" my mam replied, just as we were about to leave I heard someone running down the stairs "luke say goodbye to our neighbours" liz said sternly.

He walked over to us "hey I'm Luke" he said shyly, he shook my mums hand and awkwardly looked at me "im Lisa and this is my daughter Eva" she said "hi" I mumbled "em hi" Luke said

"Well we will see you tomorrow" my mam said and we left, we did this with all the other houses and then we stopped at the black one "come on Eva one more house " mam said.

We walked into the horrid garden and my mum knocked at the door, straight away the door opened revealing a man in his mid twenties.

"May I help you?" he asked in a deep polite tone "hello I'm Lisa and this is my daughter Eva we have just moved in next door with my husband and we wanted to introduce our selfs" my mam said for like the hundred time tonight.

"Well I'm harry why don't you come in" he offered opening the door more to letting us in. I was shocked of how the inside looked, it was very tidy and beautiful may I add "what a lovely home you have Mr..." I mam said "styles" he answered "and thankyou now would you like a cup of tea" he asked.

My mum nodded "take a seat in the living room" he said. He left to go make the tea "he's lovely isn't he" my mam said I just nodded.

Mr styles came back with 3 cups of tea "darling would you like a cup also" he said looking at me which made my eyes widen from what he called me "yes please" I said shyly.

He smiled "what a lovely girl you are" he said looking at intently making me feel nervous.

Me styles and my mam chatted for a bit with me just listening in looking at my feet. When I looked up to take a sup of my tea I seen mr styles looking at my chest.

I looked down and seen that my cleavage was on show. I quickly pulled up my shirt blushing making mr styles smirk.

I quickly drank the rest of my tea. I seen me styles smirk at me again. Suddenly I needed to go to the toilet "em excuse me" I said quietly, both mr styles and my mam looked at me "yes hunny" my mam said.

"Can I use the restroom" I said embarrassed , my mam sighed "can you wait until I'm done my tea and we can go home " she said pointing to her half cup of tea ,I shook my head no.

My mam looked at me styles to see if it was okay "of coarse follow me and I'll show you to the bathroom" he smirked

He walked up the stairs and I quickly followed, "and here's the bathroom" he said pointing to a door "thankyou" I mumbled.

As I was about to walk in I felt a playful smack hit my bum "don't mumble sweetheart" he smirked making my face turn pale.

I quickly went into the bathroom and did my business and opened the door. I gasped surprised when I felt myself being pushed into the wall.

Mr styles had my hands pinned above my head "mr- mr styles?" I asked.

"Hmm I couldn't keep my eyes off you down there, I was dying to touch you" he breathed in my ear making me shiver.

"Now darling let's go down stairs but I warn you now you will not tell anyone about this"

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