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Today is the reunion day of space academy, space is decorated as a new bride we can see hustle bustle every where, everyone are running and checking the last minute preparations.

Old students are started to come as its almost the time to inaugurate the function. Principal is welcoming every student personally, Neyonica as a trusty is also attending the students personally.

When everyone are busy in reminiscing their college days seeing the college after many years, everyone are meeting their old friends and catching up and sharing what was going on their lives. But, everyone are waiting for only one group of friends or to be precise one person in that group i.e., THE MANIK MALHOTRA.

When everyone are busy in their own worlds their came a luxurious BMW in which a man got down in his own attitude within seconds their came his wife and his son, seeing them all was shocked and going crazy they are none other than cabir, navya and abeer with them mukti was also there with her son smaran as zubin is out of work and will be joining later.

Mu : wow cabir our following is still the same

C : yeah

Na : even I like this following

Mu : yep navya

C : okay come lets go

With that they started walking towards the hall where the inauguration of reunion is about to start, seeing them principal came towards cavya and mukti

C : hello sir

Pri : hello cabir, navya and mukti how are you people

Mu : we are fine sir

Pri : are they your kids

Na : yes sir

Pri : they are so adorable

Sa, Ab : thank you sir

Pri : where are the others dhruv, alya and manik

Hearing manik everyone's face fell but before they could continue their talk another BMW came in the entrance and seeing that cavya and mukti has a smile on their faces while everyone was only staring at the car, soon a man and woman came down with their daughter seeing them everyone was stunned as the college diva itself came and like always looking hot i.e., dhruv, alya and dia.

Ignoring their stares dhruliya with dia started walking towards cavya and mukti where principal was talking with them, seeing dhruv and alya principal has a smile on his face and welcomed them.

Pri : welcome dhruv and alya

Dhruliya : hello sir

Pri : how are you both and how are you doing in your lives

D : we are good sir

Pri : your daughter is looking beautiful

Di : thank you uncle

Pri : okay come everyone are waiting and the function will start within 30 minutes.

Nodding their heads as yes everyone moved towards the hall from there.

After reaching the hall they see everyone are staring them ignoring everyone stares fab4 were chit chatting with each other.

C : guys will he come

D : I don't think so cabir 

Mu : but everyone came na why cant he

Na : we just hope he comes

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