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All of their next day went in a happy note and today was the last day of their reunion

In cavya room,

D : today is the last day

Mu : yes now I am sure that we wont get that deal which we want from A- music labels

Al : we have to do something that nandini insulted me and I cant leave her like that

Na : what do you want to do alya I am with you

Mu : I am in too

D : okay we wont stop so what's the plan

Al : ..........

Mu : are you sure about the plan alya

Al : I am damn sure

Mu : okay then

In manan side,

Manik and nandini as sleeping in each other arms close to each other.

Manik was the first one to open his eyes and saw his love, his life is sleeping cutely in his arms.

M (himself) : jaan thank you for coming in my life jaan. But why I am feeling like something bad is going to happen today. Whatever it is I have to be more careful regarding my family mainly nandini and advik as these two are my weakness. I cant let anything happen to them.

Sensing some movements manik came out of his thought and saw nandini is awake so he pecked her lips

M : good morning jaan

N : good morning mani

M : come on wake up and get ready we have to go today is the last day and we need to malhotra mansion too before leaving to London

N : okay I will get ready first and wake kids up

M : okay meanwhile I have some work and I will complete that

Soon enough nandini got ready and came out of her room went to wake kids. When she opened the door she saw advik is all ready and woke aarav and adhira and helping them in getting ready.

Ad : good morning mumma

N : good morning my baby

Ad : mom please don't baby me

Aa : you are always a baby for us bhai

Ad : you are saying like you are not a baby and you are a big boy

Aa : don't you know I am a big boy now

N : okay times up kids no more fighting and soon come down I will be in canteen okay

Ad : okay mom we will come

Nodding nandini went towards the stairs. when nandini is about to climb down the stairs someone pushed her down. Nandini couldn't balance herself as the push was harder so lost her balance and rolled down the stairs.

When nandini was rolling advik at the same time came towards her shouting but in all these advik missed that someone is their on the floor who pushed nandini.

Ad (loud shout) : MUMMA

Hearing advik shout all came towards him and saw nandini is laying in pool of blood and advik white shirt is full of nandini's blood.

Seeing his lifelines like that manik breath hitched and he stood like a statue there. Soon manik came in his senses hearing arnav

Ar : manik take the car we have to rush to hospital

Ab : advik pick nandu up

Advik came into senses listening abhi and soon he picked nandini and rushed towards car with nandini in back seat with him and manik is driving with arnav in passenger seat. Remaining in other cars

In car,

Ad (crying) : please open your eyes

Advik was continuously patting nandini cheeks

Ad : dad faster please

Ad : mumma please speak something 

Ad (with chocking voice) : mumma you are scaring me please open your eyes and speak something. You hate tears in my eyes na see you are making me cry. Mumma please open your eyes

Soon they reached hospital and rushed nandini to OT.


Seeing nandini like that manik and advik was shattered and they sat on the bench like a statue and not even responding to anyone their faces were blank.

Soon doctor came out of OT and everyone rushed towards doctor.

Ar : doctor how is she

Dr : she is fine Mr. Raizada and out of danger and will be up after 12 hours as she is under sedatives and need rest

Ab : thank you doctor.

Now advik and manik are relived some what but not fully. David came towards manik and advik and showed them a video which was enough to come into their monster mode

David : sir once see this video

Saying that david played the video in which alya, and rhea are pushing nandini from the stairs

Ad (dangerously with blood shot eyes) : I want all of them on the road with in 10 minutes, you have just 10 minutes david otherwise I will dig your grave here itself.

David (shivering) : I will be on my work sir

As advik ordered fab4 and rhea are on roads within 10 minutes.

Advik and manik was beside nandini all the time and took her hand in their hands and are seeing nandini without blinking their eyes.

After sometime knowing fab4 and rhea are on road advik and manik went to them saying abhi and arnav to take care of nandini as on insistence of manik and advik all of them left to malhotra mansion only abhi and arnav with manik and advik was in the hospital.

So leaving arnav and abhi near nandini manik and advik came to meet fab4 and rhea.

M : aww look advik who is standing infront us

Ad : yes dad is this real dad the ever Mumbai famous fab4 is now on roads how sad

D : stop all these I know very well know you both are behind our this state

Ad (smirking) : yes Mr. Vedant I am the reason behind your this state I already warned you not to mess with my family but how dare you to directly touch my mom. No one I repeat no one can escape from advik malhotra after harming his family but you people dared to touch my mom my possession and how do you think I will leave you all like that.

C : manik we are friends right how can you do this to us

M : friends come on Mr. Dhawan you are not my friend you all clearly know that I know your true colors

D : you proved you are Mr. Raizada's champ manik


PRECAP : epilogue

few words about manan

few words about advik

few words about fab4 and rhea

few words about advik and nandini bond



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