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"I'm sorry for dragging you into that conversation," Pebblepaw meowed apologetically. Wingedpaw looked at his brother comfortingly, trying to appear neutral about the topic. Still, his mind flicked back to how Pebblepaw had acted in the presence of Dioritestar. "Those conversations were meant to be between Dioritestar, Batjump, and I. Not you."

"It's alright."

"I know, but, you did a great job in there," Pebblepaw purred. "You know, I'm sure Dioritestar will let you join our conversations."

"Another apprentice?" Wingedpaw meowed, falling into step with Pebblepaw. The two of them were walking through the forest, trailing behind Fallendrift and Wolfthaw on the border patrol.

"What do you mean?"

"The clan will be outraged, they'll only hate Dioritestar more. An apprentice, why not a warrior?" Wingedpaw looked at Pebblepaw, trying to reason with him. Join him? In his meetings? How can I, after what I saw? He stared deep into his brother's eyes. If only he knew the true reason why. In truth, he wanted to avoid seeing his kind brother be so different, so cold, and so unlike himself. 

"Oh, come on. You'll be a great addition! I admit, I sometimes do get carried away, but that's the reason why you should be there, to help me," Pebblepaw meowed, ducking underneath a large frond. Wingepaw frowned, still doubting himself. I can't possibly say yes. Suddenly, Pebblepaw slowed his pace, watching as Wolfthaw sneaked a glance back. He gave a nod to the young warrior, who raced onwards after Fallendrift. We're alone now, Wingedpaw thought.

"You're my brother, you know that?" Pebblepaw meowed after Wolfthaw was out of sight and earshot. 

"Of course."

"I was named to be the greatest warrior, maybe even future leader. I was meant to achieve so much by doing so little," Pebblepaw meowed, looking up towards the sky. Wingedpaw hopped across a fallen vine to avoid tripping, taking the opportunity to look away from Pebblepaw. "And you, what were you named for?"

Wingedpaw slowed, thinking for a moment. Then, he mewed, "to support the clan."

"And to support me." They both stopped.

"I'm sorry."

A long moment passed between the two. Pebblepaw didn't seem to be fazed about it, but he nodded slightly. Disappointment shone in his eyes as he trotted ahead of Wingedpaw, leaving him behind. 

Sighing, he continued to pad onwards. Forgive me, brother. But how can I support someone who scares me every time he hunts? 


Another moon had passed since Wingedpaw's last encounter with Coyotestar's clan. He wasn't sure what the other leader was doing. Watching, waiting, planning? But for what? Why hasn't she made her move by now? Not only that, but Pebblepaw had been distant, most often in the leaders' den, speaking with Dioritestar and his deputy, Batjump. The three of them had been planning something, he knew. A part of him wished he had accepted Pebblepaw's offer in joining the trio to discuss clan matters, but he shook the thought away.

Pebblepaw was the special one, wasn't he? I won't interfere with him, Wingedpaw thought. And  I won't look into his eyes again. Besides, he had to focus on his training, especially with the new challenge that Dioritestar would give to him today. Perhaps he will also announce something else, he thought, flexing his claws. He itched to know what would happen to Coyotestar, assuming that they were going to do something, anything. 

He perked up as soon as he saw a pale shape slide out of the leaders' den, his face showing nothing. On goes the mask he always wears, Wingedpaw thought as he watched his father quickly make his way to the Center Grove. Behind him, Batjump joined the crowd that was beginning to gather as cats noticed something was going on. Pebblepaw slid out last, almost missing Wingedpaw. At the last moment, he caught Wingedpaw's gaze and forced a purr before also joining the crowd.

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