Chapter 2

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Bolton and Georgia walked in late.
"Bolten Smillie and um-"
"Georgia."Georgia said.
"And Georgia why are you late?"
"I got a bit lost and Bolten here showed me where this lesson and next lesson is."Georgia lied.
"Okay we'll go sit down the pair of you."
Bolten sat down next to Paul and Janeece had saved a seat for Georgia and she sat down there.Steph did the register "Paul Langly."
"Yes miss."
"Georgia Mason."
"Yes miss." Everyone looked at her.
Steph finished the register and got on with the lesson.During the lesson Georgia was messing around.Bolton put his arm round her and whispered something in her ear.

Next lesson was English with Mr Clarkson.
"Okay this term we will be doing about poetry and Shakespeare,"Tom said
"Well I mean I hate Shakespear but look at him,you never said you had a fit teacher."Georgia said to Janeece.
"Problem?"Mr Clarkson asked.
"No sir."
"We'll you can hand the Macbeth books out if you are that enthusiast."
"For gods sake."Georgia groaned.
"I better do the register."
Georgia was handing the books out.
"Paul Langly."
"Yes sir."
"Georgia Mason."
"Yes sir." Georgia said as Tom looked at her in that shocked way.
"Are you Miss Mason's daughter?"He asked.
"Well duh,doesn't the surname give it away."
The class sniggered and he got on with the lesson and then the bell rang for break.
"Off you go."
Tom shut the door and Georgia was stood there as her fiends waited out side.
"I was shocked when I found out who your mum is."
"What does this have to do with anything?"Georgia asked.
"We'll I just thought you would dress right and have the correct attitude for learning but you don't."
"Are you stereotyping?"
"No."Tom opened the door and the girls walked off.Georgia was still looking like she should be dancing in a night club.The group of girls walked outside in the car park and Bolten was stood there he came over."Thanks for saving my back in Haydocks and what did Clarkson want?"He asked.
"That's okay and saying how he thought the heads daughter wouldn't look like this."

Meanwhile Rachel walked into the staffroom "Your daughters a late one."Steph commented.
"What she was late."
"She was a bit mouthy in my class."Tom added.
Rachel went over and made a coffee
"That girl needs a change in attitude"
The bell went and they left.
"Rachel don't worry I've got her in my lesson next I'll keep an eye."Kim said.
"Thanks Kim I'll have a word with her at lunch."Rachel replied.
Kim walked to her lesson and let her class in.She did the register and said "We are going to be drawing a landscape of the school today,so grab your pencils and come outside."

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