Chapter 14

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Lan Xichen finished putting the inner robe on Wei Wuxian and stepped a little bit away, still holding his forearm to keep the boy standing. The Yunmeng Jiang sect head disciple's eyes were now closing of their own accord even if it was clear that he was trying to fight against it. He looked like a sleepy child who would stubbornly want to stay up a little longer despite their body shutting down for the night.

Lan Xichen kept a pleasant smile on his lips and did not let it show on his face just how much the knowledge that Wei Wuxian was hard again affected him. If he had been aroused after he had taken care of the boy before, now the simple memory of that time was waking his manhood until it was standing tall and throbbing inside his pants. He did not want Wei Wuxian to know he had just started lusting after him in the same way as Lan Wangji had. It would only make him remember everything.

Moreover, he did not want to take advantage of the Yunmeng Jiang sect head disciple when he was in such a vulnerable state. Not even when he was the one who had caused it by making him drink that medicinal tea. He had only helped him before because Wei Wuxian had looked very uncomfortable while being hard and he had needed him to sleep a little longer. It had been necessary. He knew he had crossed the line and he did not want to repeat it, certainly not with Wei Wuxian conscious now.

The boy had apparently a different opinion of the situation however. He was looking very bothered and his hand was trying in vain to reach between his legs. He was breathing heavily and whimpering under his breath.

Lan Xichen was stunned. He had not known that the tea he had made Wei Wuxian drink also had this kind of effect on people. It seemed like all the barriers and common sense had just flown out of the window for the boy and he wanted to take care of himself right here and now. Or could it be one of those side effects that Lan Xichen had not been aiming for was also aphrodisiac? He would have to ask the healers later.

For now, Lan Xichen turned his eyes away and took another step back. He did not mind the movement of the boy's hand and he slowly lowered him on the bed. Wei Wuxian protested weakly but let himself be laid down as well.

Lan Xichen was musing if he perhaps should not have given him the medicine in the first place. He had wanted Wei Wuxian to be meek and open to his persuasion, but this was certainly not what the First Jade had expected. This was more than he had bargained for. Especially because he was hard himself and needed to leave Wei Wuxian alone instead to talking to him to take care of himself. What a situation really.

"No," the boy refused for real when Lan Xichen tried to cover him with the blanket. He was making this difficult.

The First Jade did his best to maintain a pleasant tone when he asked: "What is wrong?"

He only realized too late that he had forgotten to use the addressing which he had determined should make Wei Wuxian feel closer to him. Well, he would just have to remember the next time.

The boy was now mumbling something seemingly to himself, he was not looking at anything, only staring right through Lan Xichen. It was actually a little scary. Lan Xichen leaned a little closer to him so he would luckily be able to understand his words. It could be² important.

"Lan Zhan... so mean... take care of me... I can also..."

Before Lan Xichen could make any sense of that, Wei Wuxian reached out his hand with for his current state very unexpected sharpness and aim. The First Jade was so surprised by that move that he did not even try to avoid it. The boy's hand landed spot on between his tights and he started moving it up and down, perfectly getting hold of Lan Xichen's hard member.

The First Jade had to actually bite back a moan. This was better than all those times that he had been taking care of himself. And it seemed like Wei Wuxian was doing this willingly as well. When this was the case, he did not mind continuing. It did not feel bad at all, he was enjoying himself and he thrusted his hips a little closer to the bed so Wei Wuxian would be able reach even better.

His head tilted backwards and his eyes unfocused as his breathing quickened. Lan Xichen was getting closer to his climax. The boy's hand did not stop stroking him just in the right way and only a second later, his pants became damp with his seed. When he released, a suppressed cry left his lips. It was reciprocated by Wei Wuxian's adorable little cheer.

"Am I being good for you?" he asked, his voice suddenly more comprehensible than before.

Lan Xichen made an effort to look down at him. He was still riding the after waves of his pleasure and it was hard for him to concentrate. He should not have been the one in this state his sluggish mind supplied but the thought slipped away before he even fully understood it. All he could focus on was Wei Wuxian's smiling face and his wide open and adorable eyes which were now looking right at him instead of through him.

Suddenly, something inside Lan Xichen broke and he leaned down and kissed those perfect blood red lips. His hand travelled to the back of the boy's head and he pressed him against himself more firmly, hungrily devouring everywhere he could reach and exploring with his tongue. Wei Wuxian reciprocated eagerly and they only separated when they were both completely breathless.

This was incredible, Lan Xichen thought when his mind slowly regained all its functions one by one. He was still holding the back of Wei Wuxian's head which made the Yunmeng Jiang disciple look at him just like before. Those eyes were irresistible and Lan Xichen had a strong urge to kiss the boy again. This time at least, he resisted.

"Am I being good for you?" asked Wei Wuxian again, more desperately.

This time, Lan Xichen replied: "Yes, Little Brother, you are being very good to me."

Wei Wuxian frowned a little first but he quickly regained his previous smile. His eyes closed at last and he was fast asleep before Lan Xichen even let go of his head or could cover him with the blanket. 

I will take care of you, I promise (Between a rock and a hard place 3)Where stories live. Discover now