Chapter 15

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Lan Xichen was observing a peacefully passed out Wei Wuxian. He was still in quite a shock from the boy's behaviour earlier. He would have never expected him to act in this way. It almost looked like he was not as traumatized as Lan Xichen had thought. Could it be that he had even enjoyed the whole situation with Lan Wangji? Either that or he was just pretending to be fine or blocking out the stressful events entirely. The First Jade could not tell which one it was.

Everything was looking too weird to him and he was not sure he would actually be able to accomplish his goal. He felt like he was way out of his depth in this. He however was determined not to give out. There was still a chance for him to succeed. If he could keep Wei Wuxian this pleasantly pliant, he would surely be able to convince him to never mention the unfortunate situation involving Lan Wangji and his kidnapping ever again.

And if he made Wei Wuxian fall for him in the process, then all the better. It did not look like the boy was opposed to the idea either if his previous behaviour had anything to say about that fact. As for Lan Xichen, he would not mind, not at all. He had actually already realized that Wei Wuxian would be a good cultivation partner, both talented, spirited and eager. They could be a good match.

He shook his head, he knew he was getting way ahead of himself, this was no time to be thinking about a marriage, not even a prospect one. For now, he had to take care of Wei Wuxian.

The boy seemed to have been waking up for a few minutes already and Lan Xichen had not prepared anything just yet. He wanted to spoil him so the good memories outweighed the bad ones. He had everything thought out already: he wanted to make Wei Wuxian feel so good with him that he would never want to leave. He wanted him to have a good time.

Before the Yunmeng Jiang sect disciple could really wake up, Lan Xichen called a servant over and requested to have a lunch brought in and a bath prepared. Luckily, the servants managed to prepare everything before Wei Wuxian opened his eyes. Now, the stage was set and Lan Xichen had to wait only for the main protagonist.

He boiled another serving of the medicinal tea as well. He had been warned by the healers that the effects wore out with time and if he wanted to keep Wei Wuxian medicated – for his own good of course, he would not want him to start panicking, he needed to keep him calm, that is what he explained to the healers – he would need to give him some more every two to three hours or so.

It took another ten minutes before the grunting from the bed became louder and Wei Wuxian sat up, looking around with a look of confusion. He grunted again and slumped forwards, hiding his face in his palms. He massaged his temples as if he had a headache. Lan Xichen quickly came towards him and offered the new cup of the medicinal blend.

"Little Brother, here, have some tea, it will make you feel better."

Wei Wuxian's head snapped up and he looked at Lan Xichen with a hidden suspicion in his eyes. Luckily, they had yet to regain their usual sharpness and curiosity, he was still under the effects of the medicine. Although it was clearly starting to wear out. He had woken just in time to take another cup.

Wei Wuxian looked somewhat reluctant so Lan Xichen prompted: "Do it for me?"

It seemed to have been something that the boy listened to. After all, he had asked repeatedly yesterday if he had been doing good for him. Apparently, and Lan Xichen did not know the reason why, he wanted to please him. This could be good to know in the long run as well.

Just as he had hoped, Wei Wuxian immediately relaxed and the suspicion left him completely. He smiled and reached for the cup that Lan Xichen was still holding out to him. He drank it without a second thought and handed it back to the First Jade. Lan Xichen smiled back at him and patted his head to show him that he had done well. It made the boy grin happily at him.

He was now a lot more energetic than before and the First Jade prayed that the medicine would take effect soon. This could be dangerous.

Especially because Wei Wuxian was now trying to get out of the bed. He was looking around curiously and he seemed to realize that he was in an unfamiliar room. He looked closely at Lan Xichen, recognition making him shocked:

"Zewu-Jun?" he asked in a small voice. Lan Xichen held his breath.

Then, as if by magic, the boy's eyes became clouded again and he sat down on the bed heavily. When he looked up at the First Jade, he whispered: "No... Lan Zhan?"

Lan Xichen stilled. He was not sure it was a good thing if Wei Wuxian thought of him as Lan Wangji. It was true that he and his brother looked very much alike. People often confused them so it was no wonder that under the effects of the numbing medicine, Wei Wuxian did as well. It was only that Lan Xichen feared the boy would remember this morning and what had happened even before that. He felt like he was walking on the edge of a sword and could fall down any second.

He wanted to refute the statement and correct Wei Wuxian that he was not Lan Wangji, but somehow, he could not find it in himself to disappoint the other. Not when the Yunmeng Jiang sect disciple was looking at him with those love filled and adoring eyes, full of expectations and happiness. He could not bear to see him crumble.

So, instead of claiming he was in fact Lan Xichen, he asked: "Little Brother, are you alright?"

Just as a few hours before, Wei Wuxian frowned, looking confused. Only for a second though because Lan Xichen's hand came forward to steady him as he staggered a little bit in his siting position. He smiled back gratefully when the First Jade helped him to lean on the bed rest so he would be able to sit up on his own and stuffed a pillow behind his back.

"Thank you."

Lan Xichen only nodded and went to fetch the lunch which was thankfully still warm. He fed the Yunmeng Jiang sect head disciple who complied only too eagerly to the care. He then helped him to sit up again and when he realized that the boy would not be able to walk on his own, he gently lifted him in his arms and brought him to the prepared bathtub.

He lowered him inside as he was, still in the inner robe, and let him settle down. Wei Wuxian did not look uncomfortable taking a bath in his clothes so Lan Xichen did not try to take them away. It was for the sake of modesty as well as for his own sanity, he did not want to become hard again. In any case, there was no harm done, he already had a new set of robes which he had ordered to be brought from the boy's room. Wei Wuxian would surely feel more at ease in his own clothes.

He looked down and had to smile at how relaxed the Yunmeng Jiang sect head disciple looked. His hands were sprawled on the rim of the bathtub and his head was tilted backwards. His long black hair was falling down the side of the tub in a smooth waterfall of now unruly and slightly curved waves. His eyes were closed and his facial features relaxed. He almost looked like he was already sleeping again. He was beautiful.

Lan Xichen was just reaching for a hair brush and scented oils to start washing the boy's hair when Wei Wuxian mumbled something which left him completely stunned: "Lan Zhan... so good to me... not like Jiang Cheng at all..."

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