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George's POV

"Almost there" the mysterious blonde said as he helps me as I trip and land on his chest as I look up I see his yellow wait no green eyes as we make eye contact and noticed the height difference

"I- want to thank you for stopping that man" I blush "uh forget it" he said as he walks away
"So,this is your first time in the marketplace huh?" He questioned

As grabs a stick and uses it to get to the other side as his cat meows in fear "is it that obvious?" I ask as he chuckles "well, you do kind of stand out" he grins

As we make eye contact again before he breaks it "I mean uh, you don't seem to know how dangerous Kinoko can be" he sighs as he uses a blank to let me cross but I use a stick to get to the other side as

"Hmm, I'm a faster learner" I grin as I throw the stick to him as I see the shock faces of him and his cat as he chuckles "hey.." he whispered under his breath

"Come on, this way" he says as he leads me to a dark building "whoa, watch your head there" he says "be careful"

"Is this where you live?" I questioned "yep, just me and patches come and go as we please" he said

"That sounds fabulous" I smile "well, it's not much but It's got a great view" he says as he removes his ripped curtain as I see my kingdom

"Wow,The kingdom looks pretty amazing huh?" He questioned "oh,it's wonderful" I whispered as I turn around and sit down

"I wonder what it would be to live there" he said "and have servants and valets"
"Oh sure,people who tell you where to go and how to dress" I mumbled 

"It's better than here" he shrugs "you're always scraping for food and ducking the guards"
"You're not free to make your own choices" I mumbled

"Sometime you feel so" he says "you're just" I say "trapped" we said in sync (😏SYNC BB 💚💙😈)

As we look at each other as I smile to him as he clears his throat "so, where are you from?" He questioned "what does it matter?" I asked

"I ran away and I am not going back" I grumble "really? How come?" He asked "my father's forcing me to get married" I sigh

"Oh- that's..that's awful" he mumbled as he looks around my waist "PATCHES!" He yells as I see the cat run towards him and starts hissing

"What?" I asked "uh patches says uh, that's not fair" he says "oh, did she?" I questioned "yeah, of course" he smiles

"And does patches have anything else to say?" I asked "well uh, she wishes there was she could do to help" he smiles "hmm" I hummed

"Tell her,that's very sweet" I smile as we start to lean in but get stopped by a guard yelling "here you are!" The guard yelled

"They're after me!" He and I yelled "they're after you?" I and he yelled  in sync twice

"My father mush have sent them" I mumbled "do you trust me?" He questioned "what?" I asked "do you trust me?" He said again "yes" I say "then jump!" He shouts as we jump and land on a pile tress

POV switched to Third person POV

As Dream and George  bump into someone and hear "we just keep running into each other, don't we street rat?" The guard questioned

As the guard grabs Dream  by its neck as George see's patches scratches the man "run! Go! Get out of here!" Dream shouts as we see more guards

"Get this thing off me!" The guard shouts as he grabs patches and throws  her to a pot  (poor  patches 😭) " it's the dungeon for you boy" the guards grabs Dream by his jacket

as the guard throws Dream to the other guards  "get off of me" Dream shouts as the guard chuckles "let him go" George shouts

"Looky here, men, a street mouse" the guard says as he laughs as he throws George to floor "unhand him, by order of the prince" George shouts as he removes his hood  as the guards laughing dies down

"Prince George" the guard says as he bows "the prince?" Dream questioned  "what are doing outside the kingdom, and with this street rat?" The guard questioned

Hahahah cliffhanger lmao but till next time :) stay hydrated and healthy
745 words

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