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Third person POV

"That's not your concern,do as I command release him" George shouts "I would, prince expect my orders come from Wilbur" the guard says "You'll have to take it up with him"

"believe me , I will" George whispers

Meanwhile with Wilbur :)

As Wilbur secretly opens the slide door as he tries to closes it but hears "WILBUR?" George shouts "oh,prince" Wilbur questioned as closes the door

"AWK!Wilbur I'm suck" Tommy chokes "how mag I be of service to you? Wilbur questioned
"The guards just took a boy from the market, on your orders" George shouts

"Your father has charged me with keeping peace in Kinoko" Wilbur says "the boy was a criminal"

"What was his crime?" George questioned "I can't breathe,Wilbur" Tommy whispered "why, kidnapping the prince of course" Wilbur says

"If you could just-" Tommy says as he gets cut off by Wilbur hitting him with foot "Aah that hurt" Tommy whines

"He didn't kidnap me, I ran away" George shouts "oh dear" Wilbur sighs as he walks "oh,how frightfully upsetting,had I but known"

"What do you mean" George questioned "sadly, the boy's sentence has already been carried out" Wilbur evil grins

"What sentence?" George asked "death" Wilbur whisperers as George gasps in shock "by beheading" Wilbur whispered "no" George sighs

As George slights sits down "I am exceedingly sorry,prince" Wilbur sighs "How could you?!" George whispered shouted as George runs away to not cry in front of Wilbur

As Tommy tries to open the door as he fits inside as he starts coughing and lands on Wilbur's shoulder "so,how did it go?" Tommy asked

"I think he took it rather well" Wilbur smirks

Meanwhile with George also POV switch to George's btw this POV gonna be short :P

As I was crying on  the water fountain while  tiger was walking towards  me as I feel a head rub my waist and purring as I look up and see tiger

"It's all my fault,tiger" I sigh as I rub the tear off my eye "I didn't even know his name" I mumbled as I sob and hug tiger

Meanwhile :) with Dream so now dream's POV

As I try to get free but my hands are chained up to the wall as I sigh "he was the prince,I can't believe it" I sigh

"I must have sounded so stupid to him" I groan as I hear meows as I look up and see patches
"Patches, down here!" I whisper shouted

As I see patches jumping down "come on, help me out of there" I say as point to the chains as I see patches start mocking how I acted and the prince acted

"Hey,he was in trouble ah he was worth it" I smile as patches has the key in her mouth and climbs up my head and uses her mouth to try unlock the chains (smart patches/cat)

"Don't worry,patches I'll never see him again" I sigh "I'm a street rat, remember and there's a law"

"He's gotta marry a prince" I mumbled "he deserves a prince" as patches opens the chains as I sigh "I'm a fool"

"You're only a fool if you give up boy" ??? Said as I hear and look on my left and see a old man "who are you?" I questioned

"a lowly prisoner,like yourself" the old man said "but together,perhaps we can be more"
"I'm listening" I questioned

"There is a cave,boy a cave of wonders, filled with treasures beyond your wildest dream" he said "treasure enough to impress even your prince,I'd wager-"

Dream/Aladdin Dnf AuWhere stories live. Discover now