"Teaser" & Note from Author

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**Ava's Point of View**

*I woke up feeling so drowsy and weak. "Ughh...why do I feel like this?" I kept asking myself. I felt like my eyes were just so hazy and blurry. I kept rubbing my eyes until I slowly started to wake up and stretch. As I started stretching my legs I heard a subtle crinkle noise and felt this familiar feeling in between my legs. "I don't remember putting on a diaper after the party last night," I thought to myself. I stopped rubbing my eyes and slowly they started to focus on this object I saw hanging above me. "A baby mobile? What!" Then I slowly started to turn my head and glanced all around me to recognize these 5 foot white and wooden bars surrounding me. "A crib?" I thought to myself. "How is this even possible?" It was at that moment that my anxiety hit me like a ton of bricks, I wasn't in my apartment, so where was I? Just then my heart started racing and it was almost like I thought my heart was going to leap out of my chest. I slowly started to sit up and heard once again the subtle crinkle noises coming from the diaper in between in my legs. I removed the fuzzy gray blanket that was covering me and saw the plain white diaper in between my legs, hiding underneath the pink nightgown that read, "Little Princess." I quickly glanced around the room again and noticed the natural light streaming through the curtains in the window; it was so peaceful outside. I then recognized many items in the room from the changing table fully stocked with supplies to the huge rocking chair sitting in the corner of the room. "I don't understand. Where am I and how did I end up here?" I kept asking myself over and over again. It was at that moment that I heard noises outside the door and before I could even make a peep the door slowly started to creak open. I was so overwhelmed with so many feelings as I quickly crawled to the very back corner of the crib, grabbed the fuzzy gray blanket, and held it close to my chest. I watched with anticipation as two individuals (a woman and a man) entered the room and slowly started approaching the side of the crib.*

Theresa: "Hey little one, it's okay."

Ava: "Don't call me that" I snapped back. "Who the hell are you people?"

Johnny: "Well... that response is certainly not a good way to start things."

Theresa: "Johnny, take it easy on Ava. She's just scared, poor thing!"

*The room became silent and awkward because no one really knew what to say next.*

Theresa: "I'm Theresa and this is my husband, Johnny. It's okay! We aren't going to hurt you."

Ava: "Let me go," I demanded.

Johnny: "But- why would we do that? Why would you want to go?"

Ava: "Because this is ridiculous. I don't know you people and somehow you know me; you're both freaking me out. I don't know why you felt the need to take me here, put me in this stupid outfit and diaper. I am not a baby. I want to go home. Now!" I said sternly.

*Both Theresa and Johnny glanced at each other and then looked back at me sitting helplessly in the corner.*

Theresa: "Ava. It's okay, we are a part of the AB/DL community too."

Ava: "I...I don't know what you people might think you know about me, but... I don't know what the hell you're talking about." I stuttered as I bunched up as close to the corner of the crib as I can get.

Johnny: "Really Ava? You want to pretend like you don't know? You might think you don't know us, but you really do, you just might not recognize us. We are on a lot of social media outlets; just like you."

Theresa: "We are J&T_SwitchCoulple. Ever hear of us?"

*The room fell silent while they were waiting for my response. Of course I recognized who they were, everyone knows them! They are one of the hottest "power couples" in the AB/DL community but I wasn't going to let them know that. How they heck did they find me? How did they know who I was and that I was a part of the community on social media? I guess the most important question, what do they want from me? *

Ava: "Listen lady, I don't know whatever the hell this game is; but I don't want any part of it. Now let me out."

*Theresa and Johnny looked at each other surprised.*

Johnny: "No. I think you're going to stay right there until you learn to tell the truth and be respectful."

Ava: "Excuse me?"

Johnny: "You heard me. We are leaving you here," he snapped back.

Ava: "Your joking, right?" I asked as the slowly walked away.

*Just then Theresa turned around to face me again.*

Theresa: "Listen Ava. You can either do this the easy way and be honest with yourself and with us about your deepest secret. Or the hard way. You choose."

*Once again the room fell silent as Johnny turned around as well. At this point they were both staring at me and waiting for a response.*

Ava: "I...I don't know what you're talking about."

Johnny: "Alright. We'll take that as the hard way," he responded as both him and Theresa started to walk out of the room.

Ava: "Ughhh... THIS IS SO DUMB! Let me out NOW... I want to go home. I want my friends. I don't want to be here. Let me out, please- I have to pee."

*Johnny was the first to walk out of the room with Theresa slowly following behind and then turning around to face me again from the entryway.*

Theresa: "You are home sweet girl. You aren't being very nice to mommy and daddy right now. We are just trying to help you and give you want you want. Isn't this what you've always wanted? I think the little angel is just a little grumpy." She cooed.

*My face grew a bit red from the humiliation and embarrassment.*

Ava: "Stop it."

Theresa: "Why? Because you know that we know the truth about you. It's been cute watching you pretend to be this grown adult but it's not the true you, is it?" She remarked with a smirk on her face.

*I was silent, not knowing what to say. Just then (while still remaining in the entryway) Theresa reached for the door handle and started to slowly close the door.*

Theresa: "You know what to do when little babies have to go to the bathroom. Use that thick padding in between their legs and then do nothing but cry after..." She remarked right before she closed the door, leaving me completely alone.

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