Chapter Eight: After This

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You break away from him eventually. You don't want to, of course, but there is the small problem of the fact that Trask still has dozens of soldiers out to capture both of you, and they're not exactly going to sit around and wait for the two of you to have your moment. Eventually, you can hear the sound of marching footsteps and rolling tires grow ever closer, and at that point you do have to step away and leave that quiet space with the two of you for the rest of the world.

You're not entirely willing to give him up, though, even for survival, so the two of you keep your fingers interlocked as you walk. You use your powers to burn away the roots of a few trees near the road to block the guards' path, and when you turn back, you notice that Warren is watching you, eyes soft as he looks between you and the fire smoldering in your palm.

"What?" Warren shrugs, although he can't seem to shake his smile. "Nothing. It's just interesting to see you do that." You laugh. "Well, I'm glad you think so." You don't know when he changed to think your mutation was something worth admiring, but you can't deny that you appreciate it.

The two of you make your way down the road, occasionally stopping to dodge patrols or check that you're going the right way. After a few turns and about half an hour longer, you can spot a nearby town somewhere in the difference. This is a good sign- if there's a town, there are people, and Trask's soldiers can't try to kidnap you and Warren if there are witnesses.

Trask seems to know this too, which is why he orders his guards to launch one last desperate attempt to drag you back to his laboratories. By now, though, you and Warren have been able to get enough of a head start that you're able to successfully evade them. From there, all you have to do is cross the road, and then you're safe in the town.

Warren points towards a convenience store a little bit down the main road. "There. We can call Xavier, make him take us back." You nod, and walk over. There are a few picnic tables scattered aimlessly around a grassy area near the parking lot, so you fling your now very worn backpack down on top of it and rummage around inside for your burner phone. Beside you, Warren collapses down on a bench near you with a grateful sigh of relief.

You glance over at him as you turn on the phone, unable to hide a laugh. "What, are you telling me that running for your life for hours on end has made you tired?" Warren squints balefully up at you. "Only a little bit. It's a personal failure, I'll admit it." You grin, typing out a message to Xavier about what happened. A few minutes later, he texts you back asking to call you. You hold up the screen to Warren, who nods, then walk a few feet away so you can take the call.

The Professor sounds exhausted when he picks up. Technically, it is still very early in the morning, although you'd kind of forgotten that during the mad flight from Trask's school. You sum up what happened, ending with the fact that you and Warren are now stranded in a local town with Trask's forces hovering on the horizon.

Xavier sighs in a haze of static. "Well, it seems that the mission didn't go as well as we'd hoped. At least I have a reason to pursue legal action on the school." You raise an eyebrow. "That is why we were sent here, was it not?" You can hear a sound over the phone that vaguely sounds like the Professor shrugging his shoulders. "I had intended for a little more undercover work, but yes, you got the job done."

A furrow is settling between your brows at his words, but you do your best to keep your anger in check. Xavier's probably just tired because of the early morning. You plaster on a fake smile and hope he can't hear your irritation through the phone. "When will we be picked up?"

Xavier pauses for a moment before responding. "I don't know. I am hesitant to bring the jet or any of our friends if Trask's forces are still close." Your stomach drops. "You don't actually mean to say that you're going to leave us here until you think things are better?" Warren glances over at you from the park bench, and starts to frown when he sees the look in your face.

Flint and Steel: A Warren Worthington III SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now